"Lord Quinn!"

On the huge pirate ship, there is a hideous pirate flag of the Beast Pirates, and a huge "QUEEN" mark.

The big billboard "Pandemic" Quinn was lying on the poor reclining chair, enjoying the sweet rice cake and azuki bean soup.

"Ah? What's the matter!"

Putting down the soup bowl and picking up the cigar, Quinn shifted, the reclining chair below him making a hard crunch.

"Have you arrived at Zou?"

"Lord Quinn! Zou can already be seen in front of you!"

The pirates who came to the communication looked horrified:

"Then...that's not an island!"


Quinn sat up, and her round body did not make people feel bulky at all, but unexpectedly flexible:

"It's not what an island is, how could it be an elephant? All of you are stupid ignorant..."

Quinn turned around with a beep, and when he looked up, his eyes bulged out directly:

"What an elephant - asshole!"

"Lord Quinn! So we're not stupid..."

"Okay, I know, you are not stupid... Am I! You bastards!"

Quinn jumped and cursed:

"Go and move for me! Get busy! Prepare to land on the island! Get out!"

The pirates fled, and Quinn hummed back to the recliner:

"Humph! I'm a genius, just guess!"

"Crench~~ Bang!"


The recliner finally couldn't support it, and he died heroically. Quinn's howl resounded throughout the boat:

"Bastard! Bring me a sofa here~~!"


Zuowu, the furry principality sounded a rapid alarm bell, always staring at the passage to the island - the fur tribe warriors at the four limbs of the elephant, at the passage of the left hind limb of the elephant, they found the sea of ​​beasts and pirates who landed on the island. thief.

"Huh? What's up with this bell? Are you welcome?"

Quinn sat on a large sedan chair, fluttering his long beard and marijuana braids, humming while smoking a cigar:

"Mumhahaha! Fur people don't hate humans..."

"Lord Quinn!"

"What's the matter! Don't interrupt me, bastard!"

Quinn howled and coughed:

"Well, then, what happened?"

The pirate who covered his ears by Quinn's roar trembled and said:

"That... Lord Quinn, the fur tribe... they have a lot of people here!"

"Looks like... it doesn't look like they're here to welcome us!"



Inuarashi and Cat Viper stood at the forefront of the Musket Team and the Knights, watching the pirates approaching from the edge of the country.

"It's finally here... Hmph, just a big billboard, with a boatload of people, and I want to take people away from us..."

With his tongue sticking out, Quanlan snorted coldly while holding the hilt of his sword, "They are overconfident!"

Cat Viper held a pipe and exhaled a breath of smoke: "Come on, old dog, we fur people don't show up very much in the outside world, everyone thinks we are easy to bully..."

"The animals in the animal department are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned with amazing endurance. Unless we join forces to press him to death, it will not be good for us to drag him down!"

Dog Lan nodded: "That's right, after all, this is our country... It's all our wealth that will be lost!"


The Beast Pirates approached, Quinn's sedan chair fell to the ground, and his round body rubbed off the sedan chair:

"Oh? The fur tribes are really as strange as the legends say? Mumhaha!"

"The first two, the cat and the dog? How big!"

"What's the rest? Lions, zebras, rabbits, jaguars, orangutans, buffaloes... Mumhaha is really wonderful!"

"Pirates! What do you want to do when you land on the furry principality's territory?!"

The captain of the Musketeer team, the lion fur "Sicilian with all his strength" came out. He really couldn't stand the fat fat man commenting on his clan over there:

"The furry principality does not welcome outsiders. If you enter this place by mistake, leave as soon as possible!"

"Ha~? The furry principality?"

Quinn widened her eyes, then raised her face in a gentle manner:

"What a cute name~~"

"It's better to catch a few cute ones and bring them back~ Xiao Zi definitely likes these furry little animals~~"

"Hahaha that's right! Lord Quinn! For a woman as beautiful as Dr. Zi, your pet must be different!"

"Mumhaha! Right? Xiaozi will definitely like it!"


The fur warriors were so angry that the other party regarded them as pets? !

"You! Listen to Lao Tzu!"

Quinn's complexion suddenly changed, and the huge body exuded amazing coercion:

"I'm here to ask you to hand over the 'ninja' Raizo of Wano!"

