"I don't want to."

After thinking for a while, Xin Duoli gritted her teeth and said firmly


Qingyun and the other girls were all very surprised by Xin Duoli's answer.

Because Xin Duoli looked like she clearly remembered what had happened during this period.

They originally thought that Xin Duoli would definitely agree without hesitation.

But they never expected that Xin Duoli would actually refuse directly.

"Don't misunderstand"

"I didn't refuse because I hate you."

Xin Duoli stared into Qingyun's eyes and explained with reason, shame and sadness:

"I am so grateful to you and Marianu for saving me."

"The reason why I don't want to get on your boat is because I am too ugly now, even a little scary, like a ghost, and I am not worthy of you at all."

"So I'd better not get on your boat."

"So that's how it is."

Everyone heard this and looked at the stitches on Xin Duoli's body and even on her face, and then they suddenly realized what was going on.

"Leave it to me."

Qingyun said confidently.



As soon as the words fell, Qingyun stretched out his left hand, palm down, and used the power of the surgery fruit to condense a typhoon-like vortex in his palm.

At the same time, he summoned the Sandai Kitetsu

"What are you doing?"

Except for Ke Ya, everyone else looked confused.

Qing Yun smiled slightly:

"You'll know soon."


The next moment, the vortex expanded directly under Qingyun's control, covering Xinduoli and Nami and the others around her.

Puff! Puff! Puff! -

Then, Qingyun raised his knife and cut Xinduoli into eight pieces.


Nami and the others were stunned and couldn't help but scream. They asked Qingyun in confusion:

"Qingyun, why did you kill Xin Duoli?"


At this moment, the part of Xin Duoli's mouth couldn't help but scream, and then said in great confusion:

"How come I'm okay?"

"What's going on?"

Nami and the others were immediately surprised.

Ke Ya quickly helped Qing Yun explain:

"Qingyun did not kill Xin Duoli, but used the power of the surgery fruit to help Xin Duoli perform surgery and remove the lines and scars on her body."

While Keya was explaining, Qingyun had already started to help Xin Duoli perform surgery.

""I see."

Nami and the others, as well as Xin Duoli, suddenly realized what was going on and were all shocked.

It was the first time for them to see the power of the Operation Fruit.


At this moment, as Qingyun helped Xin Duoli with the surgery, Xin Duoli couldn’t help but burst into laughter due to the itch.

"Qingyun, let me help you"


Ke Ya immediately used the slaughterhouse, and then pulled out the good knife that Qing Yun gave her, which she used with the ability of the surgery fruit. Xue Zou and Qing Yun helped Xin Duoli perform the surgery.

Soon, under the joint work of Qing Yun and Ke Ya, Xin Duoli's body was completely removed by the two, and they also restored Xin Duoli's body to its original state.

Xin Duoli also completely recovered her appearance before she died.

""Okay, the lines and scars on your body have all been removed."

Qingyun said to Xin Duoli with a smile.

Hearing this, Xin Duoli lowered her head in disbelief, looked at her hands and abdomen, and found that the lines that originally connected her body and the scars had all disappeared. She felt extremely incredible and ecstatic.

She touched her face in disbelief and found that the lines and scars on her face had all disappeared. She was even more ecstatic and couldn't help but smile.

Xin Duoli's smile looked extremely sweet and healing.

Even Qingyun and Nami couldn't help but be moved by Xin Duoli's smile.

"Qingyun, I am willing to board your ship.

Xin Duoli agreed to Qingyun's request without any hesitation.

【Congratulations to the host for taming Xin Duoli and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Xin Duoli's position.】

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"From now on, Xin Duoli, you are the singer of our Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Xin Duoli's abilities that were beneficial to him.


Xin Duoli answered happily.


Qingyun immediately ordered:

"Mariannu, take a good rest. I will go and baptize Xin Duoli. The others can continue to practice."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun turned into lightning and took Xin Duoli away.

"How impatient."

The girls couldn't help but complain, and they were all a little envious and jealous of Xin Duoli.

Because Aisha wanted to learn the gunmanship from Qingyun very much, but Qingyun just didn't agree to teach her, and she had no way to deal with it.

And Nami and the others had already sunk into learning the gunmanship from Qingyun. They were practicing, but they had to watch Qingyun take Xin Duoli to teach the gunmanship, which of course made them feel very unhappy.

But they had no way to deal with it. They all re-entered the training and tried to achieve the small goals set by Qingyun for them, so that they could learn the gunmanship from Qingyun at night.

Aisha wanted to sleep with Qingyun (do nothing, just sleep, just like brothers and sisters, don't get me wrong).

In order to give Xin Duoli a good experience, Qingyun specially called out the Sea King to stop in the air and took Xin Duoli into his room.

After locking the door, Qingyun put Xin Duoli on the bed and began to take off his clothes impatiently.

Xin Duoli knew what the baptism Qingyun was talking about, and suddenly became a little nervous, a little expectant, but a little timidly said:

"Qingyun, I... this is my first time, please be gentle later."

Although Xin Duoli had a fiancé before her death, she did not get married.���After Xin Duoli died , she did not have sex with her fiancé.

Although she was turned into a zombie by Moonlight Moriah and Hogback, Hogback was not particularly perverted and did not have sex with Xin Duoli.

So Xin Duoli was still a virgin.

Hearing this and seeing Xin Duoli's appearance, Qingyun's blood suddenly surged and he felt extremely happy.

"Don't worry."

Qingyun smiled slightly, stopped taking off his clothes, and stretched out a hand towards Xin Duoli:

"Let's have a drink first."

Qingyun originally thought that Xin Duoli was second-hand.

After all, Xin Duoli was a singer when she was alive.

Most singers are just playthings of rich and powerful people.

He even guessed that the reason why Xin Duoli accidentally fell to death on the stage was that her fiancé was tired of playing with Xin Duoli and deliberately killed Xin Duoli.

He was very happy that Xin Duoli was still innocent.

In this case, of course, he had to give Xin Duoli a good experience.


Xin Duoli put her hand on Qingyun's hand.

Qingyun pulled Xin Duoli up, took her to sit on the sofa, and poured a glass of wine for her and himself.

"Shall we exchange a cup?"

Qingyun handed a glass of wine to Xin Duoli.


Xin Duoli nodded with a red face and took the wine glass.……


The evil ellipsis

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