While Qingyun was teaching Xinduoli how to shoot, the Five Elders were punished by Yimu again for not finding Qingyun and his gang.

More than half of the navy and the vast majority of CP0 were searching for Qingyun and his gang.

A warship happened to pass by the waters near Yama Island.

""Rear Admiral, that seems to be the pirate ship of Qingyun's gang."

The observer on the warship pointed at the Sea King parked above Yama Island and reported to the rear admiral of the warship.

The rear admiral immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

"It's true!"

After seeing the Sea King, the major general was very excited.

Although he wanted to capture Qingyun and his gang and make great contributions, he knew that he didn't have the ability to do so.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku quickly and tell him that Qingyun's pirate ship was found on Yama Island."


The signalman immediately reported the intelligence to Zhan Guo.

After receiving the report, Zhan Guo did not let the major general go to the island to check whether Qingyun and his group were on Yama Island. Instead, he asked them to monitor from a distance to prevent alerting the enemy and being wiped out by Qingyun and his group. They would sacrifice their lives in vain and lose the clues.

Zhan Guo first asked others to set off for Yama Island, while he went to report the news to the Five Elders and Im.

"What are Qingyun and his gang doing on Yama Island?"

The Five Elders and Yimu were very puzzled.

"Yama Island is an uninhabited island with many ferocious beasts living on it. It is a very suitable island for cultivation."

"Qingyun and his group might be practicing on Yama Island."

"They should be practicing the devil fruit abilities they just obtained."

Zhan Guo explained and guessed

"I see"

"It is indeed possible."

"No wonder they haven't come to the Sabaody Archipelago for half a month."

Imu and the Five Elders nodded.

"I have asked others to go to Yama Island, let's set off for Yama Island as soon as possible"

"Otherwise, once they have mastered their abilities, they will be even more difficult to deal with."

Zhan Guo continued


Yim said lightly:

"You go first, we'll follow"


Zhan Guo said respectfully and left the room immediately.

"Tell Shanks the news"

"Let's go."

Yim then ordered the Five Elders.


The Five Elders also went to carry out Im's orders.

Not only Sengoku, Garp and the others; Im, the Five Elders and the others, as well as Shanks and the others, more than half of the navy, and the vast majority of CP0 all rushed to Yama Island.

However, what they didn't know was that Qingyun had already sensed the warships in the distance with his extremely powerful observation Haki.

Through mind reading, Qingyun also knew that many navy and CP0 were gathering towards Yama Island.

But Qingyun didn't know that even the Five Elders, Im and the others, as well as the Red Hair Pirates, were here.

Because the rank of the major general was too low, he had no right to know the Five Elders and Im. Im’s matter.

As for Im and the Five Elders joining forces with the Red Hair Pirates, only Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru, and Kizaru knew about it.

Other navy officers and even CP0 didn’t know.

However, several of the highest-level CP0 guessed it.

But they wouldn’t say anything.

The reason why Im chose to cooperate with Shanks was, firstly, because the main intelligence was provided by Shanks, and Shanks asked to go with him.

Secondly, Shanks and the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates were very powerful. Having them as backup personnel could add some security to subdue Qingyun.

But Qingyun was not in a hurry.

Because he knew that there was nothing near Yama Island. The navy's exclusive current, if Zhan Guo and his men want to get here, it will take at least three days.

He continued to teach Xin Duoli how to shoot, and taught Nami and the others to practice domineering.

The next day.

Many navy warships that were relatively close had arrived.

Although the number of navy ships was far greater than that of Qingyun's group, they did not dare to act rashly.

After all, Qingyun alone could easily wipe them out.

What's more, the other people in Qingyun's group were most likely powerful devil fruit users.

Another day passed.

More and more warships gathered.

But they still did not dare to land on the island.

On the afternoon of the third day.

When Sengoku and his men arrived, they immediately led people to the island.

After they arrived on the island, they found that the Poseidon on the Yama Island was not the real Poseidon, but a mirage of the Poseidon. Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Qingyun had asked Nami to create a long-lasting mirage of the Poseidon early this morning. He then used the power of the invisibility fruit to make the Poseidon invisible, controlled the Poseidon and took Nami and the others away.

The reason why he chose to run away was certainly not because he was afraid of Sengoku and Garp. He just didn't want to be their enemy, slaughter them, and make things difficult for Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu and Tina, as well as Domino and Little Sadie.


Zhan Guo and the others were all extremely angry, but helpless.

Because they knew that since Qing Yun's Poseidon could fly, they basically couldn't catch up.

And if Qing Yun didn't want to fight them head-on, they couldn't catch up with Qing Yun and his gang at all.

Just like the Golden Lion Pirates before.

In desperation, Zhan Guo had to decide to return to the Sabaody Archipelago and wait.

At the same time.

At this moment, Qing Yun had already let Tao Tu use the information on Qiao Eli Bonnie's bounty order to determine the approximate location of the Bonnie Pirates and arrived at a more prosperous island in advance.

After swaggering onto the island and putting away the Poseidon.

Qing Yun took Nami and the others to go shopping and buy all kinds of things, while inquiring whether the Bonnie Pirates had landed on the island.

When the residents of the island saw Qing Yun, they were terrified at first.

However, when they saw that he was elegant and friendly, handsome and unrestrained, and did not burn, kill, rob and abuse like most pirates, but used money to buy things, and even bargained like ordinary people, they were all surprised.

The islanders Their attitude towards Qingyun suddenly improved a lot.

Especially women.

They all told Qingyun everything they knew.

Some even wanted to give Qingyun things for free. They even wanted to offer themselves to Qingyun.

The reason why they did this was, of course, because Qingyun used the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to greatly enhance his charm in order to find out the news of Bonnie's pirate group and prevent the islanders from running away when they saw him.

In this way, not long after, Qingyun found out about Bonnie's whereabouts from an aunt, saying that she was having dinner at Fulai Restaurant with several men dressed in cowboys who looked fierce.

After getting Bonnie's whereabouts, Qingyun stopped using the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

Nami and the others knew that Qingyun was going to rob Bonnie again.

Although they didn't want Qingyun to continue to invite other women on board, they knew they couldn't stop it, so they were too lazy to follow him and continued to go shopping and have fun.

In this way, Qingyun went to Fulai Restaurant alone.

When he arrived at Fulai Restaurant, Qingyun walked in slowly.

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