As the Mok pirate ship drifted away, the town of Cocoyasi gradually disappeared from sight. Smog, who was leaning on the bulwark of the pirate ship, slowly calmed down.

He took off the cigar from the corner of his mouth, flicked the ashes on it, and then turned his head to look at Lieutenant General Garp, who was still lying leisurely even on the pirate ship.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

This mission was really unexpected.

It was supposed to be to investigate whether Navy Captain Dande Xiache had colluded with pirates to defraud Navy military funds. As a result... the investigation results were indeed true and the evidence was conclusive. Even if he was arrested on the spot and tried, it would be enough.


But I never expected...

Lieutenant General Garp, who was supposed to be the important person in charge of this mission, directly cooperated with that guy.

This is not the most important thing. What is even more speechless is that the naval hero actually plans to work with others to defraud the navy headquarters of its military expenses? !

That's outrageous!

He really couldn't figure out what the naval hero was thinking?

And he still has a doubt in his heart...

At this time.


Just as Smoker frowned in thought.

"Ahahaha~" Garp's laughter sounded.

He rested his legs leisurely, resting his hands on his head, without raising his head, just leaning on the deck chair on the Mock Pirate Ship, looking at the sea, and said, "The mission is over, Smog boy, you still have a stinky face." What?"


Are you qualified to ask me this?

After coming back to his senses, Smoker took a deep breath, but still put on a serious expression on his face, "Lieutenant General Garp, do you know what you did this time?"

"Of course~" Garp stretched out his hand and picked his nostrils with a matter-of-fact expression, "Aren't you just planning to defraud the navy of money with that boy Xia Che?"


So, why do you speak so confidently?

Smoker, who was confused by Garp's words, was about to say something else.

"Ah, I'm sorry, you can't just say these words everywhere. What will you do if you are investigated? Withdraw, withdraw~" Although he said that he was worried about being investigated, there was no trace of fear on Garp's face, and he still said cheerfully, " You're just not as interesting as that boy from Xia Che~, boy Smog, it seems like you have something to say?"

"I will keep this mission secret for the time being as agreed, but if that guy does anything that violates the justice of the Navy, I will report it to the Navy Marshal along with today's incident and everything you have done well, Vice Admiral Garp. of."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't recognize that kid when the time comes!"


Smoker raised his eyelids and ignored Lieutenant General Garp who was picking his nose and saying meaningless words. He took a deep breath again and said with a serious face, "In addition, I do have one thing to ask. I hope Lieutenant General Karp can tell me.”

"You ask first." Lieutenant General Garp still picked his nose and said cheerfully, "Let's see if I know first!"

"The Valley of the Gods Incident..."

"have no idea!"


Is this old guy kidding him?

Seeing Garp directly saying he didn't know before he even finished asking, with his eyes wandering, and picking his nose to show that he didn't want to tell him, Smog had veins popping up on his forehead, and his right fist clenched. At this moment He really wanted to beat this guy up!

Of course~

He knew he couldn't beat it.


Valley of the Gods...what happened?

As a naval officer, he had also heard about the Valley of Gods incident.

In that incident, Vice Admiral Garp was awarded the title of Naval Hero by the World Government for saving the Draco.

But now it seems that things are not so simple?

That guy Xia Che seemed to be about to say something but was interrupted by Lieutenant General Garp. Now that he asked again, he was interrupted again by Lieutenant General Garp.

So, what happened that even the naval hero is unwilling to mention?

Just when Smoker was lost in thought again.

"Boy Smoker, there are some things that a Marine would be very lucky if he didn't know about them." Garp, who was picking his nostrils cheerfully, suddenly turned serious, "Don't dwell on this matter anymore. As a Marine, you are very lucky." Navy, you just have to stick to the justice in your heart."

With that said, before Smog, who looked solemn, could ask anything again, Garp returned to his smiling expression, stretched lazily, turned his head to Mok behind him, and shouted loudly, " Boy Mok, if there’s anything delicious on the boat, bring it out quickly, it’s so boring!”

"Here, do you want canned oranges and marmalade, the specialty products of Cocoyasi Town?" Hearing Karp's words, Mock's loud voice also came, "What kind of spring water, what kind of hills, soil! What else?" Use a machine or something, rub it with your hands, it’s really delicious!”

The words just fell.


Before Garp could understand what Mock was talking about.

The crew member on the boat shouted helplessly, "Idiot captain, the boss said, promote our orange jam, the canned oranges should be said like this, they are watered with natural mineral water from the virgin forest, and each orange seedling is carefully selected and given natural health care of organic fertilizer.

The orange farm is located on a gentle slope of hills, with undulating peaks, lingering springs, lingering clouds, and moist rain, making the oranges sweet, plump, and refreshing. Each jar of orange jam is hand-made by eight master jam-makers. It is a masterpiece and a great inheritance. , big sales! "


Hearing the crew member's words, Garp looked confused and his eyes widened. Even Smoker, who was meditating on the side, was brought back to his senses by the advertisement, and looked over with the same curiosity as Dusky.

