
Many people shouted hesitantly. In fact, those who were already accustomed to banquets already had the ability to sober up instantly.

After all, they were worried about their companions, and they always thought that they should keep an eye on everyone!

So after hearing the conversation between Beckman and Jack just now, everyone had complicated expressions!

Alliance with the royal forces?

They really couldn't imagine that there would be such a day, and all this was because of... that boy?

Everyone recalled in their minds how calm the slender boy was when he met their group of people a few months ago!

Red-haired Shanks looked at the brothers around him helplessly, hesitant to speak... and looked at Beckman on the side. After getting the other's nod, Shanks slowly spoke

"The situation in the sea is now very complicated. First, the Seven Warlords of the Sea were destroyed one by one, then the Four Emperors were formed, and now the Four Emperors' pattern is broken... The two emperors formed an alliance, and even now there is an alliance of more emperor-level forces!"

"It is indeed very abnormal that such a big change happened within a few months... and"

Shanks looked at everyone calmly and said,"I also know the root cause!"

""What's the reason?"

Someone asked, Shanks nodded and continued,

"That's the boy we met a few months ago. Do you remember the scene when I met that guy?"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't say anything... Obviously, it was a shameful moment that they didn't want to recall.

After all, the Red Hair Pirates were so scared when they faced that boy!

Shanks glanced at everyone's faces and said with a serious face

"That boy was even more powerful and weird than I thought... After that chance encounter, Beckman and I actually studied that guy carefully.……"

Shanks began to analyze his conjectures with everyone word by word, making everyone's faces more and more serious!

Simply put, so many changes in the maritime situation were caused by that young navy, and the opponent's strength has recently been able to kill a strong man of Hawkeye Mihawk's level...

This situation has already shown that the latter's rise is unstoppable!

It is even more perverted than the rise of the previous Pirate King Roger!

After Shanks finished speaking, the whole scene fell into a long silence!

After a long time!

Shanks showed his signature heartless smile, he clapped his hands and laughed.

"Oh... why are you all so depressed? Don’t you still believe in me, your captain? No matter what the future holds... follow me!"

"Absolutely right!"


Shanks's laughter still made the heavy atmosphere in the field much lighter. A group of people smiled at Shanks again.

"That’s right, there are more people following the captain...there’s no need for us to panic!"

"The captain is the most powerful one, no one else can help him!"



Shanks looked at the smiling faces of the crowd and laughed out loud, but Beckman, who was most familiar with him, knew that this guy's frown had never fallen!

Because during this period of time, since Shanks accidentally encountered that Bai Ze, he was like a different person after he came back... He became very irritable and irritable.

Beckman knew the reason, because that boy finally made his captain, who controlled everything, finally realize that there were things he couldn't control...

So, Shanks told Beckman about his worries, and he said that he saw a terrible corner of the future!

In that corner of the future, he saw that slender young navy was like a demon killing all around... And he also saw an incredible scene.

He saw many dead strong men appear in that battle...

In that battle, many people were not the enemy of that boy!

This terrifying corner of the future made Shanks a little bit broken, and he didn't calm down until recently... It seemed that he thought of a way to break the deadlock!

Beckman once asked whether to join forces with other forces to kill Bai Ze in advance, but the red-haired man shook his head and showed a bitter smile.……

"When that day comes, you will know... I hope you won’t blame me!"


Beckman put away his messy thoughts, turned around and joined everyone in having fun again. There was no other reason... He believed that his captain would not let him down!



On the other side!

Bai Ze, who has attracted the attention of many forces, is in a place that no one could have imagined. At this moment, he is driving a boat in a fog!

The fog here is so thick that you can hardly see everything around you. This is a particularly strange place on the Grand Line, the Triangle of Terror!

And Bai Ze's target this time is exactly where he has been before, the Terror Triangle Sailboat!

The territory of Gekko Moriah, one of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea... Of course, the new owner of the Terror Triangle Sailboat is almost Bai Ze! After all,

Gekko Moriah has been killed by him, and his purpose this time is very simple, that is... to collect corpses!

Gekko Moriah is a corpse collector, because the latter's special devil fruit ability and research needs this guy went to many places and brought back many corpses of strong men!

With the Impure World Reincarnation Technique, Bai Ze, this Terror Triangle Sailboat is almost equivalent to his treasure land!

There are countless corpses of strong men for him to use, and he can easily build an army of corpses!

On the deck of the ship at this moment!

Bai Ze put his hands behind his back and looked at a black figure slowly appearing in front of him.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a suppressed smile of excitement

"My home court... is finally here!"

Bai Ze knew that when he left this place and appeared again, he would appear in a brand new form!

Four emperors?


Bai Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he felt that his goal seemed to be coming soon!

At that time, his childish oath to kill all the pirates in the world seemed to be really achievable! ps: Hey, it seems that no one is watching it now... Helpless, it may really be���It’s not well written!

I hope that by the end of this book, there will be more people left!

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