Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 454 Fujitora’s strength and Usopp’s paradise?

Dressrosa, coastline. "Then, you will be deprived of the title of Shichibukai. It seems that there is no need to change the news this time." Although Fujitora couldn't see it, he could clearly sense the location of other people with his knowledge and Haki.

He had already drawn his sword.

A strong sword intention rose into the sky.

After a while, something fell from the sky.


"No way?"

When the thing got closer to the ground, everyone saw clearly that it was actually a meteorite falling from the sky!

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

"Run quickly, the meteorite is falling!"

There was a commotion among the navy, and there was flight.

Perhaps feeling that he couldn't avoid it, Luo immediately activated his fruit ability and cut the falling meteorite into two pieces.

At the same time, Brother Ming also cut the meteorite above his head into several sections.

Fujitora also drew his sword and cut, so that he would not be harmed.

With a loud "rumbling" sound, the meteorite smashed a large crater nearly a hundred meters in diameter on the ground!

Fujitora, Ming Ge, and Luo stood on three sides outside the crater, all unscathed.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't see what happened in this short period of time. They only saw three people and a big crater made by the meteorite: "What happened? What happened? At that moment What have they done?"

Brother Ming glared at Fujitora: "Didn't your marshal teach you the rules? You crazy dog!"

Luo adjusted his hat: "Even if a blind man has abilities, isn't such an ability too exaggerated?"

Fujitora's face was calm: "You two are just kidding, I'm just trying my best."

On the other side, Franky was heading to the "Garden" with his one-legged toy, and Sanji contacted him using a phone bug.

Sanji: "Big garden? Do you think you are going for a picnic?"

Frankie: "You will be very good at talking to others, but where will you be working as a foreigner?"

Shan Zhi said confidently: "I'm in love!"

Franky smiled: "Oh? That sounds pretty good. By the way, I think I can find a factory here!"

Hearing this, Sanji on the other side of the phone cheered up: "Is it true?"

Franky continued: "However, the plan of destroying it with one strike and then escaping immediately doesn't seem to work. This matter is much more complicated than imagined."

Sanji was a little anxious: "But we don't have time, Doflamingo."

Sanji was referring to Ming Ge pretending to resign from the Shichibukai.

Franky seemed unhurried: "I know, I've just seen the extra number, and it seems that we have been completely tricked by him. If he takes us back even when we come to Caesar, then all our plans will be ruined." Now, let us destroy the factory and give him a 'big gift'. Anyway, come over and let's go to the 'Big Garden' together!"

Sanji was a little confused: "Where is that place? There is no exact place name at all, and Nami-san and the others can't be contacted at all. Please don't let anything happen to Nami-san."

Franky smiled: "Do you think she is still that weak? No problem, not to mention Brooke and Chopper are both together!"

Greenbit, underground in the forest, where the Dontata clan lives.

Usopp, Robin and the little people all felt a huge tremor, like an earthquake.

Little people: "What on earth is going on with this vibration?!"

Usopp was so frightened that his mouth opened wide: "Wow! Damn it, I don't want to die in a place like this!!"

All the eyes of the little people were focused on him: "Huh? The great hero is actually trembling with fear?!"

Usopp coughed twice, slightly relieved the embarrassment, and then said: "I'm just kidding, actually the vibration just now was caused by my domineering force!" (The cow is flying in the sky)

The little people all believed it to be true: "Domineering? Is it the trick that instantly knocked down 50,000 people on Fish-Man Island? He is indeed a great hero! A powerful force that even shocked the kingdom!"

The Dongtata tribe expressed their admiration one after another and entertained the two of them with delicious food and drinks: "Please come quickly, please eat more!"

"This is the meat called betta fish, a close relative of the big goldfish. It's so delicious! It's very similar to the meat of monsters!"

Although Usopp was bragging, he was still worried in his heart: It was indeed them who captured the fighting fish at that time. What kind of strange power was that? Are the little humans actually that strong?

Captain Leo explained: "Because the fighting fish is very big, it can feed all the people in our kingdom for several months. Usolando (the fake name of the descendant of the hero) is a large man, so he eats a lot." "

Usopp even fussed: "If Luffy Lando from our Usopp team were here, he could eat a whole one in one bite."

Robin still didn't know what was going on, so he asked Usopp in a low voice: "What's going on with Uso Lando?"

Usopp pointed to a small statue on the other side and whispered: "Look at that, do you have any impression?"

Seeing that statue, Robin suddenly realized: "I read that in the album on Gaya Island."

Yes, this statue is the legendary Montblanc Nolando who was looking for the Golden Land.

Unexpectedly, he is the great hero of the Dongtata tribe!

Captain Leo explained: "He is a giant who visited this country four hundred years ago to study botany. At that time, there were very bad giants who made the island deserted. When our ancestors like us were trapped and helpless, , he appeared, he led the ancestors to fight together and won, and he is the legendary hero of the Dongtata clan!"

One of the villains cried: "When Usolandu said his name and said he was a descendant of Montblanc, I was completely moved!"

Robin looked at Usopp's helpless face and whispered, "You are really bad."

Usopp smiled and whispered: "Thanks to me, aren't you also saved? If you are full and drunk, you may be able to bring some local products back."

This is simply Usopp's paradise. He is very good at lying, and the Dontata clan happens to trust others very much.

The old patriarch Gan Qiao said: "However, it is really the arrangement of the God of Destiny!"

Leo looked high on fighting spirit: "Yes, after four hundred years, today we and Doflamingo declare a decisive battle! The legendary hero appears again!"

Other villains: "Usolando! After eating, please go to the big garden through the underground passage!"

"In Dressrosa, the place of the decisive battle, where are we, the captain of King Rick's army, and my companions waiting for you!"


"Hero, please stand at the front and lead us!"

"I vow to wipe out all the Don Quixote family!"

"With Uso Landu, one can be worth a hundred!"



Although Usopp was well-supported, he was dumbfounded at the time

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