The old man was very happy.

"Well, the famous sword Qiushui, the sword of the dragon-slaying warrior Shimotsuki Ryuma from Wano Country, is very good!"

Xia Hao looked at the famous sword Qiushui handed over by Axing, held it in his hand to feel the feel, and said with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, the treasure map has been found, it's time to take the treasure away", Xia Hao strode towards the coast, Axing, Terra and Klee looked at each other and followed.

Not far away, seeing Xia Hao and his group getting farther and farther away, Absalom and Gekko Moria finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was really too dangerous just now. They were almost killed by Xia Hao.

"Haotian Pirates, wait for me, I will definitely come back!" Moonlight Moria looked at Xia Hao's back and said viciously. A plan that had been planned for a long time in his heart must be carried out at the fastest speed. The next time they meet again, they must take revenge. Such a shameful incident must never happen again.

On the Haotian, Mengshan looked at the figure getting closer and closer and waved his arms vigorously. A happy smile appeared on his honest face. Although Xia Hao and Axing were there, Mengshan was still worried that some special situations would occur. In order to be on the safe side, he kept looking at the inside of the island at the bow.

"Boss, how did you get it?"

"Not bad, found another piece of treasure map fragments, and the final location has been locked. Next, just go to the final point to get the treasure."

"Really? That's great!" Mengshan heard and smiled happily. No one doesn't like treasure hunting.

The Haotian slowly sailed in the Devil's Triangle according to the treasure map. After an hour of hard searching, it finally found the key points recorded in the treasure map. However, looking at the vast sea around, Xia Hao frowned slightly, a little unbelievable. The final treasure was actually in the deep sea?

"No way, in the sea?" Ah Xing heard Xia Hao's voice, and his originally excited smile disappeared immediately. If the treasure was in the sea, wouldn't he feel that he had no participation at all?

Ah Xing was happy for a long time when Xia Hao got the treasure map, but things are unpredictable, and everything happened so suddenly.

"Where is Mina? She is not hiding in the room all the time, right?" Xia Hao looked around and did not see Mina's figure, so he asked.

"Uh, boss, Mina said she was reading a magazine in the room!" Mengshan scratched the back of his head and smiled.

"Okay," Xia Hao shook his head. Speaking of the Devil's Triangle, the only person who is close to the inhuman state recently is the great musician Brook. However, Xia Hao did not meet him, and the current Brook has not been caught by Moonlight Moria and deprived of his shadow, and has been surviving by hiding in the shadows.

Brook should have been wandering aimlessly in this area. After all, one person can no longer drive a broken pirate ship.

"Mengshan, come with me!" Xia Hao took a look at the treasure map, and then said to Mengshan, because the best water people in the entire Haotian Pirates are Xia Hao and Mengshan, and the most important point is that the rest are devil fruit ability users, a group of landlubbers.

"No problem, boss!" Mengshan nodded happily, and then raised his head proudly and looked at Axing, the meaning was very clear.

"Asshole, how can you repair it!" Ah Xing looked at the boasting Meng Shan, gritting his teeth, but he could do nothing about it. When he first accepted the powerful combat power of the devil fruit, the disadvantage was that he could not swim. Ah Xing had tried to overcome the weakness of being powerless in the sea water, but failed once.

Ten minutes later, Xia Hao and Meng Shan began to dive, and the speed was very fast. Xia Hao, who had the turtle breathing skill, could swim freely in the sea water without being affected by the lack of oxygen. Meng Shan, who was standing next to him, had the blood of the fish people, so naturally there would be no problem.

"Boss, look, it's a shipwreck!"

Meng Shan pointed to a huge ship skeleton on the seabed in front of him and said quickly.

"Go and have a look!"

Xia Hao took the lead and swam quickly towards the shipwreck, because if the treasure map was correct, the treasure would be here.

"What is this?"

As soon as he came to the periphery of the shipwreck, he saw one wooden box after another. Xia Hao smiled faintly on his face. Sure enough, hard work pays off, and the treasure was finally obtained by me.

"Take them all up!" Xia Hao pointed upwards, and the two began to swim towards the surface of the sea. At this moment, the sea beast hidden in the dark rushed out with flashing red eyes. It was a huge sea octopus, with huge tentacles that quickly

He quickly stretched out his arms to attack Xia Hao and Meng Shan in the direction they left, trying to wrap around and catch them. However, even at the bottom of the sea, Xia Hao and Meng Shan were still very flexible, like loaches.

"What a trouble! Can't we just stay in the nest? Really," Xia Hao looked at the aggressive octopus, sighed helplessly, put the treasure chest in his hand into Meng Shan's arms, and then disappeared. When he appeared again, he had come behind the octopus, clenched his fists and slammed the soft body of the giant octopus.

The incomparable power directly made the giant octopus fly toward the sea surface, followed by dense bubbles. Then, after a burst of air-breaking sound, the sea water surged on the sea surface, a small bulge exploded with a bang, and the huge octopus body also came out of the sea water, drew a beautiful arc, and then fell on the deck of the Haotian.

Half an hour later, Xia Hao and Meng Shan returned to the deck of the Haotian with a full treasure chest, looking at the treasure chests on the ground, showing a satisfied smile.

"Open the box!"

With Xia Hao's order, all the members of the Haotian Pirates began to clean up the treasure chests. As the boxes were opened, the boxes of golden and glittering goodies almost caught Xia Hao's eyes. Soon, the deck was filled with treasures.


Xia Hao looked at the last gorgeous locked treasure chest in his hand, took a deep breath, and then opened it directly. A weird-looking devil fruit appeared in Xia Hao's sight.

"What is this?! It seems that I am lucky!"

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