It seems that women just like to think too much!

Hearing Carmen's voice, Qingyun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But he felt very happy.

Because Carmen could think so much, it just proved that Carmen really liked him and was really worried that he didn't like her anymore.

He didn't rush to comfort Carmen.

Instead, he took out a knife and began to feed Aisha the multiplication fruit.

After eating, Aisha couldn't wait to try her ability.

When she found out that it was just as Qingyun said, she was very happy. mua!

Aisha came to Qingyun, jumped up directly, hugged Qingyun's neck, and kissed Qingyun's cheek hard.

Aisha was also very grateful to Qingyun.

Because she knew that if it weren't for Qingyun, she would never be able to eat the multiplication fruit.

Even now, she can't control her innate observation Haki.

Qingyun smiled slightly and gently put Aisha down.

Then, he took out another devil fruit:

"This is a combined fruit"

"Able to rearrange and combine inorganic matter that it touches, so that it can merge with its body."

"Not only can it fuse inorganic matter with the body, it can also combine inorganic matter and rearrange it to create new weapons."

"For example, you can use scrap metal and rubble to build weapons, ships, and even submarines."


"I didn't expect there was such a devil fruit!"

"The world is so big, there are so many things to see!"

Hearing this, the girls were all very surprised and couldn't help but sigh.

Qingyun would definitely not give me the fusion fruit, right?

Just as Jessica and the others were looking at the fusion fruit in Qingyun's hand with great anticipation, Carmen was also looking at it, but she didn't dare to hold too much hope.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Carmen, come here.

Qingyun smiled at Carmen.


Carmen was incredulous.

Connie and the others were a little disappointed.


Qingyun nodded affirmatively:

"The most suitable person for this fusion fruit is you"


Carmen suddenly realized and felt ashamed. Tears welled up in her eyes.

She remembered that Qingyun was really giving them the most suitable devil fruits. He did not favor any one of them or ignore any one of them.

"Qingyun, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, woooo!"

Carmen apologized to Qingyun in shame, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Carmen, what's wrong with you?!"

"Why are you crying?"

Seeing this, Makino and Jessica on Carmen's left and right immediately grabbed Carmen's shoulders and asked with concern.

Nami and the others also looked at Carmen with confusion and concern.

"It turns out that Qingyun is really selecting, searching for, and hunting the most suitable devil fruits for us."

"But I was one of the first people to board the ship, but it was not my turn yet."

"I watched you all eat powerful devil fruits. I just saw that Kalifa, who was puzzled when she just got on the ship, also ate powerful devil fruits. I... I can't help but wonder if Qingyun doesn't like me anymore."

Carmen explained with a sob.

""I see!"

Hearing this, the girls suddenly understood.

If they put themselves in Carmen's shoes, they could understand her.

Especially Ke Ya.

She was the first person to board the ship.

If Qingyun hadn't said that he had thought of a devil fruit for her, she would definitely be like Carmen, doubting whether Qingyun still liked her.

As soon as Carmen finished speaking, Qingyun had already walked in front of her.

Qingyun raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Carmen's eyes, and said softly:

"You little fool"

"My Aquaman not only does not allow men to get on it, but also does not allow girls who are not beautiful to get on it."

"Everyone who comes on board is someone I like."


Carmen was very happy and nodded with tears and smiles.


All the girls were also very happy.

They all liked Qingyun even more.

Qingyun began to feed Carmen the fusion fruit.


Carmen ate it despite feeling nauseous. After trying it eagerly, she also gave Qingyun a big kiss.

"Although I have hunted other devil fruits, they are not suitable for you, so I won't give them to you."

Seeing that Conis and the others were looking at him expectantly, Qingyun said truthfully.

He did not lie to Conis and the others.

He really felt that other devil fruits were not suitable for Conis and the others.

For example, the expansion fruit.

Although it can make the body of the ability user huge, even comparable to a mountain, but other than that, there is no other effect.

This ability may make men very excited, but it will not make girls excited.

On the contrary, it will only make girls feel shy.

After all, almost no girl wants to make her body huge. It is easy to expose herself. Qingyun is reluctant to do so.


Hearing this, Connie and the others felt a little disappointed.

"You don't have to worry, I will definitely help you find a powerful devil fruit that suits you best."

Qingyun said firmly


Ke Ya and the others nodded, looking forward to it.

"Okay, you guys continue to practice, I'll take Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib to be baptized."

Qingyun continued with a smile.

Snap! Snap!

After that, Qingyun turned into lightning and took Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib back to his room.

Nami and the others were used to it and continued to practice.


However, Domino and the other two who were brought back to the room by Qingyun were a little confused.

When they found themselves in a closed room and Qingyun was staring at them like a hungry wolf, they all realized what Qingyun meant by baptism, and suddenly they became a little nervous.

Because they were all virgins.

They never thought that their first time would be given to Qingyun so soon.

And together with the other two people.




Suddenly, under Qingyun's control, three hemp ropes suddenly rushed out from under the bed, and tied up Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib with lightning speed.

They couldn't control their bodies and fell to the ground in all directions.

"Qingyun, what are you doing?"

"Let me go quickly."

Domino, Little Sadie and Miss Olib struggled hard, but when they found that they couldn't get away, they panicked and looked at Qingyun anxiously.

Qingyun pulled out a whip and pulled it to show his tenacity. He walked towards the three women slowly and said with a smile:

"Did you feel great scolding me just now?"

"Next is the punishment time."

Upon hearing this, the three girls were shocked and said in unison:

"We didn't scold you just now"


"Don't hit me."

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"Do you think I didn't hear you calling me a bastard when I was distributing devil fruits just now?"

Domino and the others were shocked:

"How could you……"




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