
Dashiqi immediately ran to Qingyun, tears in her eyes, and looked at Qingyun helplessly, begging:

"Please don't harm Colonel Smoker and everyone else's lives."

"I would like to board your ship.……"

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Dashiqi and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Dashiqi's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are the swordsman of my Sea King Group."

"It's... Captain Qingyun."

Although Dashiqi was extremely reluctant, she still bit her teeth helplessly and answered.


Smoker and the accompanying navy watched Tashigi being forced to agree to Qingyun, feeling extremely upset.


Nami, Nojigo, Kaya and Makino all felt sympathy for Tashigi and felt the same way.

"I see you seem a little reluctant?"

"Or should we just forget it?"

"I'd better kill Smoker and the navy, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun immediately walked around Tashigi and continued to walk towards Smoker.

Upon hearing this, Tashigi hurriedly reached out and held Qingyun's hand, holding Qingyun, looking up at Qingyun and pleading:

"I would like……"

"I am willing to board your ship"

"Please, please spare Colonel Smoker and everyone."

"Tashigi, don't ask him, don't join his pirate group"

"Pirates are all despicable and shameless guys. Even if you agree to it, he will never let us go."

Smoker tried his best to persuade Dashiqi.

"Yes, Tashigi, don't ask him"

"We are not afraid of death."

The accompanying navy officers followed suit and said to Dashiqi desperately.

"You just volunteered to board my ship."

Qingyun ignored Smoker and the accompanying navy officers' advice to Dashiki. He smiled at Dashiki, returned her samurai sword to her, and then turned around and walked towards Nami and the others, saying to Dashiki:

"Let's go."

Dashiqi looked at the samurai sword in her hand, and then looked at Qingyun's back. After thinking carefully for a while, she put away the samurai sword and followed Qingyun's footsteps.

""Dashiki, don't follow him."

Smoker and the accompanying navy called out to Dashiki.

But for their lives, Dashiki could only grit her teeth, ignore their calls, and closely follow Qingyun's footsteps.

"Let's go into the city."

Qingyun came to Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino and said to them with a smile.


Nami and the others nodded with a smile, and walked into Dongjing City with Qingyun.

They should have been threatened like me, right?

Tashigi followed behind, looking at the backs of Nami and the others, thinking that their situation must be the same as hers, and she felt a little sympathetic towards them.

Smoker and the accompanying marines were helpless, and could only watch Tashigi leave with Qingyun.

After entering Dongjing City, Qingyun did not rush to find Kalina.

After all, he didn't know whether Kalina was in Dongjing City.

He chose to take Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi shopping and buying all kinds of things for them.

Qingyun's Tashigi was shocked by Qingyun's behavior.

She thought Qingyun was a ruthless pirate who would rob anything he saw.

But she never expected that Qingyun would actually pay for it. She couldn't help but have a better impression of him.

Although Qingyun wanted to be an unscrupulous villain who did whatever he wanted.

But he would not bully civilians.

Especially ordinary people who were struggling for a few taels of silver to live like he did in his previous life.

Only those who are weak and afraid of the strong will bully the honest people.

If he wants to bully, he will bully the strong.

As the largest entertainment city in the East China Sea, Dongjing City naturally has casinos.

And the casinos There is the most money in the casino, and the richest people there.

Qingyun knew that Kalina loved treasures. If she was in the East China Sea, she would most likely be in the casino.

So after playing enough, he took Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi to buy some gorgeous and expensive suits and dresses, and then went directly into the largest casino in Dongjing City.

As the saying goes, clothes make the man, and gold makes the Buddha.

Qingyun is handsome and dashing, and Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi are beautiful.

After they put on suitable suits and dresses, they became even more handsome, charming, sexy and moving.

As soon as they entered the casino, they instantly attracted Many people's eyes.

The men looked at Nami and the others with lustful eyes, and each of them was like a hungry wolf, wishing they could pounce on them.

But they didn't dare to do anything reckless.

It wasn't because they recognized and were afraid of Qingyun, but because they didn't dare to break the rules of the casino.

The owner of this casino bribed the navy and pirates with money, and set a rule that anyone who enters this casino, whether navy or pirate, is an equal gambler.

No one is allowed to attack the other party, otherwise they will be besieged by everyone.

It is also because of this rule that many navy and pirates come here to gamble. It is because of this that Dongjing City has developed into the largest entertainment city in the East China Sea.

"Hello, distinguished guest. What would you like to play?"

Qingyun and his friends were still watching shortly after entering the casino. A young woman in uniform came up to Qingyun and asked with a smile.

"Distinguished guest?"

Qingyun was a little confused:

""This is my first time here, how come I am a distinguished guest?"

Hearing Qingyun's words, Nami, Nokigo, Kaya, Makino and Dashiki were also puzzled and looked at the woman.

"It is like this, no matter who comes into our casino, as long as they have money or are valuable, they are our guests."

"In the casino, no one is allowed to attack others, otherwise they will be expelled by everyone."

"You are a pirate with a bounty of 50 million berries, so you are naturally a distinguished guest of our casino."

The woman explained with a smile.

"So that's it."

Qingyun, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi suddenly understood.

Nami and the others were also shocked. They didn't expect there was such a place in the East China Sea.

Especially Tashigi.

She didn't expect the navy to allow such a place to exist.

Qingyun was not surprised.

After all, he knew how corrupt the navy was. Many navy officers were even more hateful than pirates. They would do anything to achieve their goals.

"Dear guests, you must be a little tired after playing for so long, right?"

"Let's take a break first. Let's invite our casino's most beautiful singer, Lady Kalina, to sing a song for everyone."

At this moment, a voice resounded through the speakers.




Suddenly, the whole casino was in an uproar.

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