The fruit was a surprise, but it was a surprise.

"Lucky, it's actually an animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit!"

Xia Hao looked at the devil fruit in his hand, and the system's introduction to the devil fruit in his hand came to his mind, which made Xia Hao a little unbelievable, and he opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

"Does this kind of devil fruit really exist? You're kidding, right?! (ー_ー)!!

Animal-type fantasy beast cat fruit swordsman Tom cat form!"

Yes, that's right, what surprised and shocked Xia Hao was that this special devil fruit was identified by the system. Xia Hao even suspected that this was a name made up by Tongzi himself, after all, it was too ridiculous!

"Hmph╭(╯^╰)╮, this system is an honest young man from the Tongzi world, and will not lie to people. As for why it is like this, maybe it has mutated."

"Mutated?!" Xia Hao frowned, and looked at the sea water that had turned dark at some point, feeling troubled, and always felt that this sea area had become extremely disgusting.

Could it be that the Celestial Dragons have dumped garbage again? !

Xia Hao quickly waved his hand to signal the driver of the Haotian to follow the new route. Since the treasure has been obtained, there is no need to stay any longer.


Five days later,

Marinford, the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku looked at the naval intelligence in front of him and frowned. The Haotian Pirates, which had just been quiet for a while, took action again, and the target of this attack was Gekko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea recognized by the World Government.

Although he has no good feelings towards pirates, the Shichibukai system is also one of the means jointly launched by the World Government and the Navy to check and balance the increasingly inflated pirates in the New World. He wanted to remove his title, but then Sengoku thought that the person who did it was Xia Hao, so he gave up.

"Huh~ The Shichibukai system has a long way to go. Can a group of lawless bastards really cooperate with the Navy to check and balance the monsters of the New World?" Sengoku rubbed his forehead, looking helpless. Thinking about the current composition of the Shichibukai, his head was even bigger.

The world's greatest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk was a navy hunter before. He stopped because he wanted to be quiet and became a maverick Shichibukai who obeyed orders but not announcements. Speaking of it, it is because there is no swordsman on the sea who is his opponent. Gradually, many people in the world began to call him the world's greatest swordsman.

Crocodile Crocodile, the reason why he became a Seven Warlords of the Sea is that he has a grudge against the great pirate Whitebeard Newgate and is a natural devil fruit ability user. He is very powerful and has fought Douglas Barrett, a descendant of the devil, to a draw. However, Sengoku also knows that this person is also an ambitious villain.

"Look around the New World recently to see if there are any suitable candidates. The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is still short of four people," Sengoku sighed, looked at the naval officer of the intelligence department in front of him, and gave an order.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"

"Well, that's it, you go and get busy," Sengoku waved his hand, motioning him to go out, and then looked at Kuzan who looked lazy on the side.

"Some time ago, Sakaski encountered the Haotian Pirates and failed to capture them?! Not only that, the special navy warship was also sunk by Xia Hao?"

"Yes, Xia Hao, the captain of the Haotian Pirates, is suspected to be a user of the animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit ability, and has the power to control plants and flames. The specific devil fruit is still unclear." Kuzan heard Sengoku's question, and his lazy attitude disappeared, replaced by a serious face to narrate the information obtained. At this time, Kuzan and Sakaski's justice differences were not serious.

"The most important thing is that the temperature of the flame released by Xia Hao is even higher than Sakaski's magma, and the power is also stronger!

Moreover, Sakaski suspects that he has awakened and mastered the power of the domineering color domineering," Kuzan continued in a serious tone.

Domineering color domineering, at present, only Marshal Sengoku and that handsome old man have it in the navy. It is a power that only one in a million people can surpass everyone. It can be said that only with the domineering color domineering can there be unlimited possibilities.

"What a troublesome guy, Roger, what kind of monster did you teach?" Zhan Guo looked helpless. After thinking about it, he could only put the responsibility on Roger, because Xia Hao was an intern in Roger's pirate group before.

Roger, who was still buried in the soil at this moment: I really want to know!


At the same time, to the east of Haiyan Island in the North Sea, on Mignon Island, two figures, one big and one small, were eating in a small cabin. The middle-aged man was covered with black feathers and had clown makeup on his face.

With a cigarette in his mouth and wearing a pink heart-shaped shirt, this person is the younger brother of Tenyasha Doflamingo, Don Quixote Rocinante, the second generation of the Don Quixote family, and is now an undercover agent sent by the Navy Marshal Sengoku to monitor Tenyasha Doflamingo.

The pale little boy wearing a black panther spotted hat is one of the pirates of the future evil era, Trafalgar Law. Because his family was brutally killed by the World Government, Trafalgar Law now wants to take revenge on the world. However, because of Rocinante (Corazon)'s influence, Law now has a little warm heart, but it is currently limited to Rocinante.

"Law, I have already inquired about it. The operation fruit is on this island. As long as you eat this devil fruit before the family members come, your disease can be cured!" Rocinante smiled gently, stroked Law's little head with his big hand, and said seriously.

"But, I heard that the Operation Fruit is in the hands of a group of powerful pirates, Mr. Corazon, I'm afraid..." said the young Trafalgar Law with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay, don't underestimate me, I'm also very strong, just a group of pirates, nothing to be afraid of!" Corazon said briskly, as if he didn't care at all,

But in fact, only he knew that his own strength was not strong. This time, he knew the information in advance and wanted to seize the Operation Fruit. A large part of it relied on his devil fruit ability, the Silence Fruit, which could steal silently. This time, he was able to obtain the information that Tianyasha Doflamingo wanted to intercept the Operation Fruit in advance. This was also eavesdropped.

Dies Barrerus, a former naval officer, a student of Admiral Zephyr, and the father of the pirate Drake in the future evil era of the New World, wanted to sell the Operation Fruit to the World Government and the Navy at a high price of 5 billion berries. The Navy wanted to deploy pirate forces to ambush Tianyasha Doflamingo here, so before all this happened, it was Rosinante's opportunity.

The opportunity to seize the Operation Fruit! In order for Law to no longer suffer from the pain of the disease, it must succeed.

After a long journey, the weak Trafalgar Law could not help but close his eyes and fall asleep. Looking at the sleeping Law, Corazon smiled slightly, then looked at the town in the distance, snapped his fingers lightly, and enveloped the space around Law with the power of the Silence Fruit, and then left the room lightly.

Seizing the Operation Fruit must be a very dangerous mission, and Corazon could not let the young Law go with him.

"Wait for me to come back, your illness will definitely be cured!"

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