"It was able to completely suppress my domineering aura!"

"You are the first one!"

Barrett was not afraid of the battle because of being completely suppressed by Qingyun. Instead, he was very excited, with excitement on his face.

In the past, his domineering aura had been suppressed by others.

But in those previous times, he could at least resist for a while.

However, facing Qingyun, he could not resist even for a moment.

He had never seen a man as strong as Qingyun.

He has always been pursuing the ultimate power.

Because of this, he chose to join Roger's pirate group after being defeated by Roger.

It is also because of this that his domineering aura became excited after being crushed by Qingyun.

"Devil Mode!"


Barrett burst out with his strongest power, relying on his own ghost energy and integrating his own Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki to strengthen his whole body, making it dark and strong.

With the terrifying aura emanating from his body, he looks like a devil from hell.

This is why he is called���"

The surrounding corpses were pushed aside by his powerful aura.

Barrett saw that Qingyun was extremely decisive in killing.

If he could kill the opponent with one move, he would never use a second move. So he knew that he had to use all his strength at the beginning, otherwise he would have no chance in the future.


Therefore, Barrett did not stop there. He then slapped the ground with his big hands, displayed the awakening skill of the fusion fruit, and began to absorb the fusion floor, preparing to turn into a huge stone monster.

Although the fusion of these floors cannot be as powerful as the fusion of warships, it is still more powerful than his devil mode.

But how could Qingyun watch Barrett use his big move?

Although he was not afraid at all, he would not be stupid enough to watch Barrett use his big move.


Crack! Crack!

Qingyun burst out with terrifying lightning power all over his body, as well as the three generations of Kitetsu in his hand, and directly transformed into a thunder god full of lightning.


However, this is not over yet. He also used the armed color domineering to strengthen it, and then used the domineering color domineering to entangle it, so that the lightning all over his body turned into dark. Red.

He exuded a terrifying aura of destruction, and looked like the god of thunder who would bring the end of the world. He was extremely terrifying.

Multiply - one hundred times the speed!

Crack! Crack!

Immediately, Qingyun did not wait for Barrett to complete the fusion, and directly used the power of the multiplication fruit to increase the speed by a hundred times, turning into a bolt of lightning, and rushed towards Barrett at a rapid speed.

The speed was as fast as lightning.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Seeing this, Barrett decisively gave up merging with the floor, and then quickly rushed towards Qingyun.

The speed was so fast that it directly produced bursts of sonic booms.

Thunder God Fragrance Slash!

After rushing in front of Barrett, Qingyun first used the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to strengthen the Third Generation Kitetsu, giving it the ability to petrify and increase its armor-piercing ability.

Immediately, he directly wielded the Third Generation Kitetsu, and slashed at Barrett with all his strength with a devastating force.

""The strongest fist!"

At the same time, after rushing in front of Qingyun, Barrett concentrated all his strength on his right hand, and then swung his right hand with all his strength, smashing towards Qingyun with a shocking force.

20,000 pounds!

At the moment when the knife and fist were about to collide, Qingyun used the same trick again, and immediately used the ability of the Light Floating Fruit to increase his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu to 20,000 pounds, greatly increasing the power.


The knife and fist collided in the air, producing an extremely violent collision and an extremely powerful impact.

The entire sixth floor, and even the entire underwater prison, trembled.

Crack! Crack!

The floor under the feet of the two people was cracked and blown away.

"What a terrifying aura!"

"There is actually someone in the Undersea Prison who possesses such a powerful Conqueror's Haki!"

Nami and the others were shocked when they noticed the shaking of the Undersea Prison and felt the aftermath of the fight between Qingyun and Barrett, which contained Barrett's Conqueror's Haki.

Although they could feel that Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki was even more powerful than Barrett's, before this, apart from Qingyun, they had never seen anyone possess a powerful, even terrifying Conqueror's Haki.


Hancock could no longer restrain her worry about Qingyun, and ran directly to the underwater prison.

Although she could feel that Qingyun's domineering aura was much stronger than Barrett's.

Although she believed in Qingyun very much, she couldn't see with her own eyes whether Qingyun was okay, so she couldn't help but worry about Qingyun.

Nami and the others were the same.

It wasn't that they doubted Qingyun. It was because they had Qingyun in their hearts, so they couldn't help but worry about Qingyun.


Seeing Hancock running into the underwater prison, Nami and the others couldn't help but become more worried about Qingyun, and couldn't help but want to run in after her.

"somebody is coming!"

"And he is a very powerful person!"

"Even stronger than the one who is fighting Qingyun!"

At this moment, Aisha looked in the direction of the Gate of Justice and said solemnly


Nami and the others were shocked. They followed Aisha's gaze and looked in the direction of the Gate of Justice...

The Blood Red Earl looked at Qingyun and Barrett from a close distance. He was hit by the shock wave generated by the collision between the two, but he remained calm and sat quietly in the same place.


Although Barrett was the strongest among all the criminals at present, he only lasted 0.05 seconds longer than Walder.

In other words, he only lasted 0.2 seconds before Qingyun broke through his Conqueror's Haki, petrified him, and chopped off his right hand, and then chopped off his neck.

Barrett also followed in Walder's footsteps, his body was separated and he died on the spot.

【The host kills Douglas Barrett, and his physical fitness increases to 89... and he obtains the ability of the Fusion Fruit, as well as the Fusion Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a fusion fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the fusion fruit, to the same extent as Barrett.

Barrett's fusion fruit has awakened, which means that Qingyun's fusion fruit ability has also awakened.

Oh, right!

I almost forgot that although the jailer beasts on the fourth floor look stupid, they are all awakened devil fruits!

If I kill them, I can directly obtain the awakened devil fruit ability!

After realizing the awakened fusion fruit ability, Qingyun remembered this.

He knew that the jailer beasts became stupid because they could not control the awakened devil fruit.

But he believed that he could control it.

By then, he might be able to obtain the combat power that Lucci could obtain after the devil fruit awakened.

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction, put away the fusion fruit, then looked at the blood-red earl, and said lightly:

"now you."

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