That morning.

Before breakfast... or lunch, Qingyun took out the frozen fruit and fed Taotu to eat it, which moved Taotu very much. It also shocked Kalifa and the Cube sisters who had just boarded the ship, and they were also envious.

And from then on, Qingyun finally let Xialulia come to the table to eat lunch.

To this, Nami and the others had no objection.

Although they all knew that Xialulia fought to the last moment yesterday out of fear of Qingyun.

But this alone was enough for them to recognize Xialulia.

Xialulia was very moved and gradually integrated into the Sea King Group.

One day later, the record pointer had enough magnetic force stored and pointed to the next island.

Qingyun knew that the next point of the record pointer was Fishman Island.

In the original work, the reason why the Straw Hat Pirates went to Judicial Island was to save Robin.

The reason why they boarded Gekko Moriah's island ship was that they accidentally entered the Magic Triangle and met Brook by chance, in order to help Brook get back his shadow.

The reason why they went to the Sabaody Archipelago was to coat the ship.

Qingyun did not choose to go directly to Mermaid Island.

Nor did he control the Poseidon and follow the track of the sea train to head straight to Judicial Island.

He did not go to the Sabaody Archipelago for coating.

Instead, he obtained the permanent pointer of the Terror Trio from the system. After learning that they were now closer to Moria, he immediately controlled the Poseidon to sail towards the Terror Trio.

Qingyun's main purpose was, of course, Perona.

The second was the devil fruit abilities of Gekko Moria and the others.

That evening.

The Poseidon sailed into the Magic Triangle, which is the sea area where the Terror Trio is located.

There was thick fog here, and there were many shabby ships of all sizes drifting around. The atmosphere was extremely weird.

"Qingyun, this place is too weird, are you sure we really want to go in here?"

Looking at the Magic Triangle, which is even darker, Ke Ya asked Qingyun with some fear.

Carmen, Conis, Conis, Aisha, Maya, Jessica, Xia Lulia and the Cube sisters were also nervous.

They were all quite brave, but the atmosphere here was too scary.

Nami, who should have been the most afraid, was not afraid at this moment because she was the user of the Thunder Fruit and had extraordinary abilities. Instead of feeling afraid, she was a little excited:

"My intuition tells me that there must be a lot of treasures here."

The brave Kalina also looked excited:

"I think so too."

Nojigo and the others were all very powerful and not very scared, but they didn't particularly like the treasure. Instead, they were a little curious about what was inside.

"Don't be afraid."

Qingyun raised his hand, gently rubbed Keya's head, and said with a smile:

"I will definitely protect you."

Ke Ya's pretty face turned red and she smiled charmingly:


In this way, everyone sailed towards the depths of the Magic Triangle.

Not long after, everyone encountered a relatively intact large ship.

Looking closely, there was a skeleton on it, staring at them.


"What the hell is that?"

Kaya and Maya were frightened by the skeletons. They hid behind Qingyun one by one.

Carmen and the others also moved closer to Qingyun.

Or they hid behind Hancock and the others. They couldn't help trembling. Nami and the others were also a little scared.

Because they had never seen a skeleton, they couldn't help but think that it was a legendary ghost.

They became alert and alerted.

Qingyun was not afraid at all.

Because he knew that the skeleton looking at them was not some illusory ghost, but Brooke.

"Dear beautiful ladies, can you let me see your panties?"


Suddenly, the skeleton said to Nami and the others, and then burst into laughter.


Kaya and the others were so frightened that they screamed.

Nami and the others were shocked and felt speechless and angry.

""Disrespectful fellow!"

Hancock was extremely angry and was about to teach Brook a lesson.

Crack! Crack!


However, Qingyun was one step ahead of Hancock, and came to Brook in the form of lightning. He strengthened his right hand with the armed color domineering, and then wrapped and strengthened his right hand with the domineering color domineering, and smashed Brook's head hard.


Brook was caught off guard and had no time to dodge or resist. He was hit directly in the face by Qingyun.


The next moment, all the bones in Brook's body, together with the boat under his feet, were smashed by Qingyun and sank into the sea together.

Brook's soul was strengthened by the Yomiuri fruit.

And the domineering power is superior to the devil fruit.

The domineering Haki is one in a million. Although it is common in the later period of the original work, those who possess it are all top-notch fighters (except Qing Jiao). Therefore

, as the rarest Haki, the domineering Haki has a stronger suppression ability against the devil fruit ability than the ordinary armed Haki Haki.

Therefore, Qingyun's attack not only broke Brook's bones, but also severely damaged Brook's soul that was strengthened by the Yomi Fruit.

In addition, Brook fell directly into the sea, causing the Yomi Fruit to become ineffective, causing Brook to die.

【The host kills Brook, and his physical fitness increases by 33... and he gains the ability of the Yomizu fruit, as well as the Yomizu fruit.……】

Then, Qingyun had the Yomi Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Yomi Fruit, to the same extent as Brook's ability of the Yomi Fruit.

In other words, Qingyun can use all the abilities of the Yomi Fruit that Brook can use now. However

, unlike killing other ability users before, even if he lets one of Kaya and the others eat the Yomi Fruit in the future, his ability will not be further enhanced.

Because the Yomi Fruit will only exert its power after the user dies, strengthening the soul of the dead and returning it to the body, thus making the ability user immortal.

In other words, only by resurrecting the user from the dead can his fruit ability be further enhanced.

Qingyun took the Yomi Fruit back to the boat, showed it to the girls, and explained:

"Don't be afraid, the skeleton man just now was not a ghost, but a skeleton man who ate the Yellow Spring Fruit and came back to life."

"This is the Yellow Spring Fruit that the man ate before he died."

""I see."

Nami and the others suddenly realized what was going on.

Kaya and the others were no longer particularly scared.

"Is this devil fruit powerful?"

Kaya and the others who hadn't eaten the devil fruit looked at Qingyun expectantly.

Nami and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

Only Miss Golden Week was staring at the Yomi Fruit in Qingyun's hand.

Her heart gradually became restless, and she felt that the Yomi Fruit seemed to be calling her, which made her feel very strange and she wanted to eat the Yomi Fruit directly.

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