Because there are some other traces around this bookstore, which are not usually produced in a short period of time, Luo Tian can speculate that someone did this deliberately.

Luo Tian later speculated that this was probably a way to hire killers to assign tasks!

"Okay, what I am going to say next may make you feel very novel, and it will also be very interesting."

Luo Tian deliberately gave it a try, and then he saw that the people around him also expressed disbelief, and he became even more interested, because now he felt that if he told this matter, they would definitely feel very upset. Unbelievable

"I would like to give a special reminder here, Mr. bookstore owner, you must be prepared, you may feel a little scared about what I will say next."

Luo Tian suddenly turned around mid-sentence, and the bookstore owner reminded him specifically. The bookstore owner didn't take it seriously. He didn't think there was any big problem with this matter, and what could scare him? , this is just a special thing for a little boy!

However, what Luo Tian said next made the bookstore owner feel incredible and very shocked. Fortunately, Luo Tian gave a little reminder before , otherwise this guy might be scared out of his wits!

"In fact, this special mark was probably left by someone who hired a killer!"

Some people around were very surprised when they heard about this. They couldn't believe it. They didn't know why the painting style suddenly changed, and they suddenly talked about things like hiring and killers!

Although this is a very turbulent situation. era, but it doesn’t mean that such words appear often, and their lives are at least relatively comfortable here. Those things seem to be very far away from them.

"Hired killers and killers? It seems difficult to associate this matter together. I am curious about what is going on?"

After Sophia heard what Luo Tian said, she couldn't help but become very interested. It could be seen from looking up that she was a girl with a very strong sense of justice and a very strong curiosity.

"But in that case, this matter actually has something to do with the little boy and this person’s collection of books. I’m looking forward to what kind of magnificent story you can tell next!"

Sofia murmured to herself, and then expressed to Luo Tian with great interest that she was very concerned about the follow-up development of these things and hoped that he could continue talking quickly.

"Don’t worry, this is a good story, so if we listen slowly, you will naturally be able to discover some of the problems."

"The person who hires the killer does not meet the killer, and their contact information is also very special. They will release the person who needs to be eliminated based on some special clues."

"Therefore, this symbol is most likely placed by the person who hired the killer, and then the real killer who knows the meaning of this symbol will definitely be able to see this symbol when passing by this place."

Luo Tian said, and then pointed out to everyone what the special symbol was and where it was.

Everyone took a closer look.

Sure enough, they felt that this symbol looked very special, so there was some deliberateness in it. , there are certain rules.

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