
Qingyun was full of disdain, not dodging or evading, standing there calmly, and using Armament Haki on his forehead without haste.


The fishman captain chopped Qingyun's head, but couldn't cut into it at all, and there was a violent metal collision sound.


Then, the samurai sword broke directly and fell directly to the ground.

Everyone: o(゚Д゚)っ!

Qingyun grinned:

"It really is worthy of being called Armament Haki!"

"Let me try the Conqueror's Haki again?"


He glared, and his black pupils instantly emitted a dark red terrifying light. The invisible Conqueror's Haki followed with an extremely powerful pressure, and quickly pressed towards the four fishmen.

The four fishmen could not withstand Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, and their eyes turned white. They collapsed to the ground one after another and fainted.

Although Nokigo and the villagers were not directly oppressed by Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, they only felt the aftermath. They were all scared and broke into cold sweats. They trembled all over, not daring to move at all, and looked at Qingyun in horror.

"It’s worthy of the domineering aura of the king!"

"It's really powerful!"

Qingyun was overjoyed.

He leaned over to avoid the broken samurai sword in the hands of the fishman captain, then raised his sword and killed all four fishmen without hesitation, gaining their positive and beneficial abilities. It was the first time he killed someone, even though it was a fishman, Qingyun felt mixed emotions.

But he didn't feel guilty at all.

Because he knew that these fishmen killed him directly without knowing who he was.

How could he have any psychological burden when killing such people?

【The host kills four ordinary fishman pirates, physical fitness +5……】


Qingyun felt that his physical fitness and other aspects had indeed become stronger, and he couldn't help but smile.

However, when Noqigao and the villagers saw Qingyun's decisive killing, they were shocked again and couldn't move.

Some of them even collapsed on the ground.

They all looked at Qingyun in horror.

Some were afraid that Qingyun would kill them too.

"What is the Sea King?"

Qingyun then curiously checked another reward.

【Neptune]: A large high-tech solar-powered spacecraft that is equipped with all the necessary facilities for defense, attack, living, and entertainment. It can also be controlled by the host's mind to navigate and fly.

"Oh shit!"

"So awesome!"

Qingyun was extremely happy.

He immediately extracted his innate magical power"Love Irrigation" and the"Sea King" spaceship.

The next moment, he directly awakened his innate magical power"Love Irrigation" and became the owner of the"Sea King". He could call the Sea King out of the system space at any time and then put it into the system space.

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"It’s just as I thought!"

"This loving irrigation is not very serious!"

"It turns out that Sea King does not refer to One Piece!"

"I like"


Qingyun couldn't help himself.

He couldn't wait to find a beautiful woman in the pirate world to test the function of this innate magical power.

He was not in a hurry to check the 'Sea King'.

Because he knew that the most urgent thing was to find out the current time point.

He turned around and asked in Japanese with oriental characteristics:

"What year, month and day is today in the Haiyuan calendar?"


As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun's eyes lit up when he saw Nojigo clearly.

Nojigo was wearing a vest and trousers, barefoot and wearing flip-flops. She had a curvy and graceful figure. There were blue tattoos on her right arm and upper chest. She was tattooed by the Along Pirates to appease Nami.

Her face was very beautiful. Although she didn't make up or use beauty filters, she was more charming than those Qiao Biluo who turned on the tenth level beauty filter.

With a short blue hair tied with a red headband, she looked very capable.

She looks so familiar?

Qingyun thought carefully.

She seems to be Nami's sister, Nojigo?

Soon, based on Nojigo's characteristics and the fact that the fishman had just killed him and threatened Nojigo and the villagers, he thought of Nojigo's identity.

"Today... Today is April 5, 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar."

At this moment, Noqi Gao tried to overcome her fear and shyness, her pretty face slightly reddened, she looked into Qingyun's eyes, and murmured her answer.


Qingyun nodded.

That means Luffy still has one month to go to sea!

Qingyun remembered that Luffy's birthday was May 5th, and Luffy went to sea when he was seventeen.

After determining the current time point, Qingyun began to think about how to act.

"Big brother, can you help me get rid of the Arlong Pirates and rescue my sister, Nami?"

"As long as you can help me rescue Nami, I will give you any amount of money you want.

Seeing that Qingyun had no ill will towards him and the villagers, Nokigo summoned up the courage to beg Qingyun.

"And us"

"We are also willing to give you money."

The villagers followed suit and begged Qingyun.

They didn't know who Qingyun was, nor did they know why he could come back to life, but they knew that Qingyun was as powerful as a monster, beyond their imagination.

Maybe Qingyun could help them rescue Nami.

Qingyun smiled slightly and stared at Nokigo like a wolf:

"I don't want money"

"I'm short of people"

"I can help you get rid of the Arlong Pirates and rescue Nami."

"But you have to board my ship in the future, and you have to listen to me in everything."

Qingyun knew that with the function of his system, the best way to become stronger was to provoke the strongest people in the pirate world and let them kill him.

But the four emperors, admirals and other strongest people were far away from him.

And even if he went to provoke them, they would not come out to deal with him directly.

Besides, Nami is still in the Arlong Pirates waiting for him to save her.

So he planned to start by getting rid of the Arlong Pirates and subduing Nojiko and Nami.

Hearing this and seeing Qingyun's extremely aggressive eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

But when she thought of Nami still suffering in the Arlong Pirates, she gritted her teeth and nodded firmly:

"OK, I promise you"

"As long as you help me rescue Nami, I will board your boat and do whatever you say."

The villagers knew that Nokiko cared about Nami the most, so they did not say anything to stop him.

"There is no time to lose, let's set off quickly."

Nokigo immediately dragged his body, which had not yet fully recovered, and staggered towards the Dragon Pirates.

The villagers followed Nokigo closely.

"Wait a minute."

However, Qingyun stopped Noqigao and said awkwardly:

"Please find me some clothes to wear first."

"It was too sudden just now, and I didn't have time to put on clothes."

Noqi Gao and the villagers were stunned.

They thought Qingyun didn't like to wear clothes.

Everyone didn't dare to refuse, and there was no reason to refuse. They immediately found a lot of clothes for Qingyun to choose from.

Qingyun looked at it and chose a red T-shirt, black shorts, and a pair of flip-flops to put on.

Despite this, he was still very handsome.

Not only because he was handsome, but also because he was now extremely confident and fearless.

"Okay, let's get going quickly."

Nojigo took the lead again and walked towards the Dragon Pirates.

"Wait a moment."

Qingyun stopped Noqigao again:

""Walking is too slow, let's fly over.""


" As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun snapped his fingers, and the huge and luxurious 'Sea King' suddenly appeared out of thin air, floating above the ground.

Looking at the Sea King that could not be seen at a glance, Nojigo and the villagers were all dumbfounded, their mouths all opened wide, and their jaws were about to drop to the ground.

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