Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 431 Epidemic Bomb (Dafeng Push Update 1/2)

Chapter 431 Epidemic Bomb (Dafeng Push Update 12)

The fighting has been going on for three days and three nights.

"Pandemic" Quinn is a capable person in the form of animal, ancient species and Brachiosaurus. Not only that, Quinn, a scientist, has also transformed his body to a certain extent.

His left forearm is a mechanically modified limb, and the long neck in the form of Brachiosaurus can also be mechanically stretched to attack, and even a machine gun can be stretched out of his mouth...

Inuarashi and Cat Viper have been losing ground, almost unable to support Quinn's strong physical strength, endurance, and attack power.

Originally, with the strength of Inuarashi and Cat Viper, any one of them has a strong attack power, and with the current stunt, it is a huge sweep against ordinary pirates.

But it's still not enough for Quinn, who has a thick skin and a strong attack.

Although Quinn's character is rather funny, but when he fights seriously, there is no ambiguity. He is arrogant and cruel, and likes to crush opponents directly with his strength.

Although Inu Arashi has the application skills of high-level armed color, but facing a muscular man like Quinn... a muscular man in another sense, these injuries are not to mention scraping, but they also have little effect on Quinn.

After all, Quinn can also use the armed color to defend, plus the terrifying physique bonus of the ancient animal species, Inuarashi can only cut through his skin at most.

Cat Viper's weapon here is his sharp claws, and his strength is comparable to that of Inu Arashi. He can resist Quinn's attack, but to defeat Quinn, the two of them can't do it together.

One cat and one dog took turns to drag Quinn's footsteps in the form of wheel battles. This is the limit of what they can do. During this process, the fur warriors have been led by the Musket Team and the Knights. The pirates under Yin fought back several times.

But Quinn, the boss, will not retreat. Even if the pirates suffer casualties, they will not dare to retreat at all.

The battle was so stalemate.

"Damn, you beasts are so annoying!"

Quinn's cigars had been changed several times. He returned to his human form angrily and changed another cigar:

"Are the fur tribes all idiots with a problem with their brains!"

"If you hand over the ninja, nothing will happen! Don't you hate humans! Are you still protecting that ninja like that?!"

Inu Arashi and Cat Viper gasped and looked at each other vaguely - Quinn should not know the two of them, that is to say, the two of them successfully escaped from Kaido back then and returned to Zou, spy Kanjuro should not know.

After all, he knew when the two of them were arrested, but then he traveled through time... He only knew that the Guangyue family and Zuowu had a deep relationship and were allies for generations, but he did not know that the two of them had already returned to Zuowu. Wu.

Otherwise, Quinn probably wouldn't have said that.

"The old man has emphasized many times, there are no ninjas here... Your Excellency also knows that the fur tribe hates humans, ninjas or something, we have no reason to take him at all."

"You bastard still has the face to say that we are beasts... What the hell are you doing yourself, don't you have any points in your heart meow!"

Cat Viper picked up his pipe again, took a sharp puff, and licked his paws:

"Damn...that's pretty cool meow!"


Quinn was sweating on her forehead, these two guys...

"Since you don't want to make friends, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Pandemic Bomb Troop! Give it to Lao Tzu!"

Inu Lan and Cat Viper shrank their pupils, and saw the pirates come forward with guns, with cruel smiles on their faces:

"Wow ha ha ha! You are finished!"

"This is one of Lord Quinn's masterpieces!"

"Wait, you idiots!"


Quinn gave an order, and the pirates shot one after another. Inuarashi and Cat Viper, who felt bad, struggled to cut or block the bullets, but they could not accommodate so many pirates to shoot at the same time.

Although the fur tribe warriors were quick and quick, there were still many people who were accidentally shot.

"Ah! What is this... so hot!"

"It's so hot... help!"

"Ah! What is this green thing!"

"what happened?!"

Inulan and Cat Viper were startled, turned their heads and saw the soldiers who had been hit by the "epidemic bomb", and their bodies began to quickly spread green stains!

The stains spread, and the soldiers who were shot were scorching hot, and what was even more terrifying was that these stains would spread to other soldiers when they were in contact!

Soon, the soldiers who went to help the hit man fell to the ground screaming.

"Bastard... Meow!"

Cat Viper was furious and was about to rush towards Quinn, but was accidentally hit by a plague bomb, and the intense burning sensation began to attack his body!

"Old cat!"

Inu Lan swung his sword to chop off several bullets, and was about to go, when the cat viper roared:

"Don't go near Lao Tzu! This thing is contagious!"

"Everyone! If you haven't been shot, don't touch the fallen!"

Inulan clenched his teeth, and the cat viper was already twitching on the ground in pain, but he couldn't even step forward to help him!


Inu Lan charged at Quinn who was laughing with his sword, and his blade was enraged with an unprecedented domineering look of armament!



With a cold drink, Inu Lan realized that the scene in front of him had changed, and he appeared in a hidden place. He hurried out and saw another figure appearing in front of Quinn instead of him.

"Your Excellency Luo!"

"Duke Inuarashi, maintain order, don't worry... Don't forget, I'm a doctor!"

"I will gather all the people who have been hit by the plague, and you will prepare enough sticks and other items to knock them out!"

"The effect of this plague is not only a burning sensation, but some people have begun to behave strangely!"

After a series of instructions were issued, Inu Lan's expression turned solemn, and he nodded heavily:

"Ashamed! Please, Your Excellency Luo!"

"ROOM · Baton!"

Luo snorted coldly, the huge spherical space opened, Luo hooked his fingers, and saw that the people who were slowly getting up from the plague disappeared one after another, and then concentrated in a low-lying place!


Moving so many people in an instant made Luo gasp for breath. The results of the operation were all good, but it was too exhausting.

"Oh yeah yeah? Let me see who this is..."

Quinn helped her small sunglasses and looked at it carefully, her eyes protruding violently:


"Isn't this Trafalgar Law of the 'King Xia Qiwuhai'!"

"Why are you bastard in this place!"

"Humph! I just brought the crew to visit relatives..."

Luo raised his chin, and Quinn looked at Bepo who was busy helping Duke Inuarashi deal with the plaguer. Bepo was still wearing the orange jumpsuit of the Heart Pirates, and turned his head after hearing the words:

"Captain! Do you call me?"

"No! Help!"



Quinn grinned, it turned out that there were fur tribes in the crew of the Qiwuhai, and they came to visit relatives...

"Why is this time, you bastard!"

"As Qiwuhai, shouldn't you be obedient to the World Government? Isn't it the World Government's favor when you come out to stop Lao Tzu!"

A cold smile appeared on Luo's face:

"No, I am now a doctor to stop you bastard who spreads the plague!"

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