Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 455 Chen Qi’s Thoughts

Off the coast of Dressrosa, a bloated old woman on the Sunny used some unknown ability to turn Nami, Brooke, Chopper and Momonosuke into abstract paintings.

"Get off the Sonny quickly!" Chopper yelled at the old woman who was approaching step by step.

"Oh hehehe! Shut up! Who are you talking about as the mermaid princess?!" The old woman said narcissistically as she walked over.

The old woman's name is Jorah, a superhuman Art Fruit user who belongs to the special ability unit of the Torrebol Army.

Everyone complained: "No one has ever said that!"

Jorah's tone was arrogant: "Hurry up and hand over Momonosuke! There was an eel here just now, why did it get there? The young master's order is to kidnap Momonosuke and seize the enemy ship!"

While Jorah was talking nonsense, Nami and others quickly fled the Sonny because they were no match for their opponents.

Nami drove Momonosuke in the Viper brought back from the sky island and said: "We have to find a way to let them attack us. We can't let them destroy the ship!"

Brooke: "What a headache. If he uses that ability, the ship will lose its function!"

Jorah stood on the Sunny and shouted at his subordinates: "You losers, hurry up and snatch Momonosuke from their hands!"

"Yes, Lord Jorah!"

Jorah was angry and laughing like a psycho: "Ah ha ha ha! Ah, my rock and roll soul! My surging heart, the wonderful inspiration that is about to erupt!"

When Jorah howled, his subordinates all said, "Oh no, Lord Jorah is going to use that trick again!"

On Sonny's little submarine, the abstract Brooke seemed a little anxious: "The room she sneaked into before, from the wardrobe to the bed, has been messed up to the point of being invisible! Let's not mention whether Franky will be furious. It's still in this state. Can it be repaired well?"

Jorah on the Sonny laughed more and more wildly: "Ah ha ha ha ha! Break out! I will liberate the artistic form of harmony and beauty!"

Jorah raised his hands, forming a pink cloud between his palms, about to activate the fruit's power, and Chopper and the others looked even more anxious: "Hey! Stop it! Don't destroy our ship!"

Nami: "Come to us if you have the guts!"

Brooke was shocked: "This is incredible, she is really going to attack the ship!"

But it was too late. Jorah threw the pink cloud onto the Sonny, and the ship immediately changed drastically.

Everything from the hull to the stern has turned into an abstract painting, which is more than a little ugly.

Dressrosa, Bullfighting Arena.

"I don't need treatment! I can just go back like this!" The sword fighter Liqi didn't know why he was angry. The medical staff wanted to put him on a stretcher, but he refused to listen.

The medical staff was still trying to persuade them: "Contestant Liqi, this is not okay! Not to mention the VIPs, it is my job to bandage and treat the soldiers!"

Liqi, who was wearing a mask, was a little disdainful: "It's obvious that people are going to fight in public, but they still need to be bandaged!"

The medical staff continued to insist: "Your head is still bleeding. Take off the mask and let us treat your injuries!"

However, Li Qi pushed it away: "Don't touch my mask! Open the exit for me!"

"Stop him quickly, he is already seriously injured!"

Arena, a day off exclusively for the Don Quixote family.

Don Quixote's Secret Order: The Magic Sword and the Straw Hat have appeared in the conference and will take action after the game is over.

"The Joker asked me to kill the Straw Hat?" Bellamy was slightly startled with this secret order.

Next to him, Diamanti said calmly: "Dover, he is so soft-hearted. He is still willing to give you a chance to win the championship with the conference. Isn't that great, Bellamy? It's easy to assassinate him."

【Come on! Bellamy! 】

At this time, Bellamy remembered that when he was fighting bloody battles with his enemies on the playing field, Luffy was cheering for him. The thought of assassinating him was really unbearable.

Arena, player viewing seats.

Cavendish looked at the arena in Area C with bitterness.

Bartolomeo walked towards him and said with a wicked smile: "You seem to have been staring at Lucy, Cavendish."

Cavendish looked at him: "Bartolomeo? Congratulations on entering the finals. The matter between Lucy and Chenwan has nothing to do with you."

Bartolomeo smiled: "I won't let you kill that man, and Chen Wan who is with you in Area D."

Cavendish also smiled: "Do they have any issues with you? After all, they are all super topical figures, but they are all my prey."

Bartolomeo: "Haha, the relationship between me and them is even longer."

While the two were chatting, a fierce competition had begun in Area C.

Haierdin, a giant warrior who was thirty to forty meters tall, punched the ground and smashed it into pieces.

The host began to explain as if he had been beaten to death: "The king of all giants, Haildin, is like a thunderbolt when he punches! Who can stop his attack? On the other side, there is a group facing many strong men. A fearless and violent bullfight! It once sent more than twenty people to hell in a duel with death row inmates in this arena. It is a veritable killer bull! At the same time, it is also the god of death in the arena, a violent bullfight!"

This bullfight was indeed as the host said. The strong strength and brutal character it displayed in the arena left a deep impression on the audience.

However, a shocking scene happened.

Bullfight was running rampant in the arena, as if he was in a deserted place, but when he arrived in front of Lu Xi, his momentum suddenly softened. Not only that, the originally ferocious bullfighting character immediately turned into a docile kitten.

Lu Xi rode on its back.

In the scene just now, Chen Wan, who was in the contestants' viewing area, thought to herself: It seems that there are several types of domineering domineering. Looking back on the past two years of training at Ruskaina, Luffy's overbearing look should be aimed at animals. No matter how ferocious the beast is, can he surrender in front of him? Then what type of domineering domineering color do you have?

The host continued to explain: "Wow! How can this man tame this death cow? He shines like a star and instantly gained great popularity with his brisk fighting style!"


"Wow hahahaha! That guy is so funny!"

The audience on the field also cheered for Lu Xi.

Cavendish in the contestants' viewing area became more and more angry as he watched: "I changed my name and still stole the limelight, damn Straw Hat! Where did the magic sword go? By the way, I must take care of him later." !”

Rebecca next to her covered her mouth and smiled: "That guy is really interesting."

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