Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 412: Healing Fruit

With a smile, he flew towards Dressrosa in silence. Doflamingo had already arrived at the palace before him, but he was a little earlier. It was delusional to be ready to resist the general.

Yixiao had already recognized Princess Mansherry, and Marshal Wright had already explained that before he came, if there was a chance to come into contact with Princess Mansherry of the Dongtata clan, he must protect her safety.

Because, Princess Mansherry's ability is exactly what can produce a miraculous and wide-ranging healing effect - superhuman type, healing fruit!

Having experienced the top war, Yi Xiao and the entire navy have never realized how a powerful healer can affect the war.

Princess Mansherry, as she knew with a smile, was the fourth healer besides Wright, "Phoenix" Marko, and "Shemale King" Ambrio Ivankov!

Strictly speaking, "Phoenix" Marco's Regenerating Flame focuses more on body recovery, and has a much weaker effect on other targets.

The "healing hormone" of Ambrio Ivankov's hormonal fruit is a question of cure probability.

Known as the "Miracle Man", the Shemale King, her healing ability depends on the target's spirit, will, luck and other factors, and activates the body's self-healing ability at the expense of life expectancy.

If the target itself is unlucky and the mental will is not strong enough, the failure to heal will directly lead to death.

At present, only Wright's Holy Light is the pinnacle of healing power!

And to some extent, the healing power of Holy Light is comparable to the healing power of Mansherry, the princess of the Dontata Kingdom, according to Wright.

The person with the ability to heal the fruit can activate the ability to heal all the injuries of living creatures, and even the tears of the person with the ability have a healing effect.

The most advanced usage of Healing Fruit is to reduce the lifespan of the person with the ability to restore the ability to restore everything to its original state, even inanimate objects can be restored!

This is beyond the general concept of "healing"... and the only place where the healing fruit is stronger than the Holy Light!

[I didn't expect...I actually met Princess Mansherry from the very beginning...]

[If Her Royal Highness is handed over to Kaido, then Kaido's Beast Pirates will be really difficult to defeat! 】

[It seems that even Drake doesn't know what this transaction is about... Doflamingo is willing to give up this level of interest, it seems that this guy can't wait to get more support from Kaido... 】

[Could it be that his goal is to become the "Four Emperors"? 】

Yi smiled and frowned. According to Doflamingo's strength, if he became the "Four Emperors", his strength and power would be a lot worse, but if there was Kaido's support behind him, it was not impossible.

[This bastard has made endless wars in the three surrounding countries, and sold arms to gain huge profits... This is only a small part of his crimes! 】

【King Liku must be rescued! 】

With a smile, you can already see the "King's Heights" in the middle of the island, but suddenly found a thick silk-like thing rising from the position of the palace to the sky!

"This is... a bird cage!"

Doflamingo's abilities have been thoroughly researched by Wright, and he will naturally tell them all with a smile, and the "birdcage" that once created the massacre on Mignon Island in the North Sea is even more of a priority.

"A birdcage that can defend externally and kill internally... Hmph! A cage that can't be escaped, is this trying to stop this old man?"

In the perception of a smile, the bird cage has begun to form, and the lines rising to the air have begun to spread out, and they have been nailed around the entire island!

"It's a pity... the old man has come in..."

With a smile, he accelerated towards the Central Palace. If you want to break through the birdcage from the outside, it will take a lot of time and effort, but if you are inside the birdcage...

"As long as you defeat the capable ones, that's it!"


Dressrosa Central Palace, "chapel" on the first floor, with a "penalty hut".

Princess Mansherry of the Dongtata clan was imprisoned here before. She was deceived and had to use her ability to heal the sea of ​​the Don Quixote family for the 500 companions who were imprisoned in the underground factory by Doflamingo. thieves.

The Dongtata clan claims that "there is no plant in the world that their clan cannot cultivate". Although there is no factory that cultivated "SMILE" for Doflamingo in the original work, they eat less, have super strength, and are very easy to control. No matter what it is used for, it is first-class labor.

900 years ago, the ancestors of the Don Quixote family created the wealthy Kingdom of Dressrosa by enslaving the Dontata people.

It is precisely because of the liberation of the Dontata clan that the Liku royal family made the falsely prosperous and prosperous kingdom gradually ordinary.

Princess Mansherry was trapped in the punishment hut, unaware of the sinister nature of the Don Quixote family, until Princess Violet of the rebels was caught by Doflamingo. After being imprisoned here for treatment by Man Shirley, Princess Man Shirley learned everything from her.

Princess Violet was the second daughter of King Riku, and the eldest daughter, Princess Scarlet, and her husband, Cyrus, still led the rebel army against Doflamingo's rule along with the Dontata.

There is only one Diamanti left in Doflamingo's top cadre. Although in recent years, the original young Dellinger and Sugar have grown up and can be independent, but the lost cadres have always made Doflamingo. Insufficient control over Dressrosa.

Therefore, Violet, who is the superhuman star with the ability to stare at the fruit, is favored by Doflamingo-if Violet can submit to him, whether it is her identity as a princess or a person with power, she will Great help for Doflamingo!

And Violet, after seeing the tragic situation of his father, Liku Dold III, had been imprisoned, he had to grit his teeth with Doflamingo and try to delay the time as much as possible-until Princess Mansherry was packed into a box and taken away.

At that time, Violet knew that Doflamingo probably had other plans, and he might even... no longer need to use the royal family to control Dressrosa!

"Father, Man Xue Li has been sent away for a long time... Damn it! If Man Xue Li's ability is abused by Doflamingo, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Violet was locked by Hailoushi handcuffs, and she couldn't use her ability to determine where Mansherry was:

"Brother Doflaming hasn't come to try to convince me for a few days... What the hell is he trying to do!"


King Liku sighed deeply. As a king, he has been imprisoned by the demon Doflamingo for eight years. If Violet was not arrested and told him about the outside world, he would not even know that this demon had become Seven Wu Hai!

"No matter what he's going to do, there's nothing we can do to stop it..."

"Ah... maybe you can't stop it, but we can!"

A complicated voice sounded from the door, and King Riku and Violet widened their eyes in shock!

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