"Based on my previous speculations, this killer should not be a particularly powerful one, so he should only take on relatively simple jobs."

Hearing this, everyone nodded unanimously, expressing their agreement with Luo Tian's speculations so far.

"It can be seen from this that this may be a small group, and a very special symbol is circulated among them. As long as they see this symbol, they can take over the task based on some other information."

At this time, the store owner seemed to be very impatient. He expressed a very objectionable attitude:

"I don't want to hear any weird stories you tell here. I just want to know if this little boy is stealing my book collection!"

Luo Tian really didn't take it seriously, and then replied:"I'm just saying this to ease everyone's tension, and it's also for your own good. But since you insist on doing this, then I'll tell you directly, this little boy is not No books were stolen. Luo

Tianyi saw that the bookstore owner was so impatient, so he simply told him the outcome of the matter, and then narrated the process slowly, and he knew that some of the audience present must be very interested. , especially Sofia.

And Sofia is also a news reporter. He may be suffering from lack of material and some special things to report. This matter is undoubtedly a very big news for him! Sure enough,

Sofia heard this After the conclusion, I was very happy immediately, and then I took out my paper and pen, and quickly wrote some key words in my notebook.

"Moreover, someone is plotting to fake an accident in your bookstore and then blame you. They have probably prepared all kinds of evidence and materials."

"Oh my gosh, this could be a super scoop!"

Sofia murmured to herself, and then quickly continued to use it in her notebook. Thank you for drawing something.

And at this time, Sophia did not want to disturb Luo Tian at all, hoping that Luo Tian could complete this piece. Everything was told, so he didn't say anything, but used his actions to express to Luo Tian that he was very interested and attached great importance to this matter.

However, it can be seen from this book that Sophia seems to be interested in these things. She is very good at it, and her handwriting is also very beautiful, and her drawings are also very distinctive and relatively standard. It can be seen that she is a versatile woman. Some viewers around her also said It was incredible.

And they were all looking forward to how it would develop.

So Luo Tian continued talking and emphasized some of the most important things.

"If this accident hadn't happened today, I'm afraid you, the bookstore owner, would no longer be able to continue to live peacefully like this, but would have to spend the rest of your life in prison. Of course, this is still good. If it were worse, you He might be shot immediately!"

The bookstore owner didn't take it seriously at first.

But it's strange that he was actually affected by Luo Tian's aura.

When Luo Tian said this, he even seemed to have felt what the host was describing. It feels like things have become a reality!

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