However, Count Crimson, Devil's Heir and Destroyer of Worlds were all defeated by Luffy.

The first two were okay.

Count Crimson was defeated by Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates.

Devil's Heir was defeated by Luffy, Hancock and others.

Although Luffy's protagonist halo cannot be ruled out, the defeat of the two is still reasonable, after all, they were not defeated by Luffy alone.

But Destroyer of Worlds was defeated by Luffy alone.

And when they just met, Luffy was still crushed by Destroyer of Worlds.

But later, he was still defeated by Luffy.

The time before and after was only a short day.

This is definitely the protagonist's halo.

Although the three were defeated by Luffy in their respective games and theatrical versions, Qingyun did not doubt their strength at all, and did not mean to despise them at all, and he was very alert.

""Little devil, let me meet you first."

The Destroyer of Worlds stood up first and walked out of the cage slowly.

Seeing that the Destroyer of Worlds had already taken action, the Blood Red Earl and the Devil's Heir did not say anything and still sat quietly in the same place.

The Destroyer of Worlds looked at Qingyun with interest and said curiously:

"My name is Bondiwald, nicknamed the Destroyer of the World"

"What's your name, kid?"


"The future Sea King, the man who will unify the world."

Qingyun said calmly.


Walder laughed, but he didn't mean to laugh at Qingyun at all, but felt happy.

The devil's heir's face changed when he heard this.

But the blood-red earl was not surprised at all.

"Then let me see if you have the strength to do it."


As soon as he finished speaking, Walder suddenly punched the ground and smashed it directly.

Then he picked up several pieces of gravel with his left hand and picked up a piece with his right hand.

""Multiply - one hundred times the stone!"

Then, Wald used the power of the multiplication fruit and threw the stone at Qingyun with all his strength.

He didn't just throw one stone, but threw it continuously.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Wald's own strength was already very large, and with the increase of one hundred times in size and speed, the small stone not only grew larger in an instant, but also moved very fast, and even directly produced bursts of sonic booms, which were completely invisible to the naked eye.

However, Qingyun's observation Haki has become very powerful, and it is no problem to foresee the short future, and it is naturally no problem to predict the attack trajectory of the stone.

Crack! Crack!

He turned into lightning and directly faced the flying stone. With just the right dodge, he avoided the attack of the stone and rushed towards Wald.

At the same time, he once again used the armed color Haki to strengthen his right hand and the third generation of Kitetsu, and then used the domineering color Haki to entangle them, and finally used the thunder fruit ability to enchant them.


"Double - one hundred times the speed!"

Wald used his observation Haki to foresee that Qingyun dodged all the attacks, and the next attack would be very powerful, so he immediately used his Armament Haki to strengthen his whole body, and then used the ability of the Multiplication Fruit to increase his speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Then, Wald also rushed towards Qingyun at a high speed, so fast that it directly produced bursts of sonic booms.

After the two rushed to each other's side, they directly swung their swords and fists with all their strength, slashing and smashing each other with all their strength.

Twenty thousand pounds!

At the moment when the sword and fist were about to collide, Qingyun used the same trick again, and directly used the ability of the Light Floating Fruit to increase his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu to twenty thousand pounds, greatly increasing the power.


The sword and fist collided in the air, causing a very violent explosion. The entire sixth floor trembled, and the entire underwater prison shook slightly.

"How come it took so long for such a violent collision to happen again?"

Nami and the others who felt the vibration felt a little confused for a moment. They finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they had not felt the vibration for only a dozen minutes, Nami and the others were extremely worried.

Now that they felt the vibration again, it meant that Qingyun was fighting with someone and had not been defeated by someone. Of course, they felt relieved.


Although Wald lasted 0.05 seconds longer than Katarina, he only lasted 0.15 seconds before Qingyun chopped off his right hand and cut off his neck. Wald also followed in Katarina's footsteps, his body was separated and he died on the spot.

【The host kills Carbondiwald, and his physical fitness increases by 71... and he obtains the ability of the Multiplication Fruit, as well as the Multiplication Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a multiplication fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the multiplication fruit ability, the same level as Walder.

He smiled with satisfaction, put the multiplication fruit away, and then looked at the Blood Red Earl and the Devil's Heir, and said lightly:

"Next one."

The Devil's descendant stood up and walked out of the cage slowly, with an excited smile on his face. He said to Qingyun:

"My name is Douglas Barrett"

"Others call me the heir of the devil."

Taking the initiative to introduce oneself represents recognition of others.

Barrett has never seen a young man as powerful as Qingyun. He has recognized Qingyun's strength and decisiveness.


As soon as the voice fell, Barrett released the dark domineering aura, as terrifying as Shura, pressing towards Qingyun with overwhelming force.


Seeing this, Qingyun did not say much and directly released the dark red domineering aura, as terrifying as the King of Hell, pressing towards Barrett with overwhelming force.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The two domineering auras collided, generating an extremely violent shock wave.

From bottom to top, it spread throughout the entire underwater prison.

Many jailers and prisoners could not resist, their eyes rolled back, and they fell to the ground and fainted.

"This is a showdown of domineering power!"

"Who is fighting down there?"

Those who didn't faint were looking at the ground in amazement.

"This is Qingyun's domineering aura and another person's domineering aura!"

"There are still people with Conqueror's Haki down there!"

Nami and the others were also very surprised when they felt Qingyun and Barrett's Conqueror's Haki, but they didn't feel worried about Qingyun.

Because the girls could feel that Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki had become even stronger than before.

Although the other Conqueror's Haki was very powerful, it was not as strong as Qingyun's.

In the cage on the sixth floor, the Blood-Red Earl, who was watching from a close distance, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But the most surprised was Barrett himself.

They didn't expect that Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki was so powerful.

Even more than Whitebeard and Roger they had seen before.

Soon, Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki suppressed Barrett's Conqueror's Haki.

Even if Barrett used all his strength, he couldn't stop Qingyun.


In less than three seconds, Barrett's Conqueror's Haki was completely suppressed by Qingyun's, and was directly suppressed by Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki.

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