"Couldn't he explain it to me?"

"Do you have to be so ruthless?"

Although she knew Qingyun was doing this for her own good, Weiwei couldn't help but look at Qingyun with resentment, pouting slightly and whispering coquettishly.

Ke Ya smiled and said:

"Qingyun is not targeting you. He is very strict during training, and is the same to each of us."

"That's right."

Hearing this, Weiwei couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let's start training too."

Ke Ya continued with a smile


Weiwei nodded.

The two of them immediately joined the training army.……

"By the way, Captain Qingyun, everyone, Baroque Works also has an unlucky duo who are responsible for delivering letters and information, as well as monitoring and punishing members who fail their missions."

"They should have been monitoring me and Mr. 9 yesterday, and by now they should have sent back the news that I boarded your ship, as well as your portraits."

At noon, after the training, Weiwei remembered this and hurriedly explained the situation to Qingyun and Nami.


"Weiwei, you should have told us earlier."

Nami and the others panicked.

Although they knew Qingyun was very strong, they themselves were not strong and were easily scared.

"I didn't even have a chance to tell you."

Weiwei felt very wronged.

After she got on the ship yesterday, Qingyun took her to practice shooting, and she didn't have time to tell you.

Nami and the others thought of this and looked at Qingyun with resentment.

Qingyun spread his hands:

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I didn't stop Weiwei from speaking."

Hearing this, Nami and Weiwei were all angry but dared not speak, fearing that Qingyun would get angry and drag them to the room to let them know who was the master of this boat.

"The Whiskey Peak we are heading to looks like an ordinary town on the surface, but it is actually a pirate hunter town under the Baroque Works."

"The leaders are more senior agents than Mr. 9 and I, Mr. 8 and Miss Monday, who specialize in deceiving and robbing pirates who have just entered the Grand Line, and they will definitely not let us go."

Weiwei suppressed her anger and then explained to Qingyun and Nami.

"But Mr. 8 is an undercover agent like me. He is actually the captain of the guard of our Alabasta Kingdom. Ikarem, please be merciful to him later."

Vivi requested.


Qingyun and Nami nodded.

"The senior agents of Baroque Works are usually one man and one woman, working together in pairs."

"The smaller the number for men, the higher their level and authority, and the stronger their strength."

"Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, as well as the senior agents above them, are all users of Devil Fruit abilities."

"The president of Baroque Works, Mr. 0 is Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and his partner is Miss. All Sunday, both of whom are also Devil Fruit users."

"But apart from knowing that Crocodile's devil fruit is the Sand-Sand Fruit, I don't know the others' devil fruit yet."

Weiwei then explained to Qingyun and Nami.

"So, Baroque Works has twelve Devil Fruit users!"

Hearing this, Nami and the others were shocked and at a loss.

Devil Fruit users are very rare in the East China Sea. They didn't expect that Baroque Works actually has twelve Devil Fruit users.

"It should be."

Weiwei nodded affirmatively, feeling a headache.

Qingyun was not surprised at all. He corrected calmly:

"It's ten"


"How do you know there are ten?"

Nami and the others, along with Weiwei, turned to Qingyun in confusion.

"Because Mr.2 is a shemale, he has no partner"

"Miss Golden Week is not a Devil Fruit user.

Qingyun answered affirmatively.

"So that's it."

Everyone suddenly realized

"But how do you know so clearly?"

After realizing this, Nami and Weiwei were very surprised.

"Miss. All Sunday is actually Nico Robin, the bounty……"

Ignoring everyone's confusion, Qingyun directly began to tell everyone about the devil fruit abilities of the senior agents of Baroque Works.

This made Nami and Vivi even more shocked, and even more surprised how Qingyun knew so much.

This was exactly what Qingyun wanted.

Of course, he would not tell everyone how he knew so much.

"In addition to Nico Robin, Miss Two Fingers and Miss Valentine's Devil Fruit abilities, do you have any other Devil Fruit abilities from Baroque Works that you like?"

Ignoring everyone's questions again, Qingyun continued to ask everyone.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded:

"Can you transfer their devil fruit abilities to ours?"

Although Nami, Nokigo and Kaya have seen the Split Fruit, they didn't know that Qingyun obtained it by killing them.

So they were also very surprised when they heard Qingyun's words.

Nami and the others, like Makino and the others, thought that Qingyun was going to help them find and seize the devil fruits that others had not eaten yet.

The girls who had already had a deep understanding of Qingyun all knew that the reason why Qingyun excluded the devil fruit abilities of Nico Robin, Miss Two Fingers and Miss Valentine was that he must have taken a fancy to them.

So the girls didn't ask too much about it.

"You will know then."

"Do you think there is any Devil Fruit you like?"

Qingyun smiled mysteriously and asked again.

Hearing this, except for Makino who had already eaten the Barrier Fruit, and Kaya who had been told by Qingyun that he had already thought of what Devil Fruit to eat for her, everyone else began to recall what Qingyun had just said, to see if the senior agents of Baroque Works had any Devil Fruits they liked.

"I want the Fast Cutting Fruit."

Dashiki thought for a moment and said immediately.

She was a sword fanatic and felt that the Fast Cutting Fruit was very suitable for her.

"I want the Sand-Sand Fruit."

Nami, Nojiko, Kalina, Carmen, Dezaia and Vivi followed suit.

They knew that the natural devil fruit was the rarest and was generally stronger than the animal and superhuman devil fruits, so they all had their eyes on Crocodile's Sand-Sand Fruit.

Qingyun first looked at Dashigi and said:

"Tashigi, although the Quick Cutting Fruit can turn any part of your body into a blade and also make your skin as hard as steel, it is not suitable for you."

"Because it makes your body become the function of a knife, overlapping with your knife"

"And its effect of making your skin as hard as steel also overlaps with the navy's iron blocks and the armed color domineering on the iron blocks."

"The Quick Cut Fruit will make you dependent on these two points, which is not conducive to improving your swordsmanship and mastering the Armament Haki."


After listening, Dashigi nodded affirmatively.

Nami and the others also felt that it made a lot of sense.

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