Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

At this moment, in the office of the Admiral of the Navy.

Marshal Sengoku, who hung up the phone, crossed his hands and placed them in front of his chin, frowning, and looking thoughtful.

Then he seemed to remember something, lowered his head and opened a huge drawer below, stretched out his hand to the place where the bounty for pirates in the East China Sea was placed, as if looking for something, and then took out a bounty order after flipping through it.

[Name: Mok]

[Bounty: 30,000,000 Bailey]

Yes, this is the bounty of Mok, the captain of the Mok Pirates, who caused headaches for the 16th Branch of the East China Sea.

As a Admiral of the Navy, he would not care too much about such a pirate. Although the bounty of 30 million Bailey is already very high in the weakest sea, it is just a small pirate with 30 million Bailey in the East China Sea.

As long as he didn't enter the Grand Line and didn't make any noise, it was a small matter for the Navy Headquarters.

As for the 16th Navy Branch, although they did apply for funds frequently, according to the investigation of the trial personnel, the application materials of the 16th Branch were legal and compliant. The only thing that made people suspicious was that they applied too frequently.


Now it seems...

Sengoku lowered his head and frowned at the bounty order in his hand, "It seems that the 16th Branch was indeed wronged."

Being able to escape from Garp's hands, getting even Garp's approval, and even letting Garp propose a direct bounty of 50 million, it is indeed not something that a mere Navy branch can solve.

This kind of pirate is indeed a bit troublesome for the weakest sea of ​​the East China Sea.

It is incredible that the 16th branch can compete with it for so long now.


How can such a powerful pirate stay in the East China Sea?

Doesn't that guy have any ambitions?

If he has no ambitions, why does he keep harassing the 16th Navy Branch?

What kind of hatred is this?

In addition, Sengoku also had some impression of the base commander of the 16th branch, Dante Shache.

After all, he was once a genius colonel in the navy, but it seems that he has begun to degenerate since he was demoted.

He has been staying in the East China Sea for so many years and has not had any outstanding achievements.

At that time, he also suspected that this Colonel Shache, who had no achievements, had been catching the Mok Pirates. Was he really cooperating with pirates to defraud military funds?

But now it seems...

Since even the old guy Garp said so, maybe it is not what they think.

Although Garp has always been careless, he has no motivation since the trial of Pirate King Roger, and he always comes to steal his snacks, but as Garp's partner for many years, Sengoku knows that Garp is impossible to deceive him on such things.

You have to know that guy is a pirate.

As a hero of the navy, Garp would never cooperate with a pirate~

What's the point?

Zhan Guo shook his head with a hint of amusement on his face, and continued to look at the bounty in his hand, muttering to himself with a headache, "It seems that another big pirate is going to appear in the East China Sea."

Last time, an Ace just ran out and caused a lot of trouble in the Grand Line and the New World. Now another big pirate has appeared in the East China Sea.

Is it possible that something big is going to happen in this weakest sea again?

The only thing to be thankful for now is that the Mok Pirates have been staying in the East China Sea and have not entered the Grand Line~

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo pondered for a while, then picked up a pen and crossed out the 3 on the bounty, and wrote a 5 on the side.


He raised his head again and looked at the navy beside him, with a serious tone, "Notify the approval department that there is no problem with the military expenditure application of the 16th branch of the navy, and increase the military expenditure by 10%, but tell the base commander of the 16th branch..." His eyes narrowed slightly, "We must stop the Mok Pirates and never let them enter the Grand Line."


"No problem." Xia Che looked at Nami who was staring at him angrily, and said with a headache, "I have asked Udo to apply for military expenditure from above, and then we can support it for a while."


"Military expenditure? I don't know how long it will take to wait for the navy to allocate funds, and how much of that thing can there be. Even the current training and equipment purchase of the 16 branches can no longer be supported, not to mention that there are so many places that need money."

Facing Xia Che's comfort, Nami folded her hands and said, "I originally thought I could take advantage of the navy headquarters, but I didn't expect that I would have to subsidize it? It's really a loss~"

Then she looked at Xia Che unhappily.

"You lied to me, saying that I would be in charge of the money, and that the finance minister would see a lot of money."

"This... is not a lie, didn't you see a lot of money?"

"It's true that I saw a lot of money." Hearing Xia Che's words, Nami pouted disdainfully, slammed the table hard, and looked at Xia Che with a squint, "But I spent it all before I could even warm it up, you damn liar! I'm telling you, I'm going to resign. Do you know how sad it is for me to see so much money flowing out of my hands? And you also spent my 50 million Baileys."


Faced with Nami's questioning, Xia Che smiled awkwardly.

Nami not only has the title of a naval sergeant, but is also the finance minister of the 16th branch and the Konomimi Islands.

Nami was very sensitive and responsible about money. She was very clear about where every penny was spent. Therefore, Xia Che was quite satisfied with the Minister of Finance.

As for the so-called 50 million...

That was the money Nami had saved up after working as a thief for several years.

Of course~

He knew that Nami didn't really care about the 50 million, she was just complaining.

Nowadays, the main income of Cocoaxi Town depends on canned oranges and orange marmalade. Although with his help and the unique formula left by Bellemeier, the sales of orange marmalade and canned oranges are still good, it is indeed difficult to support so many constructions and the development of the navy.


"Navy training and the purchase of equipment and equipment are indeed very expensive." Xia Che stood up, walked in front of Nami, and sighed, "But there is no way. This is a necessary expenditure. If there is no strong strength to protect us, everything we do now will be in vain."

