In the Whitebeard Pirates' territory, the Moby Dick, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, had a somewhat strange uninvited guest today!

The man carried a halberd on his shoulder, and a long gray scarf-like thing covered most of his face, leaving only a pair of cold eyes!

The man walked very steadily, but with unimaginable momentum!

His name is Charlotte, Katakuri, the son of Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors, and the most unique one among Charlotte Linlin's children!

As the second son, he actually has his own ideas... The relationship with other brothers and sisters is not very good, but his talent and strength are recognized by Big Mom, even if Big Mom doesn't like this child very much... She also gave him this difficult task!

And this difficult task is nothing else, that is, to form an alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates, and then attack the navy together!

Not long after he stepped into the Whitebeard Pirates' territory, he was discovered by the other side... He also stated his purpose very frankly, that is, to meet their father Whitebeard, Edward, and Newgate!

Several members of the Whitebeard Pirates knew that a senior cadre who was also one of the Four Emperors was not easy to mess with, so they quickly reported it... and Whitebeard's reply came quickly!

He allowed Katakuri to board the ship to meet him!

So... we have the current scene!

The mighty and huge Moby Dick, at this moment, gathered many senior cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates who loved to watch the fun, such as some squad captains, and some powerful fighters!

Marco, the captain of the first squad, was among them. He crossed his legs and supported his head with one hand... He looked at Katakuri in the distance with a lazy face and said

"This guy is the old woman's second child, Katakuri? I heard that this guy is different from the old woman's other children... He is a guy that people really look up to!"

In the eyes of some real masters, Katakuri is still very famous!

Diamond Joz on the side curled his lips and refuted

"Is he strong? I don't think so... I feel that guy is not as good as you, Marco!"

Diamond Joz's chubby face broke into a smile, which was a wave of rainbow farts. The other captains of the squads also joked.

"That’s right, that’s right… No matter how powerful that guy is, he’s not as powerful as Captain Marco, who we nicknamed the Phoenix!"

"That’s right, I also can’t stand that guy’s arrogant attitude... He is definitely not as good as our captain!"

"Me too!"


The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are like family and brothers, so they like to laugh and play. But after laughing for a while, Marco began to calm down.

He began to think about the purpose of Katakuri's coming here! Thinking of the big moves of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates in recent times... Marco had a bold guess!

This guy is not going to...……


While everyone was laughing, Katakuri had already boarded the ship with steady steps!

However, as soon as they met, the group of people around him gave him a hint of majesty, not very friendly!

Katakuri did not indulge them either, and the domineering aura in his body was suddenly released, instantly crushing the opponent's momentum back.

It also made several people embarrassed, and some places were just messed up. A group of people looked at this uninvited guest with anger on their faces. If his teammates hadn't stopped them, they would have gone up to fight!


Katakuri snorted coldly. Although he came here today to seek an alliance... he couldn't weaken the momentum of his own pirate group!

Finally, Katakuri walked to the center of the Moby Dick and met the real owner of the pirate ship!

The guy known as the strongest man on the sea, Whitebeard, Edward, Newgate!

At this moment, he was still supporting his head with one hand, as if he was sleeping soundly. This white-haired old man was covered with tubes and looked very weak!

"Is this Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man on the sea? It seems... just like that, nothing special!"

Katakuri looked at the other party and said secretly in his heart, and his respect for this legendary man was a little less!

But the next moment!

The man who had been sleeping soundly suddenly opened his eyes, and his old eyes released a strange color. He suddenly said in a deep voice

""Young man, do you drink?"

Katakuri, who felt a huge pressure instantly, frowned and said

"Sorry... I don't drink!"

As soon as he said this, the old man got rid of the needle and stood up. He said with unparalleled pressure.

"I don't like guys who can't drink... Young man, you'd better stay away from me!"

After saying that, he actually picked up the Kusukimi-Kiri beside him and slashed at him!

Katakuri was shocked and was forced to take out the halberd behind him to meet him!


The domineering aura of the two was suddenly released at the same time. Several members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were watching the battle couldn't stand still for a while and were directly shocked back several steps!

The fierce gale made many people's faces hurt!

And here!

Katakuri struggled to resist the attack of the old man, and the contempt in his heart just now disappeared... The old man in front of him was really terrible!


After fighting for a while, Whitebeard pressed the big knife down without changing his expression, which made Katakuri unable to hold on and retreated several steps, and even almost fell!

Whitebeard finally put away his momentum and said in a deep voice

"In my territory, you better put away your pride……"

This was his way of showing his power to Katakuri for what he had just done to his family!

"Got it! Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

Katakuri finally put away his proud look and spoke seriously.

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