The protagonist of this book is 20 years old, please do not bring in the perspective of minors.

Satisfied, Qingyun put down his phone and couldn't help but sigh:

"As expected of the Pirate Queen, she is so strong!"



Suddenly, a space-time channel appeared under Qingyun, and he fell down and disappeared, leaving only a scream.


April 5, 1520, Haiyuan Calendar.

East China Sea.

Cocoa Village.

The Dragon Pirates are collecting money from the villagers to save their lives.

"Didn’t we pay for three months last month?"

"It's only been a month, why are you here again?"

Noqigao argued


The villagers were filled with indignation.


The leading fishman's eyes moved, and he said with a scoundrel smile:

"I remember you only paid for one month last month?"

He looked at the other fishmen beside him:

"Did I remember it wrongly?"

The other fishmen understood what he meant and laughed shamelessly:

"Captain, you remembered correctly, they only paid for one month last time."

"You really���unacceptable!"

"We paid for three months!"

Noqi Gao and the villagers were all furious.

"Stop talking nonsense."

The fishman captain looked at Nokigo and the villagers fiercely:

"Hurry up and pay this month's rent, or we'll kill you."

Nokigo and the villagers gnashed their teeth and clenched their fists, but they didn't dare to resist.

Because even though there were only four fishmen, they were no match for them.

And Nami was still enduring humiliation in the Dragon Pirates for them.

If they died because of resistance, Nami would be sad.


With a helpless sigh, Noqigao said with difficulty:

"Let's pool our money for another month.……"


Before Nokigo finished speaking, a space-time tunnel suddenly appeared about 5 meters above her, the villagers, and the murlocs.


The next moment, the voice comes before the person

"what's the situation?"

"What is that?"

Noqi Gao, the villagers, and the four fishmen looked at the space-time passage in the air in surprise.

After a while, a young man fell from the space-time passage, and the space-time passage disappeared.

This young man was none other than Qingyun.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly turned over and landed on the ground safely.


Looking at Qingyun, everyone was confused.


Qingyun let out a long sigh:

"Luckily I have practiced martial arts, otherwise my butt would be broken, or even I might have died."

"Should I be wearing a mask?"

Qingyun is a fan of anime and novels. He quickly thought that he might have been transported to another world, and he was immediately excited and expectant.

He stood up first, but found that there were four mermaids in front of him staring at him in amazement.

"Oh shit!"

"What the hell are these four guys!"

"So ugly!"

"Is this a fishman?"

Qingyun was startled.

"who are you?"

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

The captain of the fishmen stared at Qingyun and asked curiously.

Nokigo and the villagers were also looking at Qingyun curiously.

However, Nokigo's pretty face flushed.

Because Qingyun was doing something important just now, he didn't have any clothes on.

Fortunately, he had his back to Nokigo, so Nokigo only saw his strong and beautiful back.

If he was facing Nokigo, she would have covered her eyes in shame.


"Could it be that I have traveled to the world of One Piece!"

Based on the two factors of fish-man and Japanese, Qingyun immediately thought of where he had traveled to, and his surprise turned into joy.

After all, the world of One Piece is a world full of beauties and the law of the jungle.

Here, the strong can do whatever they want... Bah!

You can build a great cause.

For example, like Big Mom, create your own empire.

"What are you talking about?"

People didn't understand Qingyun's words and looked at him in confusion.

"What is the year, month and day in the Haiyuan calendar now?"

Qingyun asked excitedly.

He knew that his first priority was to figure out the current timeline before deciding how to act.

"Are you the one they hired to deal with our Dragon Pirates?"

Captain Fishman asked Qingyun harshly.

"Oops, I can only speak and understand some simple Japanese, including some famous scenes!"

Qingyun was very troubled



He hurriedly called the system


The captain of the fishmen saw that Qingyun was still speaking words that he couldn't understand, and he didn't care who Qingyun was, he just drew his samurai sword and chopped at Qingyun.


Qingyun was caught off guard. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and quickly used his bare hands to block the sword of the fishman captain.

But he also spent a lot of effort, and the veins all over his body were bulging.

"The strength... is so great!"