Strength is everything.

Then, he looked at Nami seriously with his eyes, and looked at Nami with a sigh and a relieved tone.

"Thank you for your hard work over the past few years! I will find a solution as soon as possible."

After saying this.

This tone.

This look.

Nami was stared at directly, and her inner anger seemed to have subsided a lot. She turned her head away, "I know! I'm just complaining."

With a helpless tone.

"Knowing that the funds are not so abundant, why do so many things? You can stop doing trivial things like cutting trees and building roads first. Why are you in such a hurry?"

As he said this, he turned around.

"I will discuss with Nokigo and others to see if the orange factory can increase its production. Really~" While walking outside, he pouted and complained, "If this continues, the canned oranges in Cocoa West Village may not be enough for you to spend even if they are sold on the Grand Line."

It was not until the figure walked out of the door that Xia Che breathed a sigh of relief.


He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down in his seat again.

Seeing this scene, Miss Robin, who was sitting elegantly, rolled her eyes helplessly, "Boss, you are so black-hearted~, you actually exploited a girl like this?"

"What do you mean by exploitation? What do you mean by exploitation?" Xia Che took a sip of the tea that Robin poured for him with her ability, and said leisurely, "I am exploring the potential of the girl, how can it be exploitation? Look, isn't Nami arranged in an orderly manner?"

"Black-hearted boss, do you think I will believe it?"

"Of course, you are my closest secretary."

"Sorry, I don't believe it~" Luo Miss Bin sneered, then frowned, and said, "But some of what Miss Nami said is true. Maybe some construction can be temporarily stopped. We don't have that much money to support it for the time being."

"Don't worry, the problem of funds is a small problem." In response to Robin's words, Xia Che still took a sip of hot tea and said slowly, "It will only be difficult for a while, and I will ask Mok to catch some pirates to subsidize it. If it doesn't work..."

His eyes flashed slightly, as if he thought of something, and there was a golden light flashing in his eyes.

"I know where the Golden Town - Shandora is? There is gold everywhere there. When we are short of money, we can go there to dig some."

After the words fell.


The legendary Golden Town?


If the legendary Golden Town may have... records of that history?

Robin seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed. He hurriedly looked at Xia Che who was drinking tea leisurely in front of him. When he was about to ask, he seemed to see something.

The tension on Robin's face disappeared immediately. He drank the black tea leisurely and said slowly, "The Land of Gold? Boss, do you know where it is? If you are not nervous, why don't you tell Miss Nami?"



Before Xia Che finished speaking.

At this time.

"Yes, I also want to ask why you didn't tell me?" A meaningful and sneering voice suddenly came from the door, "The Land of Gold? Gold everywhere?"


Frightened, Xia Che's teacup trembled, and he turned his head immediately. Sure enough, he saw Nami, who was supposed to leave, coming back again without knowing when.

He quickly put on a wry smile, laughed, and said, "I just remembered and was about to tell you! Hahaha, sorry, sorry." Then he immediately changed the subject, "By the way, why are you back? Is there something wrong?"

"I originally wanted to ask your swordsmanship instructor."

"Oh, this?" Hearing Nami's words, Xia Che quickly took up the topic, glanced away, and said with a smile, "I have arranged it, and I should come at the time..."

But he still didn't finish his words.

"But now none of this matters, what's squeezing my potential?" Nami clenched her fists, making a 'click' sound, and after staring at Xia Che meaningfully, her eyes suddenly became tearful, and she shouted loudly, "You guy, do you know how anxious and scared I have been during this period? The Navy Inspection Team is coming again, and there is no money again! Damn, you have a way to not tell me? Are you worthy of my hard work?"


"What's the use of apologizing now? I'm very angry."

"Yes, sorry!"

"Where is the Land of Gold?"

"On Sky Island!"

"Sky Island? Is there really gold everywhere there?"

"Almost. There is a lot of gold, and there is a city built of gold. But now it should have been dug up by some guy with a hole in his brain."

"Who? I don't care. Those are all mine!"


Seemingly feeling something was wrong, Xia Che, who was comforting Nami, also raised his head and immediately saw Nami's cunning eyes in front of him.

I think you are playing me!


At the same time.

Just when Xia Che was helplessly discussing with Robin and Nami when to go to pan for gold.

At the dock of the 16th Navy Branch.

A girl with a unique white long sword on her waist was nervously asking a navy officer on the dock, "Hello, is this the 16th branch of the Navy?"

"Yes, it's here!" As if shocked by the girl's appearance, the marines of the 16th branch looked at the girl in front of him in confusion, "Sergeant Tashiki, why are you back? Is there anything else?"

"Tashiki? I'm not Tashiki." Hearing the marine's words, the girl shook her head in confusion, but after hearing that this was indeed the 16th branch of the Navy, she seemed to be relieved, and then said seriously, "I'm Kuina, the junior sister of Colonel Xia Che of the 16th branch of the Navy. This time I came here specifically to find Senior Brother Xia Che."

After the words fell.


Senior Brother Xia Che?


The marines still looked at her in confusion and confusion.

Sergeant Tashiki, stop joking, is it another headquarters mission?

Thanks to A and C for two monthly tickets; the nickname already exists for one monthly ticket; book friend 20200317235826218 for two monthly tickets.

Thanks to book friend 20200317235826218 for rewarding 500 Qidian coins.

I saw a lot of familiar people~

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