After hearing what Hawkeye Mihawk said, Bai Ze took another look at his disdainful expression and immediately understood what Hawkeye Mihawk was thinking!

Outnumbered? Sneak attack? Unfair victory?

Bai Ze looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with a sneer on his face and said,

"You are a pirate, we are the navy, and it is our navy's mission to destroy you. To this end... we can use any means, even despicable ones... just to kill you as quickly and steadily as possible!"

"Did we come all the way here just to fight you? This... How can we be worthy of those dead comrades!"

Bai Ze's heart-piercing words made the already hurt Hawkeye Mihawk's face even paler... He wanted to refute but couldn't.

Yes, he is a pirate and the other party is a navy, they should do their best to kill him!

Akainu on the side looked at Bai Ze with admiration at the moment, thinking in his heart that Bai Ze has really grown up...

There is more than just hatred in his eyes, which is good... very good, just like when I met my first master.

When I walked out of the extreme hatred and became a person who can live for himself... Akainu clearly remembered his master Zefa's satisfaction with him at that time.

"Sakaski... I believe you will become a better navy than me!"

It's just that the current teacher Zefa has changed a little. Akainu hasn't talked to this teacher for a long time... I only know that something bad seems to have happened to him.

On the other side, Bai Ze still didn't let Hawkeye Mihawk go. He raised his right hand and the Devil's Cry on his waist immediately appeared in his hand! Then he pointed at Hawkeye Mihawk with an indifferent face and continued,

"Your idea of a real samurai showdown is ridiculous to us!"

"So today... please take the blame for the innocent deaths of so many of our comrades!... Go to hell!"

Bai Ze's words not only angered Hawkeye Mihawk, but also aroused the bloodlust of the surrounding navy!

Thinking of those hardworking compatriots being killed just by passing through the enemy's territory, this group of people was filled with anger and could not release it!

"Lieutenant General White Demon, kill that righteous guy... let him die with his pride!"

"Kill him and avenge our comrades!"

"Kill him!"

Some hot-tempered marines ignored the dangers of the battlefield and rushed towards Hawkeye Mihawk with swords in hand... One of his good brothers of more than ten years was one of the marines killed by Hawkeye...

He must not give up such a good opportunity for revenge today!

"Damn... you bunch of weak ants!!"

Having been beaten to pieces by Akainu, Hawkeye Mihawk, who could only hold on with his extraordinary physique, looked at the group of guys he regarded as ants rushing towards him with an angry face, wanting to take his life!

For him who was extremely proud... this was unforgivable!

He was about to swing the black knife and kill the group of ants, but Bai Ze standing aside suddenly raised his knife and chopped!

Hawkeye Mihawk was forced to block it!


The black knife trembled, and Hawkeye Mihawk looked at Bai Ze with murderous intent... What on earth did this guy want to do?

The answer to him was Bai Ze's ruthlessness. At the moment of fighting with Hawkeye Mihawk... Bai Ze's blood-red pupils were slightly aborted, and the divine power was unbearable. The force of space that resisted acted on Hawkeye Mihawk's right arm holding the knife!

Then... snap... snap!

How could Hawkeye Mihawk, who couldn't even use his Armament Haki, resist the powerful power of Kamui? Soon, his right arm was sucked into the Kamui space. The black knife that had been accompanying him, Ye, also fell to the ground with a bang!

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at all this in disbelief, but before he could react... the navy soldiers who rushed over had already killed him!

One of them even punched him in the face, deforming his face!

Akainu and Shirazawa looked at each other and took a few steps back to let the battlefield go!

"Fuck you, the greatest swordsman in the world...give me back my life!"


Several navy soldiers launched an attack directly towards Hawkeye Mihawk. Hawkeye Mihawk wanted to resist or even kill... But at every critical moment, Bai Ze would use the power of God... leaving Hawkeye Mihawk with nothing but passive attacks!

In just a few minutes, Hawkeye Mihawk experienced the greatest humiliation of his life... He was being defeated by the guys he regarded as ants!

Not only that, the other spectators saw that Hawkeye Mihawk really couldn't cause them any harm and rushed over to beat him up!

"Damn it... Damn it.……"

At this moment, Hawkeye Mihawk has completely lost his previous elegant posture. His defense has been completely broken... It would be better if he just died just now?

Bai Ze and Akainu both looked at all this with indifference. They would not be stupid enough to empathize with Hawkeye Mihawk!

Especially Bai Ze, who would be happy to let some pirates die at the most painful moment...

Empress Boa Hancock loves beauty and thinks that her appearance is better than anything else. Bai Ze will let her miserable appearance be shown to everyone before she dies.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who thinks highly of himself as the world's number one swordsman, has the arrogance of the strongest. Let him enjoy being defeated by those guys he regards as ants before dying...

At this moment, Hawkeye Mihawk was beaten by a group of people. He lost too much blood and couldn't even stand up at this moment... He looked at the sky with a distracted look and ignored the people who were still attacking him.

His mind was full of memories of his life... He had been a genius since childhood, and had traveled across the seas, seeking out countless powerful enemies and then defeating them... He eventually became the world's greatest swordsman!

When did all this start to change? Was it because he casually killed a group of ants that he didn't like?

Hawkeye Mihawk actually regretted it at this moment... He regretted being too arrogant and not leaving a trace of mercy to the other party!

But this thought only flashed through his mind for a moment and was crushed... Because he thought of Bai Ze. If it weren't for this guy's intervention, even if he really lost... he would die gloriously!


Hawkeye Mihawk turned his head with great effort, stretched out the only usable left hand and pointed at Bai Ze, wanting to say something, but the next moment!

Bai Ze's blood-red pupils trembled, and the Divine Power was activated again, coming directly in front of him!

Without waiting for his last words to fall, Bai Ze raised the magic sword Ghost God Weeping expressionlessly... and then chopped off his head with one knife!

High blood spurted out!

It also indicated that the life of the world's number one swordsman finally ended at this moment! The last battle of his life was glorious and tragic. First, he fought with Akainu with all his strength for five days without being defeated... but in the end, he was humiliated to the extreme before he died.

Bai Ze didn't want to think so much, but listened to Hua's voice in his mind with a little excitement in his eyes.

〖Ding! Successfully kill a pirate with a bounty of 3 billion berries, and you will be rewarded with 3,000 massacre points! 〗 (The official bounty for Hawkeye Mihawk's becoming the King of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was not given before... I just set one directly, don't worry too much about it)

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