"Am I already so famous?"

Qingyun smiled.

"I...I am willing to board your ship, please don't hurt Luffy and Dadan and the others"

"Take me away immediately."

Makino did not resist, but immediately begged Qingyun to take her away.

Because Luffy was making a boat to go out to sea, and he would come to her for help later.

If Luffy met Qingyun and let Luffy know that Qingyun threatened her, it would be a big deal.

Although Luffy is not weak, he is definitely not as good as Qingyun.

"A wise choice.

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction.


"Makino, you can't get on his ship, he obviously has bad intentions towards you!"

"If you board his boat, he will definitely take you away by force!"

The villagers began to persuade Makino.



Qingyun turned around and glared, his dark eyes flashing red, and the invisible domineering aura swept towards the villagers.

The villagers' eyes rolled back and they collapsed to the ground one after another.

Makino was affected by the aftermath of the domineering aura, and was frightened to the point of cold sweat on her back, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"You...what did you do to them?"

Makino stared at Qingyun, trembling and angrily asked

"I just let them fall asleep. After all, you don't want to see them die to protect you, right?"

Qingyun looked at Makino and asked calmly.

Makino listened and looked carefully, only to find that the villagers had indeed just fainted, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Makino, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun stared at Makino's beautiful eyes and asked

"I am willing, I am willing."

Although he did not understand why Qingyun asked this question, Makino answered without hesitation, and then hurriedly urged Qingyun:

"Please take me away quickly."

【Congratulations to the host for taming Makino and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Makino's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are the chef of my Sea King. As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun gained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Makino, such as cooking skills.

"Yes, Captain Qingyun"

"Take me away quickly."

Makino urged Qingyun again.

Qingyun could think of the reason why Makino was so eager to take her away, but she was not in a hurry at all. Instead, she slowly began to wander around the tavern.

Seeing that Qingyun had no intention of leaving, Makino was anxious.

If Qingyun didn't take her away, once Luffy came here, a conflict would inevitably break out.

Luffy now made her see no hope of defeating Qingyun. She might be injured or even killed by Qingyun.

""Captain Qingyun, I beg you, please take me away quickly."

Makino came directly in front of Qingyun, raised his head and looked up at Qingyun, begging bitterly.

The more anxious Makino was, the more Qingyun knew that he was right.

He suddenly had an idea, looked down at Makino like a wolf, and gently touched Makino's pretty face:

""Makino, you are too insincere to ask for help like this, aren't you?"

Immediately, Qingyun walked directly into Makino's room that he had just discovered, lay on Makino's bed, and looked at Makino with a smile.

Makino was not stupid, so how could she not understand what Qingyun meant.

This bastard!

She was very angry and couldn't help but curse Qingyun in her heart.

But she was also very helpless.

After struggling for a while.

Makino gritted her teeth, followed into the room, and closed the door by the way.


Qingyun found that being a villain was quite refreshing.

No wonder there are so many pirates in this world.

This is the beauty of the world of the jungle.

However, to enjoy this beauty, the premise is to have the corresponding strength.

Although he does not have invincible strength now, he has invincible ability.

It is only a matter of time before he has invincible strength.

If you want to whitewash, it is very It's simple, just join the protagonist group.

Even a beast like Caesar can be forgiven, let alone Qingyun.

But Qingyun doesn't intend to rely on Luffy to whitewash himself.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

History is written by the victor.

He wants to be the king of the world, making the entire pirate world his territory, and no one dares to disobey him.

Now is just the beginning.

Why do I feel that my physical fitness has become stronger?!

Makino was very confused.

Is it because of the shooting skills that Captain Qingyun taught me?!

She looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

After all, before Makino's physical fitness became stronger, she had only learned shooting skills from Qingyun.

What she didn't realize was that she had gradually developed a good impression of Qingyun and didn't even secretly call Qingyun a bastard.

"Hurry up and pack up what you need, we are leaving.

Qingyun said with a smile


Makino quickly packed up her things, fearing that Qingyun would change her mind if she was late.

After Makino packed up, Qingyun walked out of the room with her, and ran into the man wearing a straw hat who had just come in.


Qingyun recognized Luffy at a glance.


Makino felt something was wrong.

Luffy looked confused:

"Makino, why are you all lying on the ground?"

"who is he?"

"I am Makino's husband, and I am here to take her to my boat."

"Everyone drank too much, so they fell asleep on the ground."

Before Makino could speak, Qingyun spoke first.

Everyone in Windmill Village knows that I'm single!

Do you think Luffy is a fool?

Makino couldn't help but complain subconsciously in his heart.

""I see!"

Luffy suddenly realized. Makino was stunned at first.

After reacting, she smiled bitterly:

That's right!

He is Luffy!

"Makino, when did you get married?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Luffy asked Makino angrily.


Makino had never thought that Qingyun would say this, and had not thought of a good answer at all. For a moment, he was speechless and did not know how to answer.

"This can't be blamed on Makino, it's me"

"If I hadn't been trying to make money,���If you go out to sea to search for treasure, you won't accidentally end up stranded on a desert island, leaving Makino alone in an empty house."

"She must be mad at me, that's why she never mentioned it to anyone, and never thought of asking anyone to look for me."

Qingyun took the lead and said with tears in his eyes.

Makino was stunned:

Don't you need to draft your lies?

You said it as if it were true!

"So that's how it is!"

Luffy was deeply moved and blamed Makino:

"Makino, you're going too far."

"He makes money so that you can live a better life. How can you ignore him?"


Makino was speechless and extremely angry.

She was clearly the victim, so why was she being scolded by Luffy?

"I know I was wrong."

But Makino still held back and even admitted her fault.

Because she knew that if she exposed Qingyun and let Luffy know the truth, Luffy would definitely fight with Qingyun.

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