"If the speculation is correct, Jerry should be a guy known to the bookstore owner. Because he had a conflict with the bookstore owner, it was better to blame the bookstore owner. Because of the conflict, he accidentally killed this person. of!"

"Wha, what?!"

The bookstore owner was very shocked, because he said that he did actually know this guy named Jerry. You did have some unpleasant things with him, but it didn't reach the point where you had to hurt others and vent your anger! And the bookstore The boss did not expect that Jerry was actually the name of one of the supporting characters in the book he collected. He only collected the book because it was very valuable and did not pay attention to these things.

What's more, the name Jerry There are also many people calling, and it is easy to have the same name, so the bookstore owner will naturally not care about these very small things.

But the killer will not know these things, he just takes money to do things, but It was obvious that there were certain coincidences in this matter, and he did not recognize these coincidences immediately, so he made some wrong moves.

However, it was precisely because of these coincidences and his stupid and wrong moves that he This organization was exposed at this time. As long as we can grasp this clue, we can follow the clues and find the whereabouts of this organization!

Once it attracts attention, it will be easy for more people to pay attention to this matter. matter, then it will be smoother if this matter is resolved and more situations arise!

And the people in the patrol team here also felt what Luo Tian said, and they heard what Luo Tian said now Half of the things were very unbelievable.

At this time, Sophia stood up very naturally, and then introduced herself to everyone. She was a reporter from the largest and most famous local newspaper, and then had a brief chat with the people on the patrol team. They repeated it.

What Luo Tian said before, the people in the patrol team also expressed that it was very unbelievable.

If this matter is true, then it would be a very big case.

So they also need Luo Tian’s follow-up Help.

Because they didn't know much about this matter, and Luo Tian seemed to be very knowledgeable. If they wanted to catch this organization, they would probably need some follow-up help from Luo Tian. So they also asked Luo Tian Tian couldn't help but expressed his admiration and respect.

But at this time, Luo Tian felt very strange, because he remembered that the captain of the previous patrol should be a very wretched and greasy guy. Why did he bring him in at this time? But the team member was changed?

It turned out that Luo Tian wrote an anonymous letter to explain some things about the patrol team leader and some of the materials he handed over. It was really received by the higher-ups, so they contacted them immediately. Investigate, and then remove that guy!

So now a captain of the patrol team has been replaced. This captain seems to be more responsible and very upright.

This captain's name is Ralph, and he looks a little He is a bit serious, but he is not very old and seems to be relatively young. He is the kind of person who although he is young, looks a bit older because of his seriousness and temperament.

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