Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 427: Guangyue's Help

Wright came to the G-5 branch secretly. Of course, the base director's office of Rosannadi is also soundproof, and there is no need to go to a special secret room to discuss secret affairs.

Ace walked into the office with a strange look on his face:

"Teacher, the guests of Wano Country have arrived."

"Oh? Please come in... what's the matter?"

Wright looked at Ace's expression and became a little curious:

"What's wrong with them?"

"Well... it's okay, the cafeteria ate too much and couldn't move. I had people help them over."


Wright's eyes twitched:

"Let them in...you help them in!"

Ace wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh out. After a while, Kinemon and Momanosuke, who were ashamed, were brought in by Ace.

"In the country of Shimono, the vassal of the Kozuki family, 'Foxfire' Kinemon, and the head of the family, Kozuki Momonosuke, have met His Excellency the Admiral!"

Wearing a brand-new kimono, Kinemon, wearing a double sword on his waist, endured the pain in his abdomen and bowed. As the leader of Kozuki's retainers, it is really disrespectful to meet the leader of the world's largest military organization in such an embarrassed manner. .

But the naval cafeteria is really beautiful... Not to mention the days when Kanjuro's paintings in Dressrosa were starving, even 20 years ago, as a retainer of the Kuri daimyo, Kinemon was starving. Don't know how many times.

At that time, Kozuki Oden abandoned his family and Roger to go to the island of the end. Kinemon and the others assisted Mrs. Shi with her two children, not only to manage the Kuri area, but also to face the various conspiracies, assassinations and provocations of the black charcoal snake. Wait, it's been a tough day.

It was common to eat the last meal but not the next. Even Mrs. Shi, the young master Momonosuke, and the princess Hiyori were only able to eat enough.

Both Kinemon and Momanosuke hadn't eaten a decent meal for several years. When Ace told them to eat casually in the naval cafeteria, the huge sense of happiness directly overwhelmed them.

Hence the present scene.

"The famous name of "Kuri" in the country of Wano, the son of Kozuki Oden, Kozuki Momonosuke, have met His Excellency Admiral Admiral!"

Momanosuke also changed into new clothes, and now she is wearing a pink kimono, and she looks a little cute in white.

In the days of Dressrosa, Momanosuke, Kinemon and Kanjuro together inquired about the news of the naval headquarters, and the information of the admiral in front of him could be said to be thunderous.

Even if he is only an eight-year-old child, he has already deeply understood what a brilliant resume the youngest marshal in the history of the Navy Headquarters has.

When meeting the Admiral, Momanosuke showed the most high-standard etiquette taught by his mother-the etiquette of meeting the "general", which was also emphasized by Kinemon before.

He now represents the Kozuki family of Wano country, he is the owner of the Kozuki family, and they are now here to ask for the help of the navy!

But... Father Kozuki Oden and Whitebeard are sworn brothers, so the Admiral of the Navy killed... his own uncle? !

Thinking of this, Momonosuke shivered secretly.

Wright knew exactly what Momonosuke was thinking... A samurai like Kinemon, Wright would have to work a little harder, and a child like Momonosuke, Wright could see through it at a glance if he thought about it.

"Don't be too polite, you are the guests of the navy now, please take a seat - Ace, order some tea for the two of you."

Ace nodded and stepped forward, added the tea leaves, poured water, and held the teapot. The fire flashed, and the teapot was steaming hot.

Tea was poured for Kinemon and Momanosuke, and the rich tea aroma woke them up.

[This is... Major General Ace's ability to turn into a "flame"? What a precise control...]

Kinemon was secretly startled, feeling the strength that Ace showed in an instant, and gained some new understanding of the strength of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters - although it was not very accurate.

As a powerful samurai, Kinemon, of course, knew the difference between slashing with a long sword and carving with a long sword.

Above the rear admiral are lieutenant admirals, generals, and then marshals...

So how powerful is this admiral who is said to have injured Kaido during his time as a lieutenant general? !