Qingyun was shocked.

He personally experienced how big the gap between his physique and the physique of the mermaids in the pirate world was.

"Stop it now, he is not the one we hired to deal with your Dragon Pirates."

Nokigo couldn't bear to see Qingyun being killed by the fishman captain, and shouted immediately.

But the fishman captain ignored Nokigo's words and tried his best to increase his strength.


Qingyun could no longer resist, and was directly slashed in the chest by the fishman captain's samurai sword, blood splattered, and he lay powerlessly in a pool of blood.

""Captain is mighty!"

The other three fishmen immediately shouted.

"Of course."

The fishman captain carried the bloody samurai sword on his shoulder, looking very proud.

Nojigo and the villagers were all terrified. Nojigo didn't care about being shy because he saw Qingyun's face.

The dying Qingyun was dumbfounded: I was hacked to death just after crossing over?

I should be the fastest traverser to die, right?


Come out quickly!

If you don't come out, I will really die!

However, no matter how Qingyun desperately called out in his heart, he did not get a response from the system, until his consciousness completely dissipated, and he died with his eyes open.

【The host has been detected dead, and the Invincible Revenge Sea King system is activated】

【It is reviving the host and copying the positive and beneficial abilities of the person who killed the host. 】

The next moment, Qingyun's consciousness quickly recovered, and the wounds on his body also healed quickly.

【Resurrection success】

【Give the host a time travel gift pack】

"see it?"

"This is the fate of those who dare to resist our Dragon Pirates."

"If you don't want to die, quickly pay me this month's life-saving money."

At the same time, the fishman captain said to Nokigo and the villagers fiercely.


After witnessing the cruelty of the fishmen once again, Nokigo and the villagers dared not resist and immediately nodded in agreement.


Just as Noqigao and the villagers were about to go home to get the money, Qingyun suddenly stood up like a ghost and laughed excitedly.


Seeing Qingyun suddenly stand up, Nojigo, the villagers, and even the fishmen were startled. Their hearts beat non-stop, their faces were full of fear and confusion, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back, as if they had seen a ghost.

Qingyun was full of excitement, not at all dying, or even injured.

Because Qingyun already knew that the Invincible Revenge Sea King System had two functions:

Immortality and Copying:

The function is to revive him after his death, and it can also copy all the positive and beneficial abilities of the person who killed him.

This includes language ability, physical fitness, and combat skills, etc.

Even the ability of the devil fruit.

It will not acquire the shortcomings of the devil fruit ability user, fear of sea water.

The other is to conquer and seize: as long as Qingyun conquers others or kills the enemy, he can directly obtain their positive and beneficial abilities, including the devil fruit ability.

If you conquer others, as their abilities grow, Qingyun's abilities will also grow accordingly.

If you kill the enemy, you can also obtain the devil fruit they take and give it to others to take

"This system... is simply amazing!"

"Worthy of the title of invincible!"

Qingyun was overjoyed.

"He is not dead?!"

"And the injury has recovered?!"

The fishmen were incredulous.

Nokigo and the villagers were also incredulous.

"Are you a person with special abilities?"

Qingyun understood this time, but he ignored it and couldn't wait to open the time travel gift package.

【Primary Armament Haki, Observation Haki and Conqueror Haki Haki awakening】

【Innate magical power: Love irrigation】

【Sea King.】

Instantly, Qingyun directly mastered the primary armament color, observation color and domineering color.


He was even more excited, but also very confused:

"Irrigation with love?"

"What kind of innate magical power is this?"

He looked at it curiously.

"What on earth is he talking about?

Everyone was confused.

【[Love Irrigation]: The host uses love to influence the opposite sex, which can help them thrive and improve their abilities in all aspects. They will also increase their favorability towards the host and be loyal to the host.

"This looks... a little bit indecent."

Qingyun felt something fishy was going on.

"No matter what ability you have, you are just a useless human being. Go to hell!"

At this moment, the fishman captain rushed towards Qingyun, swung the samurai sword again, and chopped at Qingyun's head fiercely, trying to chop his head off.

"Be careful!"

Noqigao saw this and immediately warned Qingyun.

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