
Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi saw how excited everyone was and became curious. They followed everyone's gaze and looked towards the stage in the center of the spotlight.


Nami looked towards the stage with some surprise.

Karina is really here!

Qingyun was very happy and looked towards the stage expectantly.

"Lady Karina is the most beautiful and best singing diva in our casino."

"Many distinguished guests came just to see Lady Kalina and listen to her singing."

The woman smiled and explained to Qingyun and Nami.

"So that's it."

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi suddenly realized.

"That guy is so powerful?"

Nami felt a little unbelievable.

Qingyun was not surprised at all.

At this moment, Kalina appeared in the center of the spotlight.

She was wearing a black high-slit long skirt and a red shawl on her shoulders, showing her delicate and plump figure and slender white long legs.

Her delicate face was very beautiful, with sky-blue eyes like gemstones and purple short hair. She looked very sexy and charming, which made people excited.

""So beautiful."

Looking at Kalina, Nami, Nokigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi couldn't help but sigh.

The most surprised one was Nami.

Because although she had traveled with Kalina before, she had never seen Kalina dress up seriously.

She didn't expect Kalina to be so beautiful after dressing up seriously.

Qingyun came here probably for Kalina!

Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino looked at Kalina and finally understood why Qingyun came to the largest casino in Dongjing City.

Not bad!

Qingyun's eyes lit up and he felt very satisfied.




The men in the casino became even more excited when they saw Karina appear.

Karina smiled and waved.

The men were even more excited.

However, as Karina signaled everyone to be quiet, the men became quiet at the same time.

The accompaniment sounded, and Karina began to dance.

After a while, Karina picked up the microphone and sang while dancing.

The pleasant singing and music complemented each other, lingering in the entire casino, coupled with Karina's graceful dance, easily attracting everyone's attention, making everyone's attention focus on her alone.

It's decided!

One of my singers is Karina!

Qingyun was very satisfied.

But he didn't rush it, but stood there to appreciate Karina's performance.

Karina's singing was so beautiful!

Nami was very surprised. She had never heard Karina sing before.



"One more!"

"One more song!"

Not long after, Kalina finished singing, and everyone shouted even louder, calling for Kalina to sing another song.


Qingyun glared, his eyes flashed red, and released his Conqueror's Haki, sweeping towards everyone except Nami, Nokigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina.

In an instant, many people's eyes turned white, and they collapsed to the ground powerlessly and fainted.

The few who didn't faint directly also had cold sweat on their backs, their bodies trembled more or less, and they looked at Qingyun in horror.

Although Nami and the others were only affected by the aftermath of Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, they couldn't help but tremble.

It's about to begin!

Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino were not surprised. They knew that Qingyun was going to use tough means to snatch Kalina on the boat, and they all felt a little sympathy for Kalina.

"This... Is this the Conqueror's Haki?"

Dashiqi and a few others looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

They had heard of Conqueror's Haki, but had never seen anyone use it.

"What's going on?"

Karina and the others who hadn't fainted were very confused. They had never heard of Conqueror's Haki, and had never seen anyone use it.

""Kalina, are you willing to get on my boat?"

Qingyun looked at Kalina and asked directly.

Kalina was stunned.

She never expected that Qingyun would suddenly invite her on board after using a method she had never seen before and knocking out most people.

"Wait a minute."

Before Kalina could answer, a tall man wearing gold and silver suddenly stood up on the platform, staring at Qingyun and questioning:

"Qingyun, you first knocked out my guest, and then you poached my employees right in front of me. Are you treating me as if I don't exist?"

"Don't you know the rules of my casino?"

Seeing the man speak, those who had not fainted stood up with their weapons, staring at Qingyun fiercely.

""So what?"

Tianyun looked at the man and said arrogantly.

Seeing that Qingyun didn't take him seriously at all, the man was so angry that his veins popped out and his eyes widened:

"Come on, let's kill him together."

"Happy to help"

""I'll take your head for 50 million."

Those who hadn't fainted took their weapons and rushed towards Qingyun.

They didn't know about Conqueror's Haki, and didn't know why Qingyun could make so many people faint in an instant.

But they felt that Qingyun was weak and with so many people, they would definitely be able to take down Qingyun and the women around him.

Only a few people who knew that Qingyun had just used Conqueror's Haki knew that Qingyun's strength must be extraordinary, so they took the opportunity to quietly slip away.


Qingyun laughed disdainfully.���Smile.


He didn't say much, and directly used the shave, rushing towards the attacker at high speed.


Qingyun killed one with one punch.

"That's our Navy's six-style shave!"

"How could he shave his head?"

The navy in the crowd was stunned.

The pirates were also stunned.

However, Qingyun did not stop there and continued to kill these people with thunderous means.

"Don't be afraid, he's alone, let's go together"


Everyone reacted quickly and launched a fierce attack on Qingyun.

However, in front of Qingyun's observation Haki, everyone's attacks could not hurt Tianyun at all.

And they were completely unable to block Qingyun's attack, and were killed one after another by Qingyun, and blood splattered on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Kalina and the man were stunned.

They never thought that Qingyun could easily kill nearly a hundred people alone, and all of them were famous pirates and navy in the East China Sea.

It seems that he had shown mercy before!

Dashiqi looked at Qingyun who was slaughtering everyone, and thought of the companions who were not killed directly by Qingyun before, and finally realized that Qingyun had deliberately spared their lives before.

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