"The two are from the country of Wano. Although the country of Wano is closed to the country, as the world's largest military force, the naval headquarters has a lot of understanding of the country of Wano."

Wright spoke, and there seemed to be an invisible momentum around him, which made his words have an invisible attraction:

"Twenty years ago, the famous name of Kuri, Kozuki Oden, served as a crew member of the Great Pirate Whitebeard and the Pirate King Roger, and the navy had played against him a lot."

Leitka smiled at Kinemon who looked a little ugly and Momonosuke who was longing for him.

"Don't worry, I will clear up these old things with you. Kozuki Oden was a pirate, but you haven't done it yet..."

"Kaido is entrenched in the country of Wano, and the peculiar terrain of the country of Wano is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the general Black Charcoal Orochi, who is in trouble with Kaido, they use the country of Wano as a weapons factory to manufacture and deliver weapons to the world, causing a lot of confusion. Know how many tragedies."

"As the most powerful and powerful 'Four Emperors' in the New World, Kaido is now one of the 'Three Emperors'. How much fear and harm he has brought to the New World is obvious to the whole world."

"Therefore, as a navy that practices justice and guards the sea, Kaido is what we must liquidate... In this regard, our goals are the same."

"But the black carbon serpent, Wano country is not a member of the world government, the navy has no obligation, and it has no position to interfere in Wano's internal affairs."

Wright is so straight to the point, and Jinweimen also quickly entered the state. Although it is usually a little out of character and a little lecherous, but as the leader of the nine red sheaths, Jinweimen is known for his "resourcefulness" and is famous in Wano country, not entirely. Wandering in vain.

"The lord is young, so he will take care of you and discuss this matter with Your Excellency the Marshal!"

Looking at Momanosuke, Kinemon put down the teacup, leaned forward, and said solemnly:

"Your Excellency Marshal, this time we asked to see your Excellency because we wanted to ask the Navy for help!"

"Your Excellency must have some understanding of our identity, but please allow me to tell your Excellency what will happen to the inferior!"

Kinemon stared at Wright's eyes that seemed to glow with golden light:

"Your Excellency Marshal, you have such a reputation in the world, you are desperate at this time, and you are willing to take a gamble -- Your Excellency Marshal, if you really practice justice like the legend, then please listen to the next thing one by one. Come on!"

"The country of Wano has been poisoned by Kaido and the black charcoal snake for more than 20 years. I believe that the news brought by you and the status of the inferior are the best reason for the navy to intervene in the country of Wano!"

Since Kinemon has come, he has already made up his mind-the purpose is to deal with Kaido and Orochi, the navy has strength, but lacks a position; the red sheath warriors have a position, but no strength.

Wano Country is not an ordinary country. Even if it is poisoned by Black Charcoal Orochi and Kaido, Wano Country still maintains a strong force.

The country of Wano has been locked up for hundreds of years, and it does not have a good impression on the outside world. If the "name is not right", the naval intervention in the country of Wano will even be boycotted by the people!

As for the consequences of letting the navy intervene in Wano's affairs - the red sheath samurai must inherit Oden's last wish and "found" the country of Wano. Since the country is founded, it will definitely deal with the navy.

Well, since we will encounter it sooner or later, it is better to use the power of the navy to gouge out the cancer of Wano Kingdom, and then talk about other things!

At least, the navy is different from the pirates. They practice justice, no matter how bad they are, even if they wait for others to die, they will at least treat the people of a country kindly!

"Your Excellency Marshal, is there any hope of winning in this gamble?!"

After telling all the cause and effect of the incident, Kinemon let out a long sigh of relief.

Feelings of weakness, fear, fatigue, anger, helplessness, etc. these days, can no longer be hidden in front of the Admiral, and finally blurted out this question.


Wright looked playfully at Kinemon who asked him a serious question, and Momonosuke who looked at him anxiously, and nodded slowly:

"Hopefully... it's pretty big."

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Am I dreaming?

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