Hearing this, Tashigi looked at the smoke that Smoker had transformed into with concern.

Then, she looked at Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, and Makino, and said firmly:

"Colonel Smoker will not lose"

"Come with me to a safe place first."




However, at this moment, accompanied by a fierce bombardment, Smoker screamed, and his upper body flew out and fell heavily on the road, smashing a big hole on the road.

The smoke that his body turned into returned to his body and turned into his body again.

But his chest was sunken, and he was seriously injured and unable to move.

It turned out that Qingyun no longer relied on his observation Haki to dodge, but used his observation Haki to seize the opportunity, strengthened his right hand with his armed Haki, and hit Smoker's chest hard.

""Colonel Smoker!"

Tashigi and the accompanying marines were all very worried about Smoker and immediately ran towards him.

When they came to Smoker and saw the fist dent on his chest, Tashigi's beautiful eyes couldn't help but sparkle with tears and she felt extremely angry.

The accompanying marines were also furious.

"Run away!……"

Smoker endured the pain and said to Tashigi and the accompanying navy:

"You are quite resilient, you didn't die."

Qingyun said calmly as he walked towards Smoker.

Dashiqi immediately stood up, drew her katana, and walked in front of Smoker, facing Qingyun with full of anger in her eyes.

The accompanying navy also did the same.

"Run away, you...you are no match for him."

Seeing this, Smoker desperately ordered Tashigi and the accompanying marines to flee, while forcing himself to stand up while enduring the pain.

Although he was ambushed by Qingyun because he did not know that Qingyun could use Armament Haki.

But he knew that since Qingyun had mastered Observation Haki and Armament Haki, even without the surprise attack, he would most likely not be Qingyun's opponent.

He was not Qingyun's opponent, let alone Tashigi and the accompanying marines.

He wanted to desperately delay Qingyun to buy time for Tashigi and the other marines to escape.

But his ribs were broken, and his internal organs were injured. He was seriously injured and could not stand up at all.

"No, I will never run away."

Tashigi stared at Qingyun and said firmly to Smoker

"We will never run away either."

The accompanying navy also said firmly


Smoker was very touched, distressed, and helpless.

Because he knew that they, like him, would not abandon their companions.

"These navy are different from the navy in our village."

Nami and Nojiko saw this scene and were somewhat moved by Tashigi and the others.

Kaya and Makino were also somewhat moved.

"Your courage is commendable.

Qingyun looked at Dashiqi and the navy accompanying them and couldn't help but praise them.

"But it is more self-deprecating���"


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun used the Shave Technique and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Qingyun appeared in the crowd like a ghost and attacked the accompanying navy.





The accompanying marines were unable to dodge or resist, and were repeatedly knocked away and kicked by Qingyun, falling to the ground.

Tashigi and the accompanying marines immediately launched attacks on Qingyun, but they were easily avoided by Qingyun with his observation Haki, and he even counterattacked and knocked down the accompanying marines.

In less than ten seconds, all the accompanying marines were knocked to the ground by Qingyun.

Like Smoker, they were seriously injured and unable to move.

Tashigi's samurai sword was taken away, and her hands were grabbed, restricting her movements.

No matter how she struggled, she could not break free from Qingyun's palm.

"Qingyun is really strong!"

Seeing this, Makino was very glad that he had listened to Qingyun and didn't let Luffy fight with Qingyun, otherwise Luffy would definitely be injured or even killed.

"What a tender face.

Qingyun gently touched Dashiqi's fair face.

"Don't touch me."

Dashiqi felt very disgusted and immediately turned her head to the side.

"You bastard, let go of Tashiki quickly."

Smoker, who was lying on the ground, and the accompanying marines were very angry when they saw Qingyun teasing Tashiki, and they all spoke up.

For the accompanying marines, Tashiki was the object of their admiration and care, and they would not allow Tashiki to be teased by Qingyun.

For Smoker, Tashiki was an important subordinate who needed to be protected, and he would not allow Tashiki to be teased by Qingyun.

But now, they could only watch helplessly.

"What a big butt."


Qingyun ignored everyone and patted Dashiqi's butt:

"It will definitely be easy to have children in the future."

Dashiqi's pretty face flushed immediately, and her eyes widened in shame and anger:

"You bastard"

"Despicable bastard"

"Let me go quickly."

Smoker and the accompanying navy suddenly opened their eyes wide with anger:


"Damn Pirate"

""Let go of Tashigi!" He is indeed a jerk!

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya and Makino all started cursing in their hearts.

However, they did not dare to curse out loud, fearing that Qingyun would be angry and drag them to a meeting.

"Now, the lives of Smoker and these navy officers are in your hands."

Ignoring the anger of Tashigi and Smoker, Qingyun said to Tashigi with a smile.

Smoker is too weak now, and the Smoke Fruit is a bit useless.

And if he kills Smoker and the navy officers at this time, Tashigi will definitely die rather than obey.

So Qingyun plans to use the lives of Smoker and the navy officers to threaten Tashigi to board the ship.

When Smoker becomes stronger in the future, if he dares to deal with him again, he will kill him.

"It is indeed so."

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino were not surprised at all.���What is Qingyun going to do next?

Dashiqi was stunned at first.

After reacting, she also understood what Qingyun meant and asked directly:

"what do you want to do?"

""Dashiki, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun asked directly.

Dashiki hesitated.

As a navy, she hated pirates the most. How could she board a pirate ship?

But if she disagreed, Qingyun would definitely kill Smoker and the accompanying navy.

"Dashiki, don't agree to him."

Just when Dashiki was hesitant, Smoker and the accompanying navy tried their best to persuade Dashiki.


Qingyun let go of Dashiqi, picked up the samurai sword that was inserted beside him, and walked towards Smoker slowly:

"Since you want to die so much, I will grant your wish."

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