Yimu then put away his momentum and said coldly:

"Next time, you know what the consequences will be."

"Yes, yes."

The Five Elders said with trepidation.

"so what?"

"Where is Qingyun now?"

Yim asked

"Qingyun attacked Push City yesterday and killed all the criminals on the sixth floor, then flew away with his men."

"It is not known where he flew to."

"However, based on his extremely lustful personality and his behavior, we infer that his next destination should be the Fishman Island with many mermaids."

"In order to go to the Fishman Island in the deep sea, he should first go to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ship."

The Agricultural God replied nervously.

"Are you sure?"

Yim stared at the God of Agriculture.

"I... I'm not sure."

The God of Agriculture said truthfully.

"But it should be pretty close."

At this moment, Shanks spoke:

"After all, whether it is pirates or the navy, if you want to go to Fishman Island by sea, you have to go to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ship."

"The mermaids on Fishman Island are extremely beautiful, so Qingyun couldn't miss going to Fishman Island."


"Immediately send someone to monitor the Sabaody Archipelago. If you find Qingyun's group, report to me immediately."

"We will set off immediately and head to the Sabaody Archipelago."

Yim immediately ordered.

One week later.

That was the day when Qingyun hunted down Luo and chose to continue training on Yama Island. On a hidden giant warship in the Sabaody Archipelago. In a magnificently decorated room. The Five Elders were kneeling on one knee respectfully. And in front of them was the King of the World, Yim.

"Didn’t you say Qingyun would come to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ships?"

"It's been a week, why hasn't he come yet?"

"And we can't find his whereabouts at all?"

Yim asked impatiently.

"We don't know this..."

"Since Qingyun and his group flew away from Push City, they seemed to have disappeared into thin air. No trace of them could be found, and no news of them could be heard."

The Five Elders spoke uneasily.


Im burst out with a terrifying aura, instantly filling the entire room.


The Five Elders' faces suddenly became hideous, and they howled in pain.

"You can't even find a small pirate group, what are you doing?"

Im asked angrily.

"Yim... Lord Yim, please calm down."

"Qingyun's ship can fly, there is nothing we can do about it"

"You dare to talk back?"


On the other two sides, the hidden Red Hair Pirates and Sengoku and other navy were also extremely confused:

"It's been a week, why hasn't that guy come yet?"

"Could it be that he flew directly to the new world?"

"But there is no news about them in the New World?"

Soon, another week passed.

On the Yama Island, except for Aisha who still hasn't mastered Armament Haki and

Zombie Sindori who still hasn't mastered Observation Haki and Armament Haki, everyone else has mastered Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

But unfortunately, except for Hancock, no one has awakened Conqueror Haki yet.

There is no way.

Conqueror Haki is innate, and those who possess it are very rare.

Moreover, not everyone is Qingyun. Even if someone is born with Conqueror Haki, they need a good opportunity to awaken it..

And this opportunity is often a very desperate moment.

For example, Doflamingo.

In addition.

With the joint efforts of Qingyun and Miss Golden Week, especially because Miss Golden Week is the most suitable person for the Yellow Spring Fruit, they finally succeeded in awakening the power of the Yellow Spring Fruit.

They immediately came to Miss Golden Week, used the soul out of the body, and with the awakened power of the Yellow Spring Fruit, opened the channel between the Yellow Spring and the real world, and went to the Yellow Spring together to find Xinduoli's soul.

Nami and the others surrounded them, helping Qingyun and Miss Golden Week. ss Golden Week guardian.

After entering the underworld.

Qingyun found that this place was extremely desolate, with ghosts wandering everywhere.

They all retained the appearance when they died.

Some fell to death.

Some were beaten to death.

Some were hacked to death.

Their appearance is not the most terrifying, but only more terrifying.

Even Qingyun, who has become extremely powerful, and Miss Golden Week, who has been to the underworld, can't help but be shocked.

But there are also those who died of natural causes.

They look better.

But they are still quite creepy.

Fortunately, Qingyun and Miss Golden Week were in the zombie Xin Duoli. In front of the zombie Xin Duoli, it was equivalent to opening a passage in front of Xin Duoli's body, and soon found Xin Duoli's soul.

They immediately worked together, first removing the dead air from Xin Duoli's soul, then injecting their own vitality, and then through the passage, they brought Xin Duoli's soul back together.

Finally, the two injected Xin Duoli's soul into her body, and then returned to their respective bodies.


The shadow of Hogbak in the zombie Xin Duoli's body flew out immediately.

Because Hogbak was already dead, his shadow also dissipated on the spot because it had no place to go.

"Huh~~ Huh~~"

As soon as their souls returned to their original places, Qingyun and Miss Huangjinzhou were so tired that they couldn't help but breathe heavily, their faces were very pale.

"Qingyun, Mariannu, are you okay?"

Nami and the others immediately surrounded them, asking about their condition and checking their situation. To revive a dead person, which is against common sense, naturally requires a very heavy price to be paid.

Just like the surgery fruit can make people immortal, what needs to be paid is the life of the ability user.

Originally, using the power of the Yomi fruit to revive others also requires the life of the ability user.

However, because Qingyun and Miss Golden Week were together,���The living Xin Duoli shared the cost, so they did not die.

And although they were very tired, both of them could feel that their Yomizu fruit abilities had become more powerful.

"I'm fine, don't worry.

Qingyun and Miss Golden Week smiled and said.

Seeing that Qingyun and Miss Golden Week were just a little tired and nothing serious happened, Nami and the others were relieved.

"How is Xin Duoli?"

Everyone looked at Xin Duoli.

At this time, Xin Duoli's body color had returned to normal human skin color. She was completely resurrected.

However, she still had the traces of Hogbak stitching the corpse, which made her look both scary and beautiful.

"Qingyun, Mariannu, and everyone, thank you."

Xin Duoli sincerely thanked Qingyun and the girls.

Although her soul was just brought back by Qingyun and Miss Golden Week, her body still remembered what happened during this period, and all of it was inherited by her soul.

"You're welcome."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Xin Duoli, are you willing to board my ship?"

Nami and the others all looked at Xin Duoli with a smile.

"I wish……"

Halfway through her words, Xin Duoli suddenly braked.

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