Qingyun thought about it carefully and said affirmatively:

"In addition to allowing the user to revive from the dead, the Yellow Springs Fruit can also strengthen the user's soul after the user revives from the dead."

"If the user can comprehend the mysteries of the soul, he or she can achieve the state of soul leaving the body, and can also attach the soul to his or her own moves, drawing out the cold air of the underworld to attack and freeze the enemy."

"Or it can affect the enemy's soul and make them fall into hallucinations."

"Going a step further, it can strike directly into the enemy's soul"

"Perhaps you can also control the souls of your enemies, or summon the souls of the dead from the underworld."

"However, if you cannot comprehend the mysteries of the soul and are unable to control the strengthened soul, there will be no bonus."

"It is a devil fruit with a high upper limit but a low lower limit."

"Moreover, if after death, the soul cannot return to the body in the first place, it will become a skeleton like the skeleton just now."

"So that's how it is."

Everyone nodded.

Ke Ya and the others were not particularly excited.

Especially after hearing Qing Yun say that it was possible to turn into a skeleton.

But after Miss Huang Jin Zhou heard Qing Yun's words, a strange light appeared in her eyes.

She came directly in front of Qing Yun, stared at the Huang Quan fruit, and asked Qing Yun expectantly:

"Qingyun, can I eat this Huangquan fruit?"

Seeing Miss Golden Week's look, Robin was shocked and asked in surprise:

"Mariannu, do you feel the Yomiuri Fruit is calling you?"


"The Yomi Fruit is summoning Mariannu?!"

Hearing this, Qingyun and Nami were all shocked.

They had never seen, or even heard of, a devil fruit summoning humans.


Marianu nodded affirmatively.

"Robin, what's going on?

Qingyun and Nami looked at Robin in confusion.

"I once read in the history text of a country that when a devil fruit meets the person who is most suitable for it, it will actively summon them and let them eat it."

"Throughout history, those who ate the devil fruit that summoned them all developed their devil fruit abilities to the awakened state and became the best of their time."

"But there are many devil fruits in this world, and the number of humans is countless."

"Throughout all of history, there are only a handful of such people."

"There are only two people on record."

Robin said truthfully

""So that's it!"

Qingyun and the other girls were shocked.

They all believed Robin, and no one thought she was lying.

That meant Miss Golden Week was the one and only chosen one.

"Qingyun, can you give me this Huangquan fruit?"

Miss Huangjinzhou asked Qingyun excitedly. She felt that the Huangquan fruit was calling her more and more strongly.


Seeing Miss Golden Week's look, Qing Yun nodded directly.

However, he still followed the usual practice and fed Miss Golden Week mouthful by mouthful, taking the opportunity to train her.

But unlike before, Miss Golden Week did not find the Yomi Fruit unpalatable. Instead, she found it particularly delicious, sweet but not greasy, sour but not astringent. This made Nami and other Devil Fruit users who saw this situation envious.

Qing Yun and Kaya were also shocked.

They guessed that this must be because Miss Golden Week was the chosen one and the most suitable person for the Yomi Fruit.

Soon, Miss Golden Week ate the entire Yomi Fruit.

"Qingyun, please kill me quickly, even if it causes trauma, damages the heart, or damages the brain."

She looked at Qingyun and said impatiently.

Hearing this, Qingyun and Nami were still shocked even though they already knew the power of the Yomi Fruit.

"Are you sure?"

Qingyun felt a little sorry.

Except for the Cube sisters who had not yet surrendered, Nami and the others all looked at Miss Golden Week with worry.


Miss Golden Week nodded firmly:

"Get started"

"I'll be back soon"


Qingyun nodded, then quickly raised his hand to grab Miss Golden Week's head and used the power of the Thunder Fruit.

Crack! Crack!

He released lightning directly into Miss Golden Week's head, electrocuting all her brain cells. A short pain is better than a long pain.

This is the fastest way to kill Miss Golden Week with the least pain.

Soon, Miss Golden Week died and her body collapsed.

Qingyun quickly picked up Miss Golden Week in a princess hug, and then used the barrier fruit and the ice fruit to cast a barrier to cover Miss Golden Week. body surface, lowering her body temperature, preventing her body from rotting, and quietly waiting for her to come back.

Qingyun's speed was too fast, and when Nami and the others reacted, Miss Golden Week had already been killed.

They knew that Qingyun could not be blamed, so they did not blame him.

Instead, they waited nervously with Qingyun for Miss Golden Week to come back to life.

An hour passed.

Qingyun did not panic, and still held Miss Golden Week in his arms, waiting for her to come back.

Although Nami and the others knew the ability of the Yomi Fruit, they couldn't help but panic when they saw that Miss Golden Week had not come back to life after such a long time.

"Makino, Carmen, Jessica, go make some senbei."

"When Mariannu comes back later, he will definitely want to eat senbei."

Suddenly, Qingyun said


Makino, Carmen and Jessica immediately went to make senbei.

Another hour later, the three of them came back with a lot of senbei.

"Little naughty boy, if you don't come back, we will eat all the senbei."

Qingyun looked down at Miss Jin Zhou in his arms and said gently


"We won't leave any for you."

Miss Valentine said with a choked voice.

Nami and the others couldn't help but get worried.

At this moment, Miss Golden Week's brain cells began to recover rapidly, her heart began to beat again, her blood resumed flowing, and all kinds of life activities began to revive.

"back to normal!"

"Mariannu is back!"

After noticing these signs, Qingyun and Nami were so happy that they couldn't help but burst into tears. They finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm back."

When they saw Miss Golden Week open her eyes and say"I'm back" with a smile, their hearts were finally at ease and they all said with a smile:

"Welcome back."



Suddenly, Miss Golden Week closed her eyes, used her soul to leave her body, and bared her teeth and claws at everyone, making ghostly sounds.


Everyone was not mentally prepared. Even Qingyun was shocked by Miss Golden Week.


Seeing that even Qingyun was frightened, Miss Huang Jinzhou laughed triumphantly.

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