At noon the next day,

Qingyun controlled the Sea King and landed on Aska Island, which was not too far from the base of the Navy G8 branch.

Although Jessica was very reluctant and wanted to continue resting, she chose to go to Aska Island with Nami and Qingyun under the pressure of Qingyun.

While asking about the village where Maya was, Qingyun bought things that Nami and the others liked and needed.

Nami and the others happily accepted it.

Jessica felt very strange about this.

Because she saw from the newspaper that almost all of Nami and the other girls were caught on the ship by Qingyun with her.

She guessed that the reason why Nami and the others came to the Sea King was that they were coerced and lured by Qingyun like herself.

And they all learned gunmanship from Qingyun under the pressure of Qingyun.

Jessica learned about Qingyun's actions by asking Kaya and Makino, who looked the most friendly, especially the kindness he showed to Nami and the others, and even gave them powerful devil fruits.

She finally understood why Nami and the others did not hate Qingyun, and even liked Qingyun.

Jessica was very afraid that she would really like Qingyun like Nami and the others, so she did not choose to accept him.

However, under the pressure of Qingyun's majesty, she finally accepted him.

In the afternoon, everyone came to Maya's village.

"Why are those navy officers attacking civilians?!"

Nami and the others were all very surprised to see people in navy uniforms fighting with the villagers from afar.

Especially Tashigi and Jessica.

Qingyun was not surprised at all.

Because he remembered that the Seven Star Sword controlled Saka who got it by chance, and planned to be resurrected at the time of the red full moon, in an attempt to control the navy and dominate the world.

To this end, the Seven Star Sword controlled the navy here, established a navy dojo, and asked the navy to come and seize Maya's three gems, wanting to prevent Maya from preventing herself from resurrecting.

But the navy never succeeded.

Until the movie version, the Straw Hat Pirates came here, and Zoro chose to join the Navy Dojo because he felt guilty about Saka. Under the leadership of Zoro, the navy took the three gems.

The Seven Star Sword is also stupid. If it had asked Saka to go out in person, it would have taken the three gems long ago!

It shouldn't be unable to leave the Navy Dojo, or be unable to get close to the three gems, or be unable to enter the village where Maya is, right?

Qingyun couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Qingyun, let's go stop them quickly."

Dashiqi hurriedly asked Qingyun.

Jessica also looked at Qingyun expectantly.

They didn't want to see the navy bullying civilians.


Nami and the others also looked at Qingyun.

Unlike Dashiqi and Jessica, they didn't want to see civilians being oppressed by the navy.

The two seem the same, but they are essentially different.

The former is from the perspective of the perpetrator, while the latter is from the perspective of the victim.


Qingyun nodded.

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun and Nami beside him immediately took action, turning into thunder and lightning, and instantly appeared on the battlefield, coming to the two navy officers who were fighting with the villagers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Nokigo and the others arrived, the navy officers and villagers had no time to react, and the navy officers were all kicked away by Qingyun and Nami.

The Thunder Fruit is the same as the Twinkle Fruit, which can make people reach the speed of light.

Logically speaking, no one should be able to keep up with the speed of the Thunder Fruit ability user and the Twinkle Fruit ability user..

Kizaru's performance when he just appeared was worthy of this speed.

But Kizaru is not invincible. He was stopped by Rayleigh when he was trying to kill Zoro. It can be seen that Haki is superior to the ability of the devil fruit.

Otherwise, no one can stop Kizaru at the speed of light.

But these marines did not master any Haki, so they naturally could not withstand Qingyun and Nami's light speed kicks.

The marines kicked away by Nami were only seriously injured.

But the marines kicked away by Qingyun all died on the spot.

It's not that the former is stronger than the latter.

It's that Nami is kind-hearted and did not kill him.

Qingyun killed him.

""Run, run!"

The seriously injured marines looked at Qingyun and Nami, their eyes full of fear.

They immediately stood up and then fled in panic.

Qingyun and Nami did not chase them.

They knew that these marines were just errand boys, and there was no point in killing them all.

However, Tashigi and Jessica could not let these marines leave like this. They stopped one of them and asked them why they oppressed civilians.

"Thank you for your help."

Eleansa, Maya's grandmother, walked behind Qingyun and Nami and thanked them sincerely.

Nami turned around and smiled:

"It's just a small favor, you're welcome."

Nami was very happy and very grateful to Qingyun.

Because she had been bullied by Arlong and the Dragon Pirates since she was a child, she always wanted to have the power to help civilians who were bullied like her.

Today, he finally did it.

Qingyun turned around with an elegant smile on his face, coupled with his dignified appearance, making people feel very kind.

What a beautiful girl!

It seems that Qingyun's target is her?

Seeing Maya, who was holding the three gems beside Elaisa, Nami guessed why Qingyun suddenly changed his destination.

Maya was wearing a yellow sleeveless top and an orange short skirt, which showed her white and snow-white jade skin, her delicate and plump, perfect figure, and her slender and beautiful long legs.

Maya's face was very delicate and soft, with her long blue hair, she looked extremely clear. Purely moving.

He is so handsome!

And why does he look familiar?

Maya looked at Qingyun and felt a little strange.

Although she liked Saka, Saka was not as handsome as Qingyun, and she had never seen a man as handsome as Qingyun. She also saw the bounty order for Qingyun, but did not recognize him at first, so she felt this way.

So beautiful! It was worth the trip!

Looking at Maya, Qingyun was very satisfied.

Noticing that Qingyun was also looking at her, Maya felt a little shy when her eyes met Qingyun's, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

This boy! He is even more handsome than Saka!

Lakos, a villager who liked Maya, noticed that Maya was a little shy. He followed Maya's line of sight to see Qingyun, and couldn't help but feel hostile towards Qingyun.

However, Qingyun and Nami had just helped them repel the navy, and he couldn't disrespect Qingyun. He could only grit his teeth and look at Qingyun with envy and jealousy.

"Grandma, why did those navy officers fight with you?"

In order to prevent Qingyun from forcing Maya to board the ship without saying anything, Nami hurriedly asked.

She hoped that Maya and the others would encounter some big troubles, let Qingyun help them solve them, and then invite Maya to board the ship, so that Maya would be willing to board the ship.

Seeing Nami rushing to ask, Qingyun could guess what she was thinking.

He didn't want to disappoint Nami's kindness, so he didn't rush, but stood aside and waited for Elaisa to answer.

At this time, Nojigo and the others also came here, and they all looked at Elaisa curiously.


Elaine sighed first, and then said:

"This is a long story, please come with us and we will talk while we rest."

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