"No need, let's make it short."

At this moment, Qingyun suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Qingyun.

"In simple terms, there is a demon sword called the Seven Star Sword that controls a swordsman named Saka, who in turn controls the navy here, and intends to revive in the next red full moon, in an attempt to control all navies and dominate the world."

Qingyun pointed at Maya and the three gems in her arms, and then said:

"In order to revive, the Seven Star Sword must first snatch the three gems to prevent the witch Maya from using the three gems to prevent it from reviving."

"That's why the Seven Star Sword sent the navy it controlled to snatch the three gems."

"However, what the Seven Star Sword does not know is that even without the three gems, Maya can prevent it from resurrecting, but it requires Maya's life."

""I see."

Nami and the others suddenly realized what was going on and looked at Maya in surprise.

They could see that Maya was about the same age as Kaya, but she had already shouldered such a heavy mission.

"How do you know so much?!"

Maya and the others were extremely shocked.

Especially Maya:

"How do you know my name?"


Nami and the others were also very curious about this.

"I will help you solve the problem of the Seven Star Sword, and you can get on my ship."

Qingyun did not explain the doubts to everyone. He looked at Maya and said


Maya was stunned. She had never expected Qingyun to say that.

The same was true for Elaisa and the others.

Qingyun really came for Maya!

Nami and the others were not surprised at all.

Without waiting for Maya to answer, Qingyun turned around and walked towards the Marine Dojo.

Nami and the others also turned around and walked towards the Marine Dojo.

""Wait a minute."

Maya hurriedly called Qingyun.

But Qingyun did not stop.

Nami and the others naturally did not stop either.

Maya first handed the three gems to Elaisa, and then ran with Qingyun and the others.

Lakos immediately led people to follow.

Maya rushed to the front of the crowd, and while following them to the Marine Dojo, she advised:

"Although the Seven Star Sword has not been fully resurrected, the Saka it controls is a powerful swordsman. Their combined fighting power is very strong. Are you sure you want to deal with them?"


"That's great."

Qingyun was not afraid, but rather excited.

Seeing this, Maya did not stop, but continued to follow Qingyun and the others.

Qingyun and the others were going to help her deal with the Seven Star Sword, so she naturally couldn't help but follow them.

"But I told you in advance that even if you help me solve the Seven Star Sword, I will not board your ship."

"Because I am the only witch in our village, the village needs me, and I cannot leave the village."

Maya continued, her words were full of determination and pride, but also a hint of sadness.

This is because Maya is proud of her identity, but she is still young, but she is also full of curiosity about the outside world and wants to see the outside world.

But because of her identity, she cannot leave the village.

Hearing Maya's words, Lakos was very happy

"So do you want to see the outside world?"

"The world outside is very exciting, with many strange things.

Qingyun heard the sadness in Maya's words and asked

"I...I can't leave the village."

Maya emphasized, the sadness in her words became stronger.

Nami and the others also heard it, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic for Maya, a witch who looked noble but actually had no personal freedom.

"I'm asking if you want to."

Qingyun emphasized

"I...I think."

After struggling for a while, Maya finally spoke her mind, but immediately added:

"But I can't leave the village."

Qingyun smiled slightly.

"Just think about it."

"When I solve the Seven Star Sword, I will definitely take you away to see the outside world.

Maya was surprised and happy, but also a little flattered.

She didn't know why Qingyun was so nice to her, it was obviously the first time she met Qingyun.

Lakos was very angry.

But he knew Maya, knew that Maya was lively and active, and yearned for the outside world, so he didn't say anything.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"You don't like me, do you?"

Maya asked while walking and looking at Qingyun.

Qingyun looked at Maya and asked back with a smile:

"What do you think?"

"I'm really sorry. Although you are a good person and very handsome, I already have someone I like."

Maya lowered her head slightly and rejected Qingyun without hesitation.

The person Maya likes is Saka.

Before being controlled by the Seven Star Sword, although Saka had a broken arm, he was also a strong and determined swordsman.

Moreover, Saka came from outside and told Maya a lot of things about the outside world, which made Maya feel good about Saka and couldn't help but like him.

Saka also fell in love with the beautiful and kind Maya.

Just when their relationship was about to go a step further, Saka was controlled by the Seven Star Sword and turned into a demon who killed people without blinking an eye.

Good guy card!

Qingyun was stunned.

Although he knew that Maya liked Saka, he didn't expect Maya to give him a good guy card so quickly.


It was the first time that they saw Qingyun hit a wall and lost, Nami and the others were more or less gloating, and couldn't help laughing.

Lakos was also very happy.

But he also knew that if he confessed to Maya, she would most likely give him the card of being a good person.


"Saka picked up the Seven Star Sword in order to save me, but was then controlled by the Seven Star Sword and turned into a cruel demon."

"He's actually a very nice guy."

"Can you please not hurt him later?"

Maya raised her head and begged Qingyun.

"Qingyun, could you please not kill the sailors at the Naval Dojo later?"

"They were just given���I just subdued him, I don't want to help the Seven Star Sword kill people."

Dashiqi then pleaded with Qingyun.

Qingyun looked at Dashiqi, smiled and said:

"In that case, the marines of the Marine Dojo are now in your hands."

Usually, when he attacks, he aims to kill the enemy.

Unless the enemy is a beautiful woman.

Or a beautiful woman cares about their/his life or death.

"No problem."

Tashigi was very happy.

Maya suddenly felt very hopeful and looked at Qingyun with great expectation. She didn't notice that Tashigi had just called Qingyun's name and still didn't recognize Qingyun.


Why does he look so familiar?

Lakos noticed it, but he didn't recognize Qingyun.

Because this is the Grand Line, although it is the first half, there are still many pirates with bounties of over 100 million.

Qingyun looked at Maya again and replied lightly:



Maya was very surprised, she thought Qingyun would definitely agree not to hurt Saka.

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