But when he just left, he met this little boy!

Originally, this guy wanted to get rid of this little boy, but he was holding this treasured book at this time. Because he didn't know what was going on, this guy decided to take the book away.

The little boy naturally didn't want this guy to leave like this, because out of his love for books, he also developed a great courage to stop this guy!

Unexpectedly, it was because of this look that the guy immediately arrested the little boy, but at this moment, the owner of the bookstore suddenly discovered this!

So the bookstore owner rushed over immediately. After the killer knew about this matter, he originally wanted to solve the problem. The little boy then went to solve the boss, but he didn't expect that the power grid was very fast. And there were some other sounds outside immediately.

He saw the camera in Sophia's hand again!

The killer knew that if he went out rashly at this time, he might encounter Sophia. If Sophia recorded her appearance with a camera, she would be in danger.

So there was no other way for the killer to evacuate this place as soon as possible, so he had a plan in mind, and then he put the book collection into the hands of the little boy and warned him that if the truth of the matter was told, Then this killer will definitely kill his family!

Because he had already opened the pocket watch that the little boy had dropped when he was restraining the little boy. There was a photo on the pocket watch, which was a photo of the little boy and his family.

So the killer took the pocket watch away. Although the little boy wanted to say everything, he couldn't say it because he was really afraid of the killer. After all, the killer had very important photos in his hands!

And the little boy is a little boy after all. He doesn't know how to deal with this matter. He also wants to get his pocket watch back, so he doesn't know how to talk about this matter or how to solve it.

So the previous scene appeared. Although the little boy was very aggrieved, he could not tell the whole story because he was afraid that the killer might come back to cause trouble for him.

"Oh my god, how could it be like this?"

After everything was said, some of the audience around them all expressed great surprise and disbelief. It would take some time to digest this matter, so they were all dumbfounded at this time.

"But, who is this guy named Jerry?"

Sofia reacted to these. Sure enough, she is a girl who has experienced many battles and is relatively experienced. So regarding this matter, he was not like other people who couldn't recover for a long time. Instead, he quickly regained his sense and continued. asked Luo Tiandao.

Luo Tian nodded, and then he continued to speculate. Some people around him became more and more interested. They did not expect that what seemed to be a very small matter was actually involved. Such a big thing!

"If the speculation is correct, Jerry should be a guy known to the bookstore owner. Because he had a conflict with the bookstore owner, it was better to blame the bookstore owner. Because of the conflict, he accidentally killed this person. of!"

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