Qingyun thought for a moment, then said to Dashiqi:

"The most suitable devil fruit for you is the one that can complement your swordsmanship and increase the power of each other."

"However, the devil fruits possessed by the senior agents of Baroque Works are not suitable for you."

"But don't worry, I will definitely help you get the most suitable devil fruit for you in the future."


Dashiqi smiled happily.

"But you have to remember, if you want to become a powerful swordsman, you can't rely too much on the power of the devil fruit, but rely on your own strength."

Qingyun then told Dashiqi

"I know."

Dashiqi put away her smile and nodded seriously.

Qingyun looked at Nami and the others again, resting his chin with his hand:

"The Sand-Sand Fruit is indeed good, but there is only one Sand-Sand Fruit, and it can only be given to one person. Who should it be given to?"

Hearing this, Nami and the others looked at Qingyun expectantly, hoping that Qingyun would give them the Sand-Sand Fruit, because they all wanted to become stronger.

After thinking for a while, Qingyun looked at Weiwei:

""Weiwei, I'll give you the Sand-Sand Fruit."

Weiwei was stunned at first.

After she reacted, she was surprised and happy, and a little flattered.

Nami and the others were all very surprised.

No one thought that Qingyun would actually give the Sand-Sand Fruit to Weiwei who had just boarded the ship.


"Weiwei just got on board."

"My sister and I were the first to board the ship, and you had promised us a long time ago that you would give us very powerful devil fruits."

Nami couldn't accept it, and she stood up and stared at Qingyun's eyes, asking angrily.

Others, including Weiwei, also looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Qingyun could understand why Nami was so angry, because if he were Nami, he would also raise objections like Nami.

So he didn't feel unhappy about it, but patiently explained:

"The devil fruits I give you are all carefully selected. It is not just based on whether you like it or not, or whether you want it or not, but which devil fruit is most suitable for you."

"The person who is most suitable for the Sand-Sand Fruit is Weiwei, so I chose to give it to her."

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I promised you. Nojigo and Kaya will help you find the devil fruit that suits you best."

"I now have an idea of the devil fruits that are most suitable for you and Kaya, and how to obtain them. You just need to wait patiently."

"I have found the devil fruit that is most suitable for Nojigo."


After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized what was going on.

Nami's anger immediately disappeared, and she immediately turned from anger to happiness, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Nami, she���They all liked Qingyun even more.

And Weiwei couldn't help but start to like Qingyun too.

"So what devil fruit is most suitable for my sister?"

"Is it amazing?"

Nami asked Qingyun curiously.

Nokigao looked at Qingyun expectantly.

Ke Ya and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

"It's Mr. 5's Explosion Fruit."

Qingyun didn't keep anyone in suspense this time and said directly


Qingyun's answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

"But didn't Weiwei just say that the smaller the number, the weaker the strength?"

"In that case, aren't Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine the weakest among all the Devil Fruit users in Baroque Works?"

"Then shouldn't Mr. 5's Explosion Fruit and Miss Valentine's Light Float Fruit also be the weakest?"

Nami asked puzzledly.

Others also looked at Qingyun in confusion.

"Mr. 5 is the weak one, what does it have to do with the Explosion Fruit?"

Qingyun asked back


Qingyun's words would have been a big deal for Nami and the others.

Before they knew it, the Sea King had already entered the sea area where Whiskey Peak was located and was heading towards the port of Whiskey Peak.

Although it was afternoon, the port of Whiskey Peak was now shrouded in smoke and visibility was extremely low, and it was impossible to see the situation on the shore clearly.

"Princess Weiwei, run! There's an ambush."


At this moment, a hurried voice suddenly came from the smoke.

"What's going on?"

Nami and the others were a little panicked.

Weiwei immediately looked flustered:

"The Voice……"


Before Weiwei finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded from the smoke.


The scream of the previous voice followed immediately.


Hearing the scream, Weiwei shouted in the direction of the sound worriedly

"Could it be that there is an ambush, that Ikalem is giving us a warning?"

Nami and the others speculated.

Quite loyal!

Qingyun could think of what happened, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Launch the attack immediately!"

Suddenly, another voice rang out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! -

Then, more than a hundred shells came at the Sea King.

Among them was a big nose……


Nami and the others were stunned when they noticed so many shells coming at them at the same time.

Makino had been prepared and immediately used a barrier.

After a few days of training, the range of Makino's barrier had become larger, but it was still far less than the front of the Sea King, and naturally it was completely unable to protect the Sea King.

But it was more than enough to protect everyone.

Makino shouted to everyone:

"Hide behind me quickly."

Nami and the others hurriedly ran behind Makino.

Qingyun leaped up, summoned the Sandai Kitetsu, drew out his sharp sword and slashed at the incoming shells.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The next moment, a powerful sword energy was formed instantly, attacking the incoming shells, and all the shells, including the booger, were chopped up.

Seeing this, Nami and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingyun landed steadily back on the Poseidon.

The shock wave of the explosion blew away the smoke, and Qingyun and Nami saw that there were many fully armed pirate hunters on the port shore.

However, one of them was already lying on the ground, with black smoke billowing from his body, and he looked seriously injured.

"How come they are okay?!"

The pirate hunters were all shocked to see that Qingyun and his crew and the Sea King were safe and sound.

"It seems that Qingyun's bounty is not just for show."

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, who led the group, looked at Qingyun on the Neptune and felt a headache.

They received an order from Crocodile last night and rushed here overnight to kill Qingyun and Weiwei.

They wanted to take advantage of the geographical advantage and catch Qingyun and the others off guard.

But they never expected that Mr. 8 was an undercover agent who reminded Qingyun and Weiwei and caused their surprise attack to fail.


Seeing Ikalem lying on the ground with black smoke coming out of his body, Weiwei was extremely worried.

Upon hearing this, Mr. 5 smiled evilly, winked at a younger brother beside him, and then threatened Qingyun and Nami:

"You guys are not allowed to move, or I will have someone kill him."

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