Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 426 The reception of the G-5 branch

New World, Naval G-5 Branch.

"Wow, what about the samurai, first time seeing you..."

Ace watched with excitement as Guina went to Dressrosa to pick up Kinemon and Momanosuke's warship slowly landing.

Well... it's just landing, not entering the port. Unlike other admirals, Guina's warship is a slightly smaller flying warship.

The battleship "Flying" is not as rough as the original pirate ship of the Golden Lion. It was built directly from a small island. The "Flying" was designed by Dr. Bergapunk of the Naval Science Force, and the shape of most warships is the same. Different.

But Ace knows that this is only a small part...

"Flying" is just Guina's conventional combat unit. The real big guy, the sky fortress "Sky Fortress", always floats at an altitude of 5,000 meters above Guina, and its elite fighters always monitor the surrounding of the branch base Case.

The streamlined "Flying" battleship is said to be built with "aerodynamics", which can save Guina's physical strength to the greatest extent. Quick recovery when insufficient...

Even "Flying" inherits the external holy light shield function of "Dawn", which can still avoid danger to the greatest extent in the stormy weather that Piao Piao Guo fears most.

"It's much more convenient than my warship for traveling..."

Ace thought with some envy, even though his warship "Flame" also has a flame power system designed by Dr. Bergapunk, its speed, flexibility, and power can crush ordinary warships.

It is also possible to use the flame burst to fly for a short time to quickly support or leave the battlefield, but it is always a little less meaningful than the "Flying", which is a routine operation.

"Hey... At least, the firepower of the 'Flame' overwhelms the 'Flying'~~"

Ace touched his chin, so he could only comfort himself like this... After all, the functions and directions are different, his "Flame" is a storming battleship, and Guina's "Flying" is a transport and support type.

Guina smiled and walked off the battleship with Kinemon and Momanosuke, who had not recovered from the wonderful flight experience.

"Two, this is the G-5 branch of the Naval Headquarters in the New World. Your Excellency the Marshal will meet you here... Please come with me and rest for a while."

"Hey! Guina!"

Guina looked up and saw Ace greeting her, who looked at Kinemon with sparkling eyes:

"Haha! I finally meet a real samurai!"

"Huh? Aren't you saying hello to me!"

Guina touched the hilt of the sword, narrowed her eyes, and the corner of her mouth evoked a beautiful arc:

"Major General Ace? It seems that you like samurai very much... Your Excellency Kinemon, but he has a stunt called 'Flame Crack'..."


Ace wiped the sweat from his forehead. Since the last time he saw Sabo at the top of the war, the old man seems to have been urging the teacher to do something mysterious to him...

The way they look at themselves and Guina is always weird!

Is it an illusion? I always feel that Guina's attitude towards herself is also a bit...

Well, probably girls will always get weirder when they grow up?

But this "flame crack"...

"Wow! It's amazing to hear the name! Is it the swordsmanship that cuts through the flames? I always feel cold all over..."


Guina glanced at Ace, who was smirking and scratching his head, and introduced to Kinemon and Momanosuke beside him:

"This idiot is a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters, 'Fire Fist' Ace... Well, a natural type of fruit-burning ability, in your terms, it is a magic art that will turn into fire!"


Kinemon and Momanosuke opened their mouths:

"There is such a magical sorcery!"

"Also, Major General Guina, your sorcery is even more amazing!"

"……well enough."

Thinking that Kinemon also introduced his own "witchcraft" - serving fruit, Guina's expression was a little strange. This kind of fruit ability should be loved by many girls...

"Don't stand there stupid stupid, let's take them in... I have to take over the affairs of Dusky's side before she can get away and come here."

"Ah~~ are you leaving, Major General~"

Momonosuke lost his way. He separated from his mother not long ago. In 20 years, it was the first time that he had a close encounter with a beautiful woman who was as beautiful as his mother, and Guina seemed to have some mysterious relationship with Wano...

In short, it feels very kind, and Momanosuke feels that Guina has a familiar atmosphere in the country of Wano!

However, it seems that the country of Wano has never produced a female samurai...

"I have a mission~ But another big sister will come over soon~ Let's get along well~"

A smile flashed in Guina's big eyes. Since Wright sent his junior sister to pick up these two guys in person, how could he not remind Guina that both big and small are lechers!

Gu Yina couldn't help but want to laugh when she thought of the program that the big brother had arranged for the little pervert.

[It's good to rectify it... This child has to take a big responsibility, this is obviously spoiled in the past, if Wano country is in the hands of such a little pervert, then he will be embarrassed to talk to his father about it! 】

[However, the eldest brother can actually do such a thing... It's a big deal, the eldest brother is too great! 】

Giving Kinemon and Momanosuke to Ace, Guina hurriedly set off again.

Ace approached Kinemon:

"Mr. Samurai, I heard that you have magical ninjas in Wano...Is it true? Do you know ninjas? They really keep saying 'Ninja', 'Ninja' and then use shuriken and avatars etc. ??"


A cold sweat broke out from Kinemon, and the young man who looked unreliable in front of him was a rear admiral just like Guina just now!

Such a young rear admiral... is he actually interested in ninjas?

"Well... If you are a ninja, you probably won't say 'Ninja' and 'Ninja'... But shuriken and avatars should definitely be able to..."

Thinking of Raizo, Kinemon couldn't help but feel a little proud. Like the ninjas and samurai of Wano, they are very famous overseas:

"One of my partners is a ninja. He is a very powerful guy... If you have the opportunity, I can introduce you to the Major General and get to know him."

"Aha, that's really nice!"

Ace's interest increased greatly, and he took Kinemon and Momanosuke to the living area:

"The two of you first take a bath and change your clothes, and then I'll take you to eat something!"

"Take a good taste of the food of the Navy! The Navy cafeteria is one of the best benefits here. Even if the taste is not as good as the world-renowned food, it is still a top enjoyment!"

Ace looked at one big and one small who suddenly burst into flames, and laughed:

"Navy officers and soldiers must eat well and eat well in order to ensure their strong combat effectiveness. Therefore, the naval canteen is an important part of the Navy's senior management in all dynasties!"

“Delicious and free unlimited! All you can eat!”

"Well... so happy!"

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