Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 413 Violet and King Liku

When he learned that he was going to Dressrosa with Admiral Fujitora, Rossindi's mood was extremely complicated.

Although from the beginning to the end, he had firm belief to stop his brother Doflamingo's sinful behavior, but when this day finally came, he still couldn't control his tumultuous thoughts.

Dressrosa, the kingdom of the Don Quixote family 900 years ago, has experienced a blank 100 years. Since the Don Quixote family, as one of the "Twenty Kings Who Created the World", moved into the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the kingdom has changed. too much.

And his brother Doflamingo brought back the reign of terror of the Don Quixote family back into this country of love and passion.

Ironically, as the Vice Admiral who came to stop all this, Rossindi himself seems to be the "orthodox royal family" of this kingdom!

Silently packed up the guards, and the voices of Princess Violet and King Liku came from the room, and Rosannadi finally breathed a sigh of relief—they had been searching for a long time in the King's Heights.

Relying on the hidden ability of the fruit of silence, Rosannadi led Cavendish and Ain to form a sneak team. As early as when Doflamingo left the palace for Grebit, he began to search and rescue the imprisoned Liku royal family.

The unparalleled speed of Cavendish in the "white horse" state, coupled with the mute effect of Rosinandi, allowed them to quickly complete the search, and the fruit of Ain's regression even allowed them to kill the guards along the way without worrying about the corpse being killed. Find--

Directly set them back fifty years, and the world will evaporate, and nothing will be left.

Applying a sound insulation effect to the door lock, Cavendish cut it off with one sword, and the three walked into the room:

"Your Majesty King Liku, Princess Violet, I am Vice Admiral of the Admiralty, Don Quixote Rossindi, this is Brigadier General Ain and Colonel Cavendish - we are here to rescue you."

"Navy Headquarters... Lieutenant Admiral!"

"Don Quixote!!"

Two exclamations sounded, King Liku had not noticed Rosannadi's surname, but Violet obviously noticed:

"Your name is Don Quixote!!?"

The soundproof barrier that had been released had prevented their voices from leaking out. Cavendish stepped forward, took out the key from the vanished guard, and untied the Hailou stone handcuffs for them.

"An Xin... Your Excellency Lieutenant General is surnamed Don Quixote, but he is different from that fellow Doflamingo."

Maybe someone with a good face is particularly persuasive? Violet quickly calmed down by the words of Cavendish, who was wearing a coat of justice and had a high appearance. Anyway, these people are the Navy, that's right!

"I'm sorry... I'm being rude, but..."

"Violet, that doesn't matter... Your Excellency Lieutenant General!"

King Liku moved his wrist. The king suddenly gained freedom from the abyss of despair where the light was almost invisible, and quickly regained his sanity with strong perseverance:

"The navy is finally here... But, Brother Doflaming is Shichibukai, how could your navy do anything to him?"

"We already have evidence of Doflamingo's crime, and the title of Shichibukai can no longer protect him."

Roxandi sighed: "In order to collect the evidence that can really bring him down, and to wait for the opportunity to have a chance to do it, we had to make you wait for eight years..."

"Eight years..."

Liku let out a deep emotion: "Fortunately, these eight years are finally over!"

"I just don't know what happened to Scarlett and Cyrus...and Rebecca..."

"Father, they will be fine!" Violet comforted.

Ain stepped forward, took out two light-cast crystals, and crushed them to restore some stamina for King Liku and Violet:

"Please rest assured, this time the Navy Headquarters dispatched an 'admiral' to deal with Doflamingo - he is finished!"

"This is……"

King Riku still doesn't know the magic of lightcast crystals, but Violet still knows:

"This is Admiral Wright's light-cast crystal... can it still be used like this?!"

"It's almost an open secret now, but the effect is not strong."

Roxandi laughed, then looked at King Riku and Violet seriously:

"Although the time is limited, the necessary steps are still needed... Princess Violet, we know your abilities, and the 'staring fruit' has the ability to read people's hearts, so in order to avoid possible misunderstandings in the future, I said my surname."

"In fact, Brother Doflaming, is my brother... My brother, in order to ensure absolute trust, please use your ability to watch my thoughts-although he is a real brother, I am different from him!"

Violet and King Liku were so shocked by Ronandi's words that they were speechless - the previous doubts about Ronandi's surname were confirmed by His Excellency the General, but it was too magical!

Violet's forehead was oozing with cold sweat, looked at King Liku, and nodded heavily:

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, since you said so, then I am offended!"

[If what he said is true, then if he hides his surname, if we find out later, even if he is a navy, we can't believe him...]

[But now that he is so open and honest, I am afraid I have to find out what is going on! 】

Violet made an "OK" gesture with both hands, and a thin film-like substance was formed in the circle formed by the fingers.

Putting the circle of his hands in front of his eyes, Violet aimed the circle at the blond lieutenant in front of him:

"Recall your real relationship with Don Quixote Doflamingo!"

"Mind Peeping!"

Mind peeping can only read what the target is thinking at the moment, so Violet needs to cooperate with words to make the observed target involuntarily recall the memory related to the words.

After a while, Violet covered her mouth with trembling hands, and big tears flowed down:

"I see... I understand..."

"Father, these navies are credible, I have understood everything!"


King Liku also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he still trusted the navy that rescued them, the surname "Don Quixote" was always like a spell that bound his heart.

"It's great...it's great..."

King Liku murmured, and he heard Ronandi sigh softly. After all, it is not an easy and pleasant thing to be peeped at, but it is a step that has to be done for trust.

"Then we need to leave the palace, Princess Violet, and we need your strength to find the rest of the trapped Dressrosa officials and civilians."

Rosannadi said solemnly: "According to the information, Doflamingo used his ability to impersonate His Majesty King Liku, and pretended to be the 'Prime Minister', imprisoning officials and civilians who opposed his tyranny, we need to rescue them!"

"Until they are rescued, the navy will have no scruples against Doflamingo!"

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