"This is the Nine-Tailed Fox form of the Mythical Beast Dog-Dog Fruit."

"After eating it, the user will have more than three transformations, and their physical fitness, endurance, etc. will also be greatly improved."

"They will also have the ability to transform into other people, and even their clothes and height can become exactly the same as others."

"It can even have the power of seduction, although not as abnormal as the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, but it is enough to confuse ordinary people."

Qingyun was in a very good mood, and he introduced the girls slowly.


Hearing this, Kaya and the others, even Nami who had eaten the devil fruit, were very excited.

"Except for Kaya, there is no one who has eaten the devil fruit yet, and is most suitable for this mythical beast dog dog fruit nine-tailed fox form.……"

As Qingyun spoke, he began to scan Conis and the others.

Choose me!

Choose me!

Choose me!

Hearing this, Carmen, Conis, Aisha, Jessica, Maya, Kalifa, the Cube Sisters, Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib all hoped that Qingyun would choose them.

After deliberately scanning the circle to whet the appetite of the girls, Qingyun finally stopped his gaze on Kalifa:

"It's you, Khalifa."


Kalifa was ecstatic. Even though she had seen a lot of things and had a calm personality, she couldn't help but smile excitedly and shouted.

Some were happy while others were sad.

Carmen and the others were all a little sad. They couldn't help but complain in their hearts:

Since you have decided to feed Kalifa, then don't deliberately whet her appetite like this, making her think you will choose her!

What a bastard!

Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib, who had just agreed to board the ship and had not yet had a deep exchange with Qingyun, couldn't help but curse Qingyun in their hearts.

But what they didn't know was that Qingyun had"heard" all their inner thoughts clearly.

Qingyun shouted at the three of them. The woman smiled slightly:

I'll deal with you later!

Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib couldn't hear Qingyun's inner words, and hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

Kalifa immediately came to Qingyun happily and accepted Qingyun's feeding and training.

After eating the first bite, Kalifa gained abilities.

Qingyun's abilities were also enhanced.

After eating while suppressing her nausea, Kalifa couldn't wait to use her abilities in front of everyone and turned into a nine-tailed fox in human-beast form.

Unlike the ordinary human-beast form, Kalifa's human-beast form is also very beautiful, which makes everyone's eyes light up.

Then, Kalifa used her transformation ability and directly turned into Qingyun


"It's exactly the same as Qingyun!"

"There is absolutely no difference!"

Looking at Kalifa and then at Qingyun, the girls couldn't help but exclaimed


Kalifa was very happy.

She ended her transformation and returned to human form, but she retained the fluffy white and pink fox tails of the nine-tailed fox, as well as the fluffy white and pink fox ears.

With Kalifa's exquisite and beautiful face and tender and plump figure, she looked extremely charming and exciting.


This is a bit overwhelming!

Qingyun couldn't help but get a little excited.

Because he knew that the fox-eared girl in front of him was different from the one in the underwater prison, but a real beauty. mua!

Then, Kalifa flew directly to Qingyun, stood on tiptoes, hugged Qingyun's neck, and gave Qingyun a big kiss.

Kalifa was extremely grateful to Qingyun, and liked Qingyun even more.

Because she knew that she would never be able to get such a powerful devil fruit.

Even if her superiors got such a powerful devil fruit, they would not let her eat it.

So if it wasn't for Qingyun, she would never be able to eat such a powerful devil fruit.

In order to express her gratitude and love for Qingyun, Kalifa deliberately preserved Qingyun's favorite part.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Qingyun's blood boiled immediately after being kissed by Kalifa

"You guys practice here first, I'll be back soon."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun turned into lightning and disappeared with Kalifa.

Nami and the others were used to this.

"Where did he take Kalifa?"

However, Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib, who had just boarded the ship, were confused.

"You'll know soon."

"Let us teach you how to practice first."

Nami and the others said with a smile.

Half an hour later,

Qingyun reappeared in front of Nami and the others.

Half an hour was not Qingyun's limit, but Kalifa's limit.

Although Kalifa's physical fitness was already good, and it became even better after eating the Nine-Tailed Fox Form of the Mythical Beast Dog-Dog Fruit.

But don't forget that Qingyun can take away their abilities, including the Devil Fruit ability, by killing others.

His physical fitness and recovery ability have already become stronger.

So fast!

Could he be incapable?

Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib couldn't help but Some of them doubted Qingyun's ability.

Although they were all inexperienced, they still had some knowledge in that area. When they thought about it carefully just now, they could still guess what Qingyun had done with Kalifa.

They thought that Qingyun was so powerful that it would take at least two hours.

Unexpectedly, he came out in just half an hour.

I'll let you know if I can do it!

After hearing the three girls' voices, Qingyun became more determined to punish them.

However, he did not rush, but continued to take out a devil fruit, which instantly attracted the attention of the girls.

"This is the fruit of multiplication, which can make inanimate objects that it touches or touches grow dozens or even a hundred times larger."

"It can also increase your speed by dozens or even a hundred times. It is a very powerful devil fruit, especially suitable for……"

Qingyun repeated his old trick, and while speaking, he began to scan Carmen and the others.

Choose me!

Choose me!

Choose me!

Hearing this, Carmen and the others were very excited, and they all hoped that Qingyun would choose them.

After deliberately scanning the circle again to whet the appetite of the girls, Qingyun finally stopped his gaze on Aisha:

"That's you, Elsa."



Aisha cheered happily and ran towards Qingyun impatiently.

Carmen and the others felt it was a pity.

It's not me!

Does Qingyun not like me anymore?

Carmen even doubted whether Qingyun still liked her.

After all, she was one of the first people to board Qingyun's ship.

But even Kalifa, who had just boarded the ship, had eaten a powerful devil fruit, but she still didn't, which made her suspicious.

This bastard deliberately whetted our appetite!

Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib couldn't help but curse Qingyun again.

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