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"Hey guys, let's go to the island together!" Xia Hao raised his arm and called out, and the Haotian began to rush towards the island behind the vortex of the ocean current. At full speed, the Haotian had already exceeded the speed of sound and was heading towards an unknown place. The lions and elephants fighting on the island only felt a loud noise that resounded through the sky from afar.

Then the whole island was shaking, and the battle stopped instantly. From afar, a huge monster rushed over at high speed, and a terrifying air wave shock wave Sweeping ahead recklessly, countless trees as thick as a man's embrace were broken in half, and the two majestic beasts were blown away. They looked at the Haotian pirate ship in horror and quickly fled from the coast.

On the other side, the Haotian The huge ship directly rushed onto the large island and connected tightly together. From a distance, it looked like a small island attached to the original ecology, and it remained motionless despite the constant scouring of the sea water.

"What a resource-rich island!" Xia Hao looked into the distance, his mouth slightly raised. Just now, with his observation Haki, Xia Hao clearly sensed that nearly a thousand beasts were the Haotian Pirates. In addition to Xia Hao, A Xing, and Meng There are three people in the mountain who cannot win in close combat, and there are ten beasts with overwhelming momentum. The pressure of their breath is almost the same as Mengshan and Axing.

"Good place, it is really a great place to practice! I have decided, Haotian Pirates All members of the group will rest here until they achieve satisfactory results! " Xia Hao finished speaking, and the Haotian Pirate Ship quickly generated a transparent protective shield that could isolate everything except the Haotian Pirates.

"Okay! , OK, I wonder if the barbecue skewers made from the beasts on this island will taste good," Ah Xing said with a smile, looking at the huge beasts in front of him, and a little saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Why not just grab one? I just can't use my strength as I want to do recently." Mengshan clenched his fists and answered seriously. Because of the giants, he often eats as much as Haotian Pirates. The rest of the group of five or six people usually cook for themselves, which makes Mengshan feel a little embarrassed.

However, on this island full of large beasts, there is no need to worry about food. Therefore, Mengshan can't wait to catch a beast to try. Taste it.

"That's right, let's go and have a look together. It's a good opportunity to practice our own fighting methods and abilities." Xia Hao nodded, agreed to the solution proposed by Mengshan, and strode forward.

" What tall trees! You can't see the end at a glance! "Keli followed Mina, jumping around and looking left and right, saying happily.

Because this was her first time traveling far from home, she was very curious about the outside world. As she walked, Klee was quickly attracted by the herbs on the ground. She then transformed into a little herb princess and kept picking them. The backpack behind him was full of herbs.

Just as the Haotian Pirates were walking towards the center of the island, a fierce beast roared, the earth was shaking, and a terrifying aura came from the depths of the forest. The noisy beasts suddenly quieted down, without any sound.


The low tiger roar was getting closer and closer, and a sturdy and aggressive white-eyed tiger appeared in front of all the members of the Haotian Pirates. In front of him, the sharp teeth released a cold light in the sunlight. Even under the scorching sun, the air around him felt cold.

"What a coincidence! I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door." Xia Hao looked at The ferocious tiger in front of him thought of something good and twisted his mouth, then disappeared in a flash.

"I'll leave it to you. Just treat it as the first test of landing on the island!"

"Hehehe, no problem, boss, just wait and see!" As soon as Ah Xing finished speaking, he immediately turned into a half-beast, and a powerful wind blade The sides of his body kept rotating, and he looked at the tiger in front of him and rushed forward first.

He did not use the power of the devil fruit, and used domineering or physical skills during the battle. This was also the purpose of Xia Hao's training this time, to remove The dregs, keep improving, let everyone in the Haotian Pirates fully develop their abilities in all aspects.


Axing's rapid attack made the giant tiger immediately take a defensive posture. At the moment when Axing was about to hit the tiger's body, the The huge tiger tilted its head slightly, then suddenly raised its right claw and fiercely collided with Ah Xing's fist. The terrifying strange force collided, and the overbearing shock wave hit everything around it recklessly.

"So strong!" Ah Xing Looking at the motionless tiger, he muttered to himself.

"I'm here

Help you!" Mengshan grinned, and his right fist began to quickly accumulate power. The powerful fist force formed a small whirlwind, and then the whole person jumped high, attacking the white-browed tiger like a falling meteorite.

"Roar~" The giant tiger roared, and its huge body took Mengshan's powerful punch. The terrifying force directly knocked its huge body away. After smashing dozens of huge trees in a row, it hit the huge rock heavily. The domineering force caused dense spider web-like cracks to appear on the rock.

"Roar! "

Shaking its huge head, the white-browed tiger became sober and looked at Xia Hao who had not made a move. The original desire to rob and attack became very low. After a deep look, it turned around and wanted to escape, but how could Xia Hao let it do what it wanted?

"Wood Release: Multiple Binding Technique"

Xia Hao clapped his hands and put his hands together. The ground in front of the white-browed tiger suddenly broke out of the ground and dense tree roots, like fangs and claws, wrapped around the giant tiger. In an instant, the branches twisted their bodies like a flexible snake that was hitting a snake on a stick, and wrapped the white-browed tiger up. As its body kept struggling, the wood release binding became tighter and tighter. The majestic white-browed tiger suddenly became like a pet dog, revealing a pitiful expression.

"Such a big tiger meat, I have never eaten it before!"

"Yes, yes, but we will be able to taste it soon."

"That? Boss, can you please not kill it? I want to try to subdue it," Terra said softly, looking at Xia Hao with wide eyes.

"Subdue it? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to try. Didn't the boss say that there is no upper limit to the superhuman devil fruit? I think it can become stronger. If we can successfully subdue the Tiger King in front of us, the combat power of the Haotian Pirates will also increase a lot," Terra said in a very firm tone.

Then he raised his hand lightly, and an energy soul ring that outsiders could not see was released from Terra's hand, slowly floating towards the white-browed tiger head,


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