Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 471 The Truth of All Nations

"Among all nations, every island is a theme of delicious dim sum."

Under the terrified gazes of a group of people, sister Reiju began to introduce the basic situation of Wan Guo to everyone.

"The buildings on the island are made up of desserts corresponding to the theme. For example, the biscuit island, the buildings on it are made of biscuits, and the chocolate island, all the buildings on it are made of chocolate~"

"And cheese, nuts, donuts, ice cream and more..."

"Wow~~~! So happy!"

Luffy and Chopper's saliva has become a waterfall, and their eyes are shining with gold:

"I could eat an island!"

"Hehe~" Reiju pursed her lips and smiled:

"In the waters near many islands, there will even be wonderful dim sum weather..."

"Dim sum weather?!"

Luffy and Chopper looked at Reiju with bright eyes:

"Sounds delicious! What is that?"

"Well, let me give you an example~" Reiju smiled softly, and then heard a "click", and there was a dizzy skeleton under the table...

"For example, in the waters around some islands, the sea water is filled with black tea~ or cola~ and there will be snow made of cotton candy~"

Reiju's introduction made Luffy and Chopper almost faint, and Nami, as a navigator, recorded these precious information in detail.

"It's really strange... How did this terrain form? There are island clusters full of food?"

Nami was puzzled, Reiju explained:

"The ministers responsible for the management of these 34 outlying islands are all children of BIGMOM—Wan Guo is actually the family of BIGMOM."

"And these ministers, most of them are ability users, and most of them have abilities related to food or cooking methods."

"But IWC also has one of the most special features."

Reiju's expression became serious, seeing this, everyone also became serious, the information provided by Reiju can save lives to a large extent.

"Within the territory of Ten Thousand Nations, the residents of every island are protected by the BIGMOM Pirates."

"But it's not free - in addition to normal work, they also need to pay a special thing as the price of staying in Wanchao."

"The price? Bailey? Or supplies? Is it food?"

Everyone is curious, what is so special?

"No, not those..."

Reiju was silent for a moment, then said softly:

"It's 'life'!"


"According to the law of Wan Guo, all residents living within Wan Guo must pay one month's lifespan every six months!"

Reiju slowly told the truth about "All Nations", a seemingly harmonious but extremely cruel "Utopia" amidst everyone's shocked expressions:

"Every six months, the 'soul envoy' sent by BIGMOM, made with its own soul, will ask all the residents of all nations a question - 'Life (life)' or 'Leave (leave)'?"

"All residents who are willing to stay will choose 'Life', and the 'Soul Messenger' will draw that person's one-month lifespan—that is, the 'soul', as the protection fee provided by BIGMOM!"


Chopper trembled in fright: "This... the people who live there don't live long!"

"Yes, they lose one year of life every six years."

Reiju said in a deep voice: "However, many people are willing... After all, in the chaotic new world, they can live in fairy tales and dreamlike kingdoms..."

"For the vast majority of people, even if they lose one-sixth of their lifespan, it's a beauty that they can't even imagine outside."


Everyone fell silent for a moment, the new world is so cruel... Civilians rarely live to a natural death, and most of them will die from pirates, disasters, and illnesses.

In this way, it is understandable that many people make this choice.

"BIGMOM is a superhuman "soul soul fruit" capable person, she can freely exchange souls."

Reiju saw everyone fell silent, smiled and continued:

"She took the lives of the residents and spread the collected 'human souls' throughout the 'All Nations', making various items use human lives to 'personify'!"

"This ability can be used on objects or animals, but it has no effect on humans and corpses, but even so, BIGMOM has successfully created..."

"Almost 'Animism', 'All Nations'!"


Everyone recalled that BIGMOM's singing pirate ship couldn't help shivering.

"This ability...is too scary!"

Robin wiped the cold sweat off his brow:

"In this way, any ordinary tree or even an inconspicuous flower in Ten Thousand Kingdoms...could be BIGMOM's eyeliner?"

"It's you, Nicole Robin, who can think of this first."

Reiju nodded: "That's right, BIGMOM's soul creation is called 'Homiz', which is the most advanced made by BIGMOM's own soul, and all Homiz will absolutely obey BIGMOM's orders."

"Therefore, the whole world, from the 'chess soldiers' who are the main components of the army, to the flowers and plants on the roadside, even rocks and mountains, may be BIGMOM's eyeliner and defense force."

"BIGMOM's intelligence system largely relies on Homiz for intelligence collection."

"If there is no BIGMOM's soul imprint on the invitation letter, we will be directly besieged by the security forces and ministers as soon as we enter the range of the world."

Reiju pointed to the invitation letter on the table and said with a smile:

"With the invitation letter, the special soul fluctuation will cause the nations to send envoys to escort us, and take a special route to go directly to the central location of BIGMOM, 'Cake Island'."

"BIGMOM will threaten to..."

Seemingly feeling that the word "beating Fei" is a bit indecent, Reiju shook her head and paused for a while before continuing:

"Don't you think it's strange to send an invitation letter to you who are hostile?"

"Speaking of it... we are also puzzled."

Nami frowned: "Could it be that this is the confidence of the 'Four Emperors'? According to Baron Egg and Pokmus, BIGMOM seems to be trying to subdue us..."

"How is it possible! I am the man who wants to become the One Piece! I won't..."

Luffy jumped up and was pulled back directly by Sauron:

"It's just for analysis, we don't really surrender to her."

"BIGMOM's Tea Party, also known as 'Hell's Tea Party'..."

Reiju's voice quieted the noisy Luffy: "Hell? Why?"

"At the tea party, BIGMOM will enjoy the most luxurious and delicious desserts made with the finest ingredients from the loot."

"The tea party is not only a celebration for BIGMOM to win over big figures in the underground world, but also a grand event to show their strength!"

"The guests who received the invitation, some are guests, and some are 'offerings to the devil'..."

Reiju showed a meaningful smile:

"The BIGMOM Pirates only believe in blood ties, so they have a rule that cannot be violated when recruiting the Pirates!"



The five guys under the table instantly woke up:


"Well, if BIGMOM tries to recruit a pirate group, it will choose a son or daughter to marry with this pirate group—a son marrying a female high-ranking member of the pirate group, or marrying a daughter to a male high-ranking member of the pirate group!"

Reiju looked up and down at the bewildered Luffy with a wonderful smile:

"Maybe, BIGMOM will betroth his daughter to you~ Luffy!"


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