The white tiger was so beautiful that it could not help but roar.

Tera pushed gently with both hands, and the transparent soul ring of ability floated on the head of the white-browed tiger, and then slowly fell down, completely merging with its huge head. As if it felt something strange, the white-browed tiger could not help but let out a tiger roar,



"ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!, a tiger meowing like a cat? Hahaha, Terra, you won't change the species of this tiger directly. "

"Did you use the power of the devil fruit just now? It seems to be a kind of power that can control the soul of a creature, but I don't know if there is any limit on the scope of use", Xia Hao looked at Terra and squinted his eyes and thought, the power that can penetrate into the soul level, Xia Hao only knows two abilities of BIGMOM's Soul Soul Fruit and Brook's Yellow Spring Fruit. If Terra's ability can also be used, his future growth must be very good.

"Hehe, Xiaojian, these people are my partners, and we will be a family in the future", feeling that the devil fruit ability was successfully used, Terra quickly walked to the side of the saber-toothed tiger, stretched out his hand and gently stroked its cheek, looking very happy,

Because of this new pet, Terra truly has the ability of land, sea and air, and his combat power has also increased several times. This is a beast that can counter the attacks of Axing and Mengshan, and there is still room for growth in the future.

"It seems that we are really lucky. We can get a powerful pet as soon as we land on the island. However, Terra, how many pets do you think you can capture at most? The most abundant thing on this island is ferocious beasts, and the Haotian has enough territory. It is also very good to form a ferocious beast team," Xia Hao looked at Terra and asked in a flat tone.

"Well, I don't know. I don't feel any ability restrictions at present. It's just that the stronger the creature is, the more physical and mental strength it consumes. Just like the control soul ring I just put on Xiaojian, it takes five days to recover completely." Terra heard Xia Hao's question, looked at the curious faces of the other people around him, organized his words, and came to explain.

"In this case, then the matter of the ferocious beast team is settled. All members of the Haotian Pirates will train here. The final task is for everyone to capture a ferocious beast of the same level as the Sabretooth Tiger King and hand it over to Terra for beast control! Strengthen the strength of our Haotian Pirates," Xia Hao touched his chin, thought about it, and said.

"Capture a beast? Hehehe, it's a good task, boss, I'll finish it for you in one day!" Ah Xing was the first to speak, because it was not difficult to capture a beast with his strength, it just wasted some time, but in order to increase the challenge, he chose the task on the ancient giant elephant with the strongest breath.

"Me too!"

"Capture a beast? I don't know if I can do it alone!" Mina tightly grasped the famous sword Hanbing in her hand, feeling nervous and excited. Finally, she let out a long breath and glanced at Xia Hao and others around her. She thought there was nothing to be afraid of, because she had companions.

"Brother Xia Hao, do I have to fight as a ship doctor?" Keli's weak voice came from behind, and everyone turned their heads to look, because normally ship doctors and chefs are logistics professions, not the main force of the battle, and rarely have the opportunity to fight head-on.

"Of course, everyone in the Haotian Pirates will be a strong man who can stand on his own in the future. The ship doctor can also be very strong, just like Marco, the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, is a ship doctor.

And Klee, as long as your devil fruit ability is properly developed, it can become very terrifying, and it will not be weaker than the natural devil fruit ability users. The superhuman virus fruit can not only be used to treat diseases but also to defend against enemies." Xia Hao took a deep look at Klee, and then explained. It's true that he is kind-hearted, but Xia Hao doesn't want Klee to be a saint, and he doesn't want her to have no self-protection ability.

After all, the enemies Xia Hao will face in the future will become more and more terrifying. If he confronts the overlord of this world one day, Xia Hao hopes that everyone in the Haotian Pirates will become his helper, not a weakness.

"I understand, brother Xia Hao, I will definitely learn combat skills well", looking at Xia Hao's serious expression, Klee clenched her fist and put it on her chest, vowing.

"Boss, don't look at me. I have no problem either. I just want to get a beast as a mount to reduce the time I would have to walk to study the art of bombs. So, I will personally pick a stable, tall and mighty guy," Didati said as he looked at Xia Hao.

, and quickly raised his watch to show his attitude.

Then he continued to write and draw, and researched new art bombs. As time went by, the explosion power alone was no longer enough for Didati. When Xia Hao accidentally said that fireworks could show various words and patterns when they exploded, Didati completely fell into a crazy creation, and was bound to research his own artistic expression.

"Then, everyone in the building, the experience begins!" Xia Hao looked at everyone who agreed to this proposal, smiled slightly, and raised his hand to make an attacking gesture.

"Hehehe, boss, I'm going first!" The moment Xia Hao's voice fell, Ah Xing directly transformed into the form of the wind god pterosaur and flew towards the direction of the strongest beast in the perception of the observation color domineering. The terrifying speed produced a strong air wave, which made the remaining people angry and glared.

"I'm going too, boss!" Mengshan looked at Ah Xing's unscrupulous use of the ability to fly to seize the initiative, said to Xia Hao, and then ran forward as fast as a human tank, and also chose a beast with a terrifying breath. It seems that he is competing again.

"We went there too! Captain"


One year later, the ten strongest beasts on this unknown island were all tamed by the Haotian Pirates. At the same time, the soul rings made by Terra firmly locked the souls of all the beasts as a second layer of insurance.

Among the ten beasts, Terra obtained the saber-toothed tiger king and the ancient mammoth, Mina and Klee each obtained a flying pterosaur, Didati obtained a giant land tortoise with a strange shape and super fast speed, Mengshan obtained a huge and strong gorilla, and Axing obtained a rare western dragon that could spit out flames.

As for the remaining three, they were marked by Terra's soul rings and released on the spot, because there were not so many core members of the Haotian Pirates. As for Xia Hao, he did not want to keep a pet yet.

After eating and drinking, and leaving a huge beast skeleton on the coast, the Haotian slowly set off and embarked on a new adventure. Not long after leaving the coast, all the beasts on the unknown island roared excitedly, because the killing gods finally left. Otherwise, if they stayed for another year, they didn’t know if there would be enough beasts on the island to eat.

Three days later, the Haotian pirate ship returned to the main route of the Grand Line. From a distance, they saw a pirate ship flying a special and familiar pirate flag and running away quickly. Behind it, five naval warships were chasing closely.

When the pirate ship slowly approached, a famous big face appeared in front of Xia Hao,

"The Sun Pirates?!"

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