"How terrifying!"

Kizaru said as he formed a lightsaber.

He knew he couldn't be lazy any longer.

He had to use all his strength to break through Nami's defense.


Snap! Snap!

Nami felt that Kizaru was going to get serious, and immediately burst out with powerful lightning, which stimulated her body and covered her whole body, entering the Thor mode and transformed into the female Thor.

"Borsalino, retreat first."

At this moment, Garp suddenly shouted to Kizaru.


Although he didn't know why, Kizaru answered respectfully.

Because he knew that it was right to listen to Garp.


As soon as he finished speaking, Kizaru turned into photons and returned to the giant warship.

Although Nami was still in high spirits and wanted to continue fighting with Kizaru, she wanted to improve her observation Haki and practical experience.

But she also knew what it meant to not chase after a desperate enemy, so she didn't chase after him.

""Old man, why did you ask Kizaru to withdraw?"

Smoker was very puzzled and even a little angry when he asked Garp.

In his opinion, Garp asked Kizaru to withdraw because it was to enhance the ambition of Qingyun and his group and destroy his prestige.

The other vice admirals and marines looked at Garp in confusion.

However, Garp ignored Smoker, and together with Sengoku and Vice Admiral Tsuru, he looked solemnly at Qingyun, who had returned to the gate from the fourth floor of Impel Down, holding Hancock and Miss Olib.

"To be honest, that guy has become stronger than me."

Garp said solemnly.

Zhan Guo also looked solemn:

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is true."

Lieutenant General He's face was very gloomy:

"It seems that guy has successfully hunted down the special ability user on the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison"

"We are late"

"Things are getting worse."


After hearing this, following Garp and the others' gaze, Smoker and the others noticed that Qingyun had come up.

"Qingyun, are you okay?"

Nami immediately stopped the Thor mode, came to Qingyun, and asked with concern.

Nojigo and the others also looked at Qingyun with concern.

Qingyun first put down Hancock and Miss Olib, then raised his hand, gently rubbed Nami's head, and smiled elegantly:

"I'm fine"

"Thanks a lot"

"Also, well done, you finally mastered Observation Haki"


Nami was relieved and smiled happily and proudly.

The girls also breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingyun walked to Taotu again, raised his hand and gently rubbed Taotu's head, and said with a smile:

"Thanks for your help."

"This is what I should do.

Taotu was flattered and felt very happy.

"That's Admiral Sengoku!"

"Navy hero Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Chief of Naval Staff!"

"Navy Admiral Kizaru!"

"There are also several lieutenant generals!"

"What a terrifying lineup!"

"Why are they going out together?"

At the same time, Miss Olib glanced at Nami and the others.���, noticed the warship in the distance, and was shocked to see Garp and his men on the bow.

"Qingyun, can you let Vice Admiral Garp go?"

"He is Luffy and Ace's grandfather, and he has always protected my hometown, Windmill Village."

"I don't want to see you and him killing each other."

At this moment, Makino came to Qingyun and begged Qingyun

"Qingyun, I also beg you to let Sister He and Little Cap go."

"I am the younger sister of Sister He, and she has always taken good care of me."

"Garp and Sengoku are also very good to me."

"I don't want to see you and them hurt each other."

Then, Taotu looked at Qingyun closely, pleadingly, and asked expectantly.

"Yes, Tina is begging you too.

Tina immediately came to Qingyun and begged

"I beg you too."

Tashigi and Jessica also came to Qingyun and pleaded in unison.

Nami and the others did not beg Qingyun.

Firstly, they were not familiar with Garp and the others.

Secondly, they knew that if Qingyun agreed to let Makino and the others go, even if they did not help to beg Qingyun, Qingyun would agree.

On the contrary, if Qingyun did not agree, even if they begged, it would be completely useless.

"Let them go!"

After hearing Makino and the others' request, Miss Olib was even more shocked and looked at Qingyun in disbelief:

"Are you more powerful than Garp?"

"Could it be that you are the one who made the underwater prison vibrate and emitted that terrifying domineering aura just now?"

She finally realized that Qingyun was not only handsome, but also an extremely powerful person, and even a pirate.

Qingyun smiled at Makino, Taotu, Tina, Dashiqi and Jessica:


"Then let's board the ship and escape."


The five Makino girls smiled happily and nodded.

Immediately, Qingyun led the girls on board.

"Even if it costs our lives, we must take down Qingyun"

"Otherwise, he will definitely become more difficult to deal with in the future."

Zhan Guo said resolutely


Karp nodded affirmatively and began to rub his fists, ready to fight to the death.

"That's right."

Lieutenant General He also nodded, ready to fight to the death.

"It's really too scary!"

Although he said so, Huang Yuan did not retreat, and planned to fight to the death with Garp and Qingyun. But after Qingyun and his group boarded the Sea King, the Sea King actually flew up directly, and then flew away in front of them.


"Damn it!"

Zhan Guo, Garp and Vice Admiral Tsuru were very angry.

Because they knew that if Qing Yun was allowed to leave, he would continue to hunt people with special abilities, coerce and lure other beauties to board the ship, and he would definitely become more powerful and more difficult to deal with.

But they were helpless.

Although they all knew how to do the Moon Step, they could not catch up with the Sea King.

Although Kizaru could catch up,���If they sent him to chase after them alone, he would just be sending himself to death.

So they could only watch Qingyun and his gang leave.

"He didn't run away, but for the sake of Tashigi, Jessica, Brigadier General Taotu and Colonel Tina, he didn't fight us head-on."

Smoker said affirmatively

"Damn it!"

Jonathan knew that what Smoker said was right. He felt extremely angry, but also helpless.

"So that's how it is."

Garp and the others were all furious when they heard this, but they were also extremely helpless.

"Makino, I'm sorry."

Karp said with great shame.

He knew that Makino was kind-hearted and would definitely help him plead for mercy.

"Let's go to the underwater prison first, and then continue to capture Qingyun"

"We must catch him as soon as possible."

Sengoku ordered...

At the same time, on the Sea King,

Qingyun briefly introduced Nami and Domino, Little Sadie, and Miss Olib to each other, and then he took out the Nine-tailed Fox form of the Mythical Beast Dog-type Dog Fruit.

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