Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 472 Entering Ten Thousand Kingdoms

The Thousand Miles of Sunshine has sailed into the "Wan Guo" sea area.

The invitation worked, and instead of being attacked as an enemy ship, they were told to stop and wait to be picked up.

"Sister Reiju, is that the 'chess soldier' ​​you mentioned earlier?"

Nami looked in amazement at the pawn soldier walking away with regular steps. This soldier is like a large toy figure, but it does have independent intelligence like a real person.

What's more, it's nice to speak~

"Well, that's right, chess soldiers are the main defensive force on the periphery of the kingdom, and there are also warning nets made up of sea slugs and egg tart defense forts in the sea."

Reiju pointed to the surface of the sea, and everyone could indeed see something like a large egg tart floating not far away.

"Huh~~ That's not a real egg tart, it looks delicious..."

Luffy and Chopper regretted, but then their eyes lit up again:

"That island over there, what's on it? It looks like a snack!"

"That's probably chocolate, right? This should be Cocoa Island..."

Reiju observed it for a while, and said with a smile: "Although chocolate is eaten casually, it's different now. We came here with an invitation letter, and we can't act casually."

"After you have received the envoys, and you arrive at Cake Island, you will realize that this place is just a small mess."

"There are so many delicacies in Cake Island, it will definitely exceed your imagination."

"Wow~~ I'm looking forward to it!!"

"Hey! Luffy! There's a boat coming ahead!"

Usopp on the watchtower yelled:

"This ship... Huh??"

"What's wrong, Usopp?"

Frankie picked up his sunglasses and looked at the other side carefully:

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be the style of Wanguo!"

The pirate ships of the ministers of all countries basically have a strong personal style, such as food styling.

But this pirate ship that came...

"It's the 'Worst Generation' supernova with Luffy and Sauron back then, and Capone Becky who was born in the West Sea. This is his 'Flame Tank Pirates'!"

Robin also saw the pirate ship getting closer and frowned slightly:

"It is true that he has joined BIGMOM...is he responsible for welcoming us this time?"

"It seems so."

Sauron yawned and stood up, touching the handle of the knife at his waist:

"This guy is also the 'Worst Generation'? Interesting... It seems that he has not been idle for two years."

"Hey! Don't always think about using violence!"

Usopp jumped off the watchtower and slapped Sauron on the back:

"That's a messenger! Messenger! If you do something here, you will be wiped out!"

"I didn't have to kill people!"

"Hehe...you're really full of energy..."

Reiju pursed her lips and smiled, turned her head to look at the four younger brothers who were sitting in front of a table, who were silent, and nodded slightly.

Sanji's feelings towards the three brothers are more complicated, but after these few days of adjustments, it can be regarded as slowing down.

After all, when I was a child, the main point of conflict was still concentrated on the old man Jiazhi.

These three guys are just victims, and they have already apologized. Before meeting the old man, let's...let's live in peace.


Sanji looked at the lighter in his hand with a serious face, shrouded in a golden light.

"So, brother, you don't need to resist the power of science at all!"

Yongzhi seemed to be suffering from not speaking for a while, and persuaded again:

"This is not only to improve your personal combat power, but also to be responsible to your partners, right?"

"Yuji is right," Iji nodded, "Sanji, you haven't undergone transformation like ours. Since you were a child, no matter what your position is, your combat power really can't keep up with ours."

"And now, it's the same—although you have worked hard, but at your current level, in the face of the upcoming danger, you need to quickly strengthen yourself."

"As the prince of the Vinsmoke family, you have to know that Germa is completely different from before."

Ni Zhi smiled and said, "For example, I found out that your civet cat... the ship doctor, and the several medical instruments used are all made by Germa."

"It's just that we didn't use Germa's mark for confidentiality purposes—that's the mark of the Golden City, and the Golden City is Germa's biggest partner!"


Sanji's eyes widened. Although Reiju had briefly mentioned Germa's situation, he never expected that their business would be so big.

But thinking about who is standing behind them...

Sanji sighed, the lighter in his hand seemed to be hot:

"From the time I got this, I have guessed... the shape memory alloy is Germa's signature."

"But this kind of metal has never been in my memory. I thought it was... the cutting-edge technology of the navy."

"After all, it can only be turned into a kitchen utensil."

"Your ones are specially ordered—our combat uniforms were originally not like this."

Iji showed his watch and pointed to Sanji's lighter:

"This is for the adult to take care of your emotions. Now it really can only be turned into a kitchen utensil."

"If you personally agree, it will become your powerful helper."

"The envoy's ship has arrived... There may be danger below at any time, it's time to make up your mind."

Ni Zhi's face became serious, and he said seriously:

"We have a special mission. If we can't take care of you, you can't accidentally die... Dad is still waiting."


Sanji gritted his teeth, and glanced at the ship that had been in contact with the Thousand Miles of Sunshine:

"You guys, make it sound like I'm vulnerable!"

"It's true that you haven't survived a few tricks under the hands of my elder sister!"

Yongzhi pouted:

"Don't find any excuses not to hit women...you can't even defend yourself!"


"Okay, Sanji, don't be a mother-in-law, you are still a man!"

Yiji frowned, and showed the aura of a big brother:

"It's just a tool, can't you see it?!"


Sanji was speechless for a while, tools...

"Indeed... tools are in the hands of people, and I am the one who decides what to do!"

Sanji gritted his teeth hard, and threw the lighter to Iji:

"Your transformation password is low!"

"Soon you will be low too..."

Iji took out a small tool, fiddled with the lighter a few times, and threw it back to Sanji, whose complexion was turning blue and turning red:

"Okay, you know the password, we think it's pretty good..."

"Use it well, No. 3, 'Invisible Black'!"


Capone Becky, who came to pick up the Straw Hat gang, appeared on the deck with his deputy "Strange Gun" Witte...

"Huh? The number of people seems to have increased a lot."

Becky looked suspiciously at the deck of Thousand Miles of Sunshine:

"There are so many people in the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Mr. Messenger, don't be offended~ We are here to visit my younger brother by the way~"

Reiju smiled and explained:

"I heard that they have received an invitation letter for the tea party, so let's follow along to have a look—won't it be unwelcome?"


Becky looked at the circled eyebrows of the five siblings in silence...

[I seem to have seen it somewhere? never mind……】

"'Wan Guo' welcomes anyone, as long as... you abide by its rules..."

Becky nodded meaningfully:

"Then, come with me, and I'll take you to Cake Island."

"Cake Island! Isn't there a lot of delicious food!?"

Luffy and Chopper salivated, and looked at Becky with bright eyes, making the latter break out in a cold sweat.

[This is the straw hat kid who dared to threaten to kill BIGMOM? 】

[What's going on with this frenzy? ! 】

"Of course... the most indispensable thing in Cake Island is all kinds of food."

"Okay! Let's go!!"


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