Jack has been in a state of confusion since he came to the Red-haired Shanks's trump card, because he found that this group of pirates is not the same as he knew... a little too late!

Especially the one-armed man in the lead!

Jack subconsciously drank the wine while looking at this strange man!

Red-haired Shanks... The youngest of the Four Emperors actually visited their Beast Pirates, but he was not there at that time... And after the other party left, his extremely proud boss Kaido reminded himself not to provoke the other party!

This is the first time that his boss has spoken to him like this, and the two guys Jin and Quinn are the same... But Jack, who is also extremely proud, still has a little doubt in his heart.

He doesn't think that this one-armed man is stronger than his boss, so he still despises the man in front of him!

"Drink, brother... When you come to our place, just relax and don't think too much.……"

"Drink, drink!"

Shanks blushed and spoke like a drunkard.

The others were similar, all of them greeted Jack enthusiastically, as if Jack was also a companion of their pirate group.……

"Drink, brother, don't you even know how to drink? This is not a man.……"

"Hehe...are the guys from the Beasts Pirates like this too?"


Everyone was laughing and joking, as if they had no idea that something serious was going to happen!

Only one man with a stern face was leaning against a stone. He smiled and looked at everyone, very quietly!

"Well... let's see who can drink more than whom?"

Seeing this, Jack snorted coldly, picked up the barrel next to him and poured it into his mouth!

This caused a round of cheers!


This strange style of painting continued until the night fell. A group of Red Hair Pirates members were drunk and lay down casually... The others who were still awake were also talking drunkenly!

Even Red Hair Shanks was holding a barrel and snoring loudly, not looking like a strong man at all!

Jack was almost drunk at this moment, and accidentally knocked his head against a stone beside him. The pain finally made him sober up a lot.

"Damn... I'm here to discuss an alliance!"

Jack looked at the guys who fell around him speechlessly. What kind of pirate group is this?

Thinking that today's mission has not been completed yet!

Jack shrugged and hesitated for a while before walking directly in the direction of Red-haired Shanks. He wanted to wake this guy up to discuss business!

Tap tap!

But just after taking two steps, Jack suddenly felt a chill beside him, and his hair stood up in shock...

He turned around and saw that the stern man who had been quiet since the beginning of the banquet was holding a gun in his right hand almost to his forehead!

""Don't move!"

Beckman tilted his head and said indifferently,"My captain is resting, don't disturb him!"

While speaking, Beckman's expressionless face seemed to kill Jack at will!

This made Jack, whose self-esteem was fragile, directly angry.

"What the hell do you want to do... Do you know what I came here for?"

Jack was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Why did these guys act like crazy and not follow common sense?

"You know... Didn't Kaido send you to form an alliance with us to fight against the navy together?"

Jack's face changed drastically when he said this.

"You...how do you know?"

Beckman, the brain trust of the Red Hair Pirates, glanced at this guy with a missing string in his head speechlessly.

He put away his gun and lay on the stone beside him in a bored manner and said softly

"If you just want to discuss this matter with us, then please go back... because our decision is to refuse. Our Red Hair Pirates will not form an alliance with any of your families, nor will we go to war with the navy!"


Jack said with a grim expression,"And can you make this decision on behalf of your captain?"

Beckman said indifferently,"Of course, that lazy guy would like me to ask him to do more!"


Jack wanted to talk to Beckman about the young navy officer Bai Ze. That bastard had chopped off one of his arms.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Bai Ze's growth rate was really too fast. He might not be his opponent now.

But Beckman seemed to be able to guess what Jack would say. He slowly lit a cigar and said lazily:

"Are you talking about a navy named Bai Ze? He is very powerful and may threaten us in the future, so we should get rid of him as soon as possible.……"Beckman smiled sarcastically.

"Unfortunately, we know that guy and we almost fought him...so we know how powerful that young navy man is!"

After hearing this, Jack asked a little puzzled,

"Then you still refuse the alliance. If that troublesome kid really grows up... we will all be finished!"

Bai Ze, Bai Ze!

Now this guy is almost becoming the nightmare of the Beasts Pirates. The stronger the opponent is, the more nervous they are, because they know that they are real enemies... the kind of either you or me!

That's why Kaido is so impatient!

Beckman glanced at Jack and said,

"We have our own considerations, and you don't need to know the reasons... and we know better than you how powerful that navy boy is!"

Beckman narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Jack's tone and attitude!

Jack looked at Beckman deeply, and then looked at the drunk guys on the side.

He said,

"You will regret your decision today.……"

After saying that, Jack turned around and strode away without hesitation. He knew that staying here any longer would be a waste of time. This alliance trip... had failed!

Jack walked while thinking, could the alliance of the two Four Emperors-level pirate groups really defeat the navy?

Sadness... When did their Beasts Pirates become so critical?

Was it the battle that day?...No, no, no, it might have been earlier. It was one of their senior cadres who, by mistake, let his men kill the entire village of that boy!

They were the ones who created such a terrifying boy!

Jack took a few deep breaths and his steps gradually became disordered.……


After Jack left!

At this moment, in the originally quiet banquet venue, Beckman was smoking a cigar and looking at the moonlight. I wonder what he was thinking?

"Beckman... don't think too much, just let everything go!"

A steady voice sounded from the field, Beckman turned his head and saw... and met the eyes of the owner of the voice!

The owner of the voice had only one arm, and it was naturally the leader of the Red Hair Pirates, Red Hair Shanks!

At this moment, he was still drunk, and his deep eyes seemed to contain everything!

At the same time!

One by one, the members of the Red Hair Pirates who were still sleeping just now all climbed up... They tilted their necks, and the drunkenness just now instantly dissipated!

They looked at Shanks with a worried expression and said


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