"Um... I'm Akainu!"

Akainu said calmly while holding the Den Den Mushi.

A steady but tired voice soon came back from the other end of the line. It was Sengoku, the admiral of the navy.

He was sitting in the office at the moment, looking haggard as if he had been ruined by something, but he still calmed down and asked as much as he could.

"How is the situation over there?"

Zhan Guo was very nervous at the moment, fearing that he would hear some bad news again.

However, Akainu's reply still made him a little happy. He saw Akainu briefly describe the results of the battles in the past few days.

"Hawkeye Mihawk and Boa Hancock were killed, and our side suffered casualties... The other side... Now that little fellow Bai Ze has temporarily left... I think the little fellow might give us another surprise the next time we meet!"

Akainu said everything he could say, and as for the Eight Gates Ninjutsu, he hid it... He didn't say anything about the Conqueror's Haki either, because it would be exposed sooner or later anyway!


On the other end of Den Den Mushi, Sengoku nodded excitedly... Fortunately, this is one of the few good news in these days.

The death of the two Shichibukai who led the trouble will have a great impact on the future war situation. The navy does not need to spend manpower to guard against them...

As for the Four Emperors...

Sengoku finally calmed down and started to talk to Akainu about business!

"Aokiji and Kizaru are seriously injured... and they won't be healed for a while!"

Although he had just heard the news, Akainu's heart sank when he heard Sengoku say it in person... He asked with an ugly expression

"What happened?"

Zhan Guo also simply began to tell Akainu about the major events that had happened during this period of time, as well as the reasons just now!

That is, since the alliance between the Beasts Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates for more than two months, these guys have finally occupied the surrounding territories, and even maximized the strength of the two pirate groups!

The number of members of the pirate group has reached its peak. With their reputation and strength reaching this point, they finally began to test the navy.

First, more than ten pirate ships were sent out to launch a surprise attack on the marginal islands where the navy was stationed at the same time, causing considerable losses to the navy... This was a test of the bottom line of the navy. If the navy did not respond, the other party would only become more arrogant.

So Zhan Guo immediately sent Kizaru to the other party's territory to retaliate. It was very smooth before... But in the BIGMOM Wan Guo, Kizaru was ambushed by the other party.

It seems that the other party had thought of this level long ago. The four emperors Big Mom led two extremely powerful sons, and Quinn, one of the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates, directly launched a siege against Kizaru!

"Charlotte Linlin, plus those three guys?"

When Akainu heard Sengoku say this, his scalp tingled a little. It was really possible for this level of lineup to kill a navy admiral!

But what about Aokiji?

Akainu was a little curious, but he still subconsciously asked about Kizaru.

"So...was Kizaru seriously injured by this group of guys?"

"……No," Sengoku shook his head and said,"He resisted the combined efforts of four people and killed a Big Mom's son. Except for Big Mom, the other two guys also suffered serious injuries... Although Kizaru was slightly injured, he still managed to escape from the Bankuo area with the power of the Pika Pika Nomi!"


At this point, Sengoku and Akainu twitched their mouths at the same time with strange expressions. This old guy Kizaru has never used his full strength... It seems that this guy's real strength is indeed much stronger than what he showed!

He resisted the offensive of the Four Emperors and several pirates above the 500 million level by himself, fought against four, killed one and finally escaped...

This is really amazing!

"Then why is this guy still seriously injured? And Aokiji is also injured……"

Akainu asked in confusion,"Didn't Kizaru escape?"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's face darkened... because what he was about to say was the key point!

"Because just when he was about to leave Banko, he met... Kaido, Kaido of Beasts!"

Sengoku continued with an unpleasant expression,"Kaido of Beasts, along with King, one of the Three Calamities, plus Big Mom's eldest son Charlotte, Perospero, and several other Big Mom's children seemed to have been waiting there for a long time... in order to kill a navy admiral without a doubt!"

After Sengoku finished speaking, Akainu closed his eyes with a solemn expression. He knew what this situation meant... After adjusting for a while, he continued to speak.

"You continue……"


The conversation between the two lasted for a long time, so long that the navy guard who had been guarding outside was a little sleepy, but he still managed to stay awake and didn't say to change shifts. He was just a little puzzled about what happened inside.

Why was there the sound of banging the table, and then cursing... But after a while, it was extremely quiet, and at this moment there was only the heavy breathing inside!

It was as if the people inside were trying their best to suppress something...


Finally, with a creaking sound, the door opened, and Akainu walked out with an undisguised solemn expression!

Then he walked to the deck by himself, leaned against the railing on the side, took out a cigar, lit it, and blew the sea breeze... I wonder what he was thinking?

"What happened to Commander Akainu?……"

"I don’t know, it’s probably because Aokiji and Admiral Kizaru were seriously injured!"

"Alas, the two admirals were seriously injured. Our navy will have a hard time in the future.……"


Akainu was smoking a cigar and didn't have time to care about what other people thought. At this moment, he was still thinking about the secret information that Sengoku had just told him with a serious face!

One was the matter of Kizaru and Aokiji being seriously injured. It turned out that after Kizaru had to face the two Four Emperors, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido, plus a group of strong men, he still relied on the ability of the Flash Fruit to hold on to the nearest support!

That is Aokiji!

The two fought with this group of strong men on this small island for a whole day and night... In the end, Aokiji and Kizaru were seriously injured and fled, several children died on Big Mom's side, and two of the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates were seriously injured!

In fact, Kizaru and Aokiji might not be able to escape... Mainly because Garp, who was far away in the Navy Headquarters, finally came on the last day! He left with two seriously injured admirals with absolute strength, and he also paid a lot of price!

Akainu's scalp went numb when he heard the news. He couldn't imagine if Aokiji and Kizaru were really left there... Even if some of the other party's people were taken away, it would be a huge loss!

The navy was definitely hit hard at that time...

In addition, there is a more hidden news...

There is a hidden traitor in the navy's top brass, otherwise Kizaru's whereabouts would not be leaked so easily.

A top-level traitor is at least a person who can sit at the most important table... This kind of guy has the possibility of accessing first-hand information!

Akainu sighed helplessly. He looked at the vast sea and felt powerless for the first time.

Internal and external troubles...

The pirates on the opposite side know that they need to unite at this time. Why don't those damn guys in the navy understand such a simple truth... They are still fighting among themselves at this time. Aren't they dying of boredom fast enough?

Of course, these are not the most headaches for Akainu. The most important thing is... the last thing that Sengoku said

"Charlotte Linlin's second son, Charlotte, Katakuri, appears in the Whitebeard Pirates' territory and meets with them. Jack, one of the Three Calamities of the Beasts Pirates, appears in the Red Hair Pirates' territory and meets with Red Hair Shanks."

"Suspected of seeking an alliance!"

The Four Emperors are forming an alliance!

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Akainu sighed deeply, but subconsciously thought of a young figure... His brows slowly relaxed and regained color.

There is also a variable on the Navy side!

Everything is possible!

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