"Hurry up and hand them over to Lao Tzu! After finishing the task, Lao Tzu has to rush back to watch Xiao Zi's parade!"

"We don't have any 'ninjas' here!"

Inu Lan stepped forward and said solemnly:

"The old man is the furry principality, the 'King of Daylight' Inu Lan, the old man's words can represent the whole country!"

"Old dog is right, Lao Tzu is the 'King of the Night' Cat Viper, what kind of ninja, that is a specialty of Wano Kingdom, we fur tribe don't have that kind of thing!"

"Mumhaha... I almost believed what I said... But this is Mr. Kaido's order!"

Quinn lifted his chin forward: "Yeah!"


The pirates looked at him with bewildered expressions: "Lord Quinn?"

"I want you to attack, idiots!"

Quinn jumped and scolded:

"A bunch of idiots with no eyesight! Those who were a little smarter were picked off by Drake, and the rest for me are a bunch of shit!"

"As far as you guys are concerned, when I go back, I will throw it all to that pervert Jhin!"

"Don't do it, Boss Quinn! You will be tortured if you follow Lord Jhin!"

The pirates wailed in a frenzy, finally managed to arrange the formation, pulled out their weapons and rushed forward:

"Hahahaha! Didn't you hear what Boss Quinn said?! Hand over the ninja!"

"Yeah~ Although I'm an idiot, I'm good at fighting anyway~"

Quinn held his thick arms and nodded his head like a penalty:

"Go back and ask Drake to ask some smart guys to take the lead. If this goes on, I'll be pissed off!"

The pirates rushed over one after another. Although the fur warriors didn't expect Quinn to be so straightforward, they would start a fight as soon as they disagreed, but they reacted quickly.

All fur tribesmen are soldiers, even young children have self-defense means, they can be entangled in electric current or wrapped around weapons to exert powerful attack power.

As soon as they met face to face, the fur warriors and the pirates were inseparable.

Although there is no such powerful army as the "Giver" in the original work, but after the death of Whitebeard, there is no new "Four Emperors", which makes Kaido's subordinates join many pirates, and the strength and number should not be underestimated. !

Quinn frowned as she watched the pirates on her side being blocked, and tilted her neck:

"Hey, hey, why don't you just hand over people neatly?!"

"I have to do it? I start to miss that junk from Jack... When he was here, I never needed to do this kind of trouble!"

The long golden beard trembled, Quinn took a cigar and touched the handle of the knife on his waist with disgust:

"I'll ask again, whether to make friends or not!"

"There are no 'ninjas' here!"

Inuarashi held the hilt of the sword in his hand, the cat and pit viper licked his paws, and the two kings answered in a loud voice that pulled Quinn's fat face down:

"It seems that you are not willing to give Laozi face."

"Then die!"

PS: I took a look at the big bosses of Dafengtui. There are hundreds of thousands of recommendation tickets of 8,900,000 to 900,000 words...

Look at other pirate novels, more than ten or two hundred thousand...

My forty thousand...


No wonder there were Q-read comments a few days ago saying that it was suspected to be brushed...

I also doubt it...

But this book started out...

In fact, the fluency of the content from the first chapter to the present should be seen. This is really a new book for newcomers, and there is no moisture at all.

Every collection is a real collection, there is no group, and no red envelopes are given. When I first wrote it, I didn’t understand anything, so I just wrote it. On December 30, I asked the editor for permission to change the wrong chapter. I haven't spoken to the editor until now...

I don’t even know when it will be on the shelves. It’s too late when the editor informs me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t put the controversial chapter on the shelf. Because it was the first time I didn’t understand it, the vip chapter was wrong at the beginning... Result Could it be better...

So the big guys who are reading books, although the starting point app can't see the number of recommended tickets now, why don't you give it? At least it won't look so dazzling on the PC side...

Before it was put on the shelves, I had more than 20,000 collections and more than 1,000 recommendations every day. Now I have more than 50,000 collections and 100 recommendations every day...

Oh, it was a little over 200 in the two days I got the fine stamp...

(However, if you recommend less, you don’t need to be so diligent! Hahaha!)

There are some great gods on Dafeng Push, I can't be wrong here...

There is really a big push at two o'clock, and two chapters will be added at five o'clock in the afternoon to get that dead fat Quinn away~~

I don't know if someone will spray poison in tomorrow's chapter...(

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