Is this orange so powerful?

"Yes, that's what you said. I forgot. It's delicious anyway!" Although he was scolded by his younger brother, Mok didn't care. He scratched his head and said with a silly smile, "Want to try it?"

"Yes, this sounds very delicious." Garp burst out laughing and said with great interest, "Hurry up and give it to me to try!"

The words fell.

Not a moment.

Mok came over with marmalade and canned oranges, and Smoker and Dasqi on the side also came over curiously.

"Can I have a taste?"

"No problem, there are many more here!" Mock didn't care at all, and directly gave one to Dasqi, and even gave one to the frowning Smoker, and said, "Try them all!"

As Mok finished speaking, the three of them had already opened the can, and after tasting it out of curiosity, their eyes suddenly lit up.


Although it’s quite delicious, it doesn’t seem that exaggerated!

"It's not bad, but the advertisement is too exaggerated. I think it must be a lie!" Garp poured it into his mouth and said cheerfully, "That boy Xia Che is indeed a liar who even defrauded the Navy of military expenses. !”


Smoker, who was also eating on the side, snorted coldly, looked at the can in his hand, and seemed to want to say something, but before he could speak.

‘Porlu Porro, Porlu Porro~’

At this time.

A phone buzzed.

It's Karp's.

Garp was stunned and took out the phone bug. Then he didn't pay much attention and directly answered the phone bug. "Ah~, it's Sengoku! What's the matter?"

The words fell.

Marshal of the Warring States Period.

After hearing the word "Warring States", Smoker and Dusky immediately calmed down, with serious expressions on their faces, and stood quietly waiting.

The Mock Pirates who saw this scene also fell silent at this moment.

Just listen.

"What's the sound? Are you stealing food again? Can you be more serious?" The phone bug who turned into a seagull hat sounded very helpless, but after finishing speaking, he sighed again and said with a serious face, "How did the mission go this time?"

"Mission? What mission?"

"Did you forget the mission I gave you again? Didn't I ask you to drop by and investigate whether Dander Shache has colluded with pirates?"

Hearing Karp's answer, the seagull phone bug roared again.

"Can you please be more serious to me? That guy has sent in another application for military funding. Everyone in the approval department is suspicious of Dende Shache, but Zefa thinks that his students will never do such a thing. Both sides They all started quarreling and it made me upset.”

"Ah hahaha, I was teasing you~." Looking at the angry phone bug, Garp picked his ears without caring, "Remember, it has been dealt with."

"Has it been dealt with?" After Garp answered, the phone worm calmed down a little and frowned, "How is the situation? Did the 16th Navy Branch defraud military expenses and collude with the pirates?"

The words just fell.

"Of course not~" Garp said without hesitation, with a serious tone and a look of justice, "Everything Colonel Summer said is true. The Mock Pirates are indeed a group of extremely vicious pirates. Navy 16 The branch’s existing equipment is indeed unable to compete with it, and even I find it a bit difficult.”

"Why are you so serious all of a sudden? This doesn't sound like what you would say? Forget it~, are you telling the truth?" The phone bug frowned and showed a puzzled expression, "Mock Pirates? Even you feel it So troublesome? Isn’t that just a pirate with a bounty of 30 million? And what’s wrong with you? Why do you feel so sweaty?”

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, with a serious tone.

"You bastard, you are not serious, are you?"

"Ahahaha~, how is it possible? It's just that the East China Sea has been a little hot recently. Anyway, that guy escaped from my hands." Hearing the question from the phone bug Sengoku, under the contemptuous looks of Smoker and Dasqi, Garp Still not panicking, he laughed, picked his nose and said carelessly, "You know me, that's a pirate."

"That's right, you won't be cooperating with the pirates, right?"


"Forget it, since you said it like that, it seems that they are indeed a group of extraordinary pirates." After the telephone bug Sengoku frowned and said something, he thought for a moment and said, "How could he escape from your hands? The 16th Navy Branch failed to arrest him, which seems normal. It seems that another big pirate is about to appear in the East China Sea. "

"Yes, yes, it is indeed not easy!" Seeing Sengoku's reaction, Garp seemed to be relieved and resumed his carefree smile, "Then the bounty must be increased again!"

"Increase the bounty? Isn't the Mok Pirates still in the East China Sea? Isn't 30 million enough?"

"Not enough, not enough." Garp picked his nose and said cheerfully, "That's the pirate who escaped from me."

"Is that so?" The phone bug Warring States also frowned when he heard Garp's words. After pondering for a while, he then asked, "Then how much do you think it should be improved?"

"How much?" Garp smiled cheerfully, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Mock, the captain of the Mock Pirates, who was holding a can.

And Mok, who was being watched, didn't know why... his heart skipped a beat, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he seemed to have a bad premonition.

Before he could say anything.

I saw.

Garp in front of him suddenly grinned, revealing his white teeth, and then waved his hand, saying in a serious tone, "Such a big pirate must be worth at least 50 million!"

After that.

Mok: ...

50 million? !

What on earth does this old guy want to do?

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