
Qingyun smiled mysteriously.

He knew that the stronger and more mysterious a man was, the more he could arouse women's curiosity, make them actively explore, and attract them firmly.


Nami grumbled.

Nokigo and Kaya were very curious, but also very helpless.

"Okay, hurry up and cook."



One day later.

On the sea near the village of Kokosia.

Smoker was holding a large cigar in his mouth, puffing smoke continuously, looking forward with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Colonel Smoker, I have found out Qingyun's latest movements."

Dashiqi came behind Smoker and reported:

"He showed up in Orange Town yesterday and killed everyone in Buggy's Pirates."

"Then, he headed towards the Windmill Village.

Smoker thought for a moment:

"Are both the navy and the pirates the targets of that guy's killing?"

"It seems that he is an extremely dangerous guy and must be eliminated as soon as possible."

"Go to Windmill Village at full speed and find and catch that guy as soon as possible."


At the same time.

Qingyun had come to Windmill Village alone, outside the door of Makino's tavern.

His purpose of coming to Windmill Village was not to kill Luffy, to obtain the ability of the rubber fruit, and the rubber fruit.

It was not because he was afraid of being retaliated by Garp, Dragon, Ace and others.

Instead, he wished that these powerful people would come to kill him.

One of the real reasons why he didn't kill Luffy was because of his real target of this trip, Makino.

He knew that Makino was very good to Luffy.

If he killed Luffy, Makino would most likely not agree to board his ship even if he died.

The second reason was naturally because Luffy was the one who could best develop the ability of the rubber fruit.

The pig had to be fattened before being killed.

Anyway, he was not afraid of being stuffed to death.

Pushing the door and walking in, Qingyun saw Makino standing inside the counter and busy, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Makino had a striking green short hair wrapped in a yellow plaid headscarf.

Although her appearance was a little inferior to Nami and the others, she had a maturity and sensibility that Nami and the others did not have.

Seeing Qingyun's unfamiliar face, Makino immediately showed a gentle smile:

"Welcome, what would you like to order?"

Qingyun did not rush. He came to the counter, looked at the menu above, then looked at Makino and said with a smile:

""A glass of wine, a bowl of fried noodles."

Although he knew Sanji's cooking skills were good, he didn't plan to invite Sanji to be a chef on the Sea King, giving that lecherous cook a chance. The cook on his Sea King was Makino, who ran a tavern.

After all, Makino was the proprietress who could make the Red Hair Pirates eat and drink well. Her winemaking skills and cooking skills must be very good. He planned to try it first.


Makino was Red Hair's CP?

Qingyun was looking for death?

That's right!

He was looking for death!

I'm afraid Red Hair won't come to find him!


Makino immediately took a glass of wine and placed it in front of Qingyun, smiling and saying:

"This is your wine"

"Please wait a moment for the fried noodles."

After saying that, Makino turned and walked towards the stove, feeling a little confused:

Why do I always feel like I have seen this person somewhere?

Although Qingyun's face was unfamiliar, Makino always felt that he had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember for a moment.


After taking a sip of wine, Qingyun felt that it was very delicious and satisfied.

He glanced at the people in the tavern and found that Luffy and Dadan were not here. There were only some ordinary villagers here. He was a little disappointed.

Because he was planning to use Luffy and Dadan to force Makino to board the ship.

However, Makino was gentle and kind. Even if it was these ordinary villagers in the tavern, she would not watch them.……


"Please enjoy your meal."

Soon, Makino brought a bowl of fragrant fried noodles and placed it in front of Qingyun.

Qingyun didn't say much, just took a bite, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but praise:


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun started to eat voraciously.

Makino is indeed a tavern owner, his cooking skills are better than Nami and Noki, and Kaya is much better.

"Thank you for the compliment.

Makino was very happy.

She opened this tavern not only to make money, but also because she liked to see others happy when they were satisfied with their food and drink.

"Where are Luffy and Dadan's group?"

Qingyun asked Makino while eating fried noodles.

Makino frowned, stopped wiping the wine glass, and looked at Qingyun:

"Luffy is in trouble again?"

"I don't know."

Qingyun replied calmly.

"Then why did you go to work with him and Dadan?"

Makino was very puzzled.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to borrow their heads for something."

After saying that, Qingyun ate all the fried noodles and drank the wine calmly, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.


However, Makino was shocked and stood there in a daze, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and broke.

"You... you are a bounty hunter?"

Makino looked at Qingyun in horror.

The villagers in the tavern also stopped eating and drinking and looked at Qingyun.


Qingyun looked at Makino and spoke slowly:

"I want to invite you to be a cook on my ship, but I know you will definitely not agree, so I want to borrow the heads of Luffy and Dadan."

When Makino and the villagers heard this, they immediately understood that Qingyun was threatening Makino to get on the ship. If she dared to object, he would kill Luffy and Dadan.

Everyone was a little panicked for a while, not knowing what to do.

Especially Makino.

After all, she was the one threatened by Qingyun.��

She knew that since Qingyun dared to threaten her like this, he must be able to deal with Luffy and Dadan's gang, otherwise it would be tantamount to seeking death.

Suddenly, Makino remembered where she had seen Qingyun before, and then her pupils trembled. She looked at Qingyun with astonishment and said tremblingly:

"You...you are Qingyun!"


"The pirate who just received a reward of 50 million berries!"

The villagers were all shocked when they heard this, and looked at Qingyun in horror.

The East China Sea is the weakest sea area, and the bounties for pirates are generally very low.

Qingyun's 50 million berries bounty is already the highest in the East China Sea today.

"It's really him!"

After recognizing Qingyun, the villagers suddenly felt even more frightened.

Not only because Qingyun's bounty was high, but also because they saw in the newspaper that Qingyun killed people without blinking an eye.

However, none of them chose to run away, but stayed to face Qingyun with Makino, because they had already regarded Makino, Luffy and Dadan as their relatives.

But because of fear, they did not dare to take the lead in saying anything.

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