"I can't blame Makino for this. If I have to blame someone, I can only blame myself for being too weak before. I was stranded on a deserted island by accident."

Qingyun was addicted to acting, and then he blamed himself.


"You are also wrong."

Luffy nodded affirmatively


Qingyun was speechless. Oh, right!

He is Luffy!

But he soon figured it out.

"Luffy, take care of everyone, we'll leave first."

Makino hurriedly said to Luffy.

She was worried that Qingyun would get more and more excited and talk longer and longer until the villagers lying on the ground woke up.

By then, the villagers would definitely expose Qingyun.

Luffy would definitely fight with Qingyun.


Luffy still didn't notice anything unusual about Qingyun and Makino, and nodded in agreement.

""Okay, let's go quickly, or the ship will leave if it's too late."

Then, Makino took Qingyun's arm, said with a smile, and then pulled Qingyun out of the tavern.

Qingyun did not stay forcibly, and walked out of the tavern with Makino and headed for the Poseidon. Arriving at the Poseidon,

Makino was very surprised to see Nami drawing a nautical chart, while Nokigo and Kaya were reading medical books.

She thought Qingyun would have many younger brothers, but she didn't expect there were only three.

She didn't expect that they were all beauties.

Seeing Makino beside Qingyun, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were not surprised at all.

Although Qingyun did not tell them why he came to Windmill Village, they had guessed that Qingyun must have come to snatch a beauty.

After all, Kaya was snatched onto the ship in this way.

Nami and Nokigo could also be said to have been snatched onto the ship.

They couldn't help but sympathize with Makino, and they felt the same way.

"She is the chef I just invited on board, Makino."

Qingyun put his hand around Makino's back, put it on her shoulders, and began to introduce her.

She is the chef who rushed on board!

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

But none of them dared to say it out loud.

Otherwise, if they angered Qingyun, he would teach them how to shoot, and let them know who has the final say on this ship.

You are not ashamed to say it is an invitation?

Makino rolled her eyes.

But she didn't dare to say it out loud.

It's not because she was afraid that Qingyun would teach her how to shoot.

But now the ship has not set sail, if she angered Qingyun, Qingyun might return to Windmill Village to get mad, and then all her previous efforts and forbearance would be in vain.

"She is a navigator, Nami"

"She is a nurse, Nojigo"

"She is a trainee doctor, Ke Ya.

Qing Yun pointed at Nami, Nojigo and Ke Ya and introduced them to Makino.

""Hello, Nami, Nokiko, and Kaya."

Makino didn't know that Nami, Nokiko, and Kaya were all abducted by Qingyun just like him, so he immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, Makino."

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya all greeted Makino in return.

"Nami, which is the largest entertainment city in the East China Sea?"

"Which direction?"

Suddenly, Qingyun asked Nami

"The largest entertainment city in Donghai is Dongjing City"

"In that direction."

Nami pointed to the northeast and answered truthfully.

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled slightly, and with a thought, he controlled the Sea King to sail towards Dongjing City.

It seems that there is another beauty in Dongjing City who is going to be robbed!

Nami, Nokigo and Kaya felt sorry for the beauty in Dongjing City who was favored by Qingyun for a second. What is he going to Dongjing City for?

Makino has not yet fully understood Qingyun, and he was a little confused for a while.

Why did this ship move?

Is there someone else?

Makino was even more confused about this.

Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were right. Qingyun did go to Dongjing City to rob the beauty.

But he didn't know if his target was in Dongjing City.

Because his goal of this trip was to go to One Piece: The Golden City. Kalina who appeared in the film.

Although Kalina is a beauty who appeared in the movie, according to Nami's memory, she once traveled with Nami, which means she is from the East China Sea.

However, Qingyun remembered that Kalina had to choose to betray and abandon Nami in order for both her and Nami to survive, so Nami didn't know Kalina's whereabouts.

But Qingyun remembered that Kalina was a singer who loved treasures as much as Nami, and her stealing skills were also first-class. He planned to try his luck in Dongjing City to see if he could meet Kalina. It would be the best if he could meet her.

If not, he could only go to the largest entertainment city in One Piece, the Golden City, to find Kalina in the future.

"Makino, I haven't eaten enough just now.

Qingyun continued with a smile.


Makino was shocked.

How impatient!

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya couldn't help but complain in their hearts.


In the evening, in Windmill Village, the villagers finally woke up.

Luffy finally learned the truth from the villagers and was immediately furious:

"Qingyun, I must defeat you and rescue Makino"


Xiluobu Village.

Usopp finally woke up after being in a coma for two days.

When he learned from Meili that Kaya had been taken away by Qingyun and what Kaya said, he felt heartbroken and couldn't help but burst into tears:

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault."

"I am so useless that I can't even protect the woman I love."

Although Usopp is cowardly and boastful, he is not stupid. He knows why Kaya agreed to go with Qingyun, and he can even think of why Kaya let Meili tell him those words.

"Keya, don't worry, I will become a brave sea warrior and rescue you... maybe……"


One day later, at noon,

Qingyun drove the Sea King into the port of Dongjing City.

He took Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino off the ship and walked into Dongjing City.

Dongjing City is indeed the largest entertainment city in the East China Sea. There are more pedestrians coming and going than in other cities, and the people are dressed better than in other cities.

The beauty of Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino attracted the attention of many men.

However, they all recognized Qingyun in the middle, and no one dared to approach them.

""Qingyun, stop right there."

Soon after, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Qingyun and Nami looked in the direction of the voice and saw a dozen navy soldiers.


Nami and the others were a little panicked.

After all, they were on the Qingyun ship, and Qingyun was a pirate with a bounty of 50 million berries.


Qingyun's eyes lit up, and his eyes were attracted by one of the women:

She should be Dashiki, right?

Qingyun recognized Dashiki at a glance.

Because Dashiki's cute look with glasses and a samurai sword in hand was so recognizable.

The glasses-wearing swordsman of the Sea King has decided on you!

Looking at Dashiki, Qingyun has already thought of her position.

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