
"Saka is also controlled by the Seven Star Sword."

Maya was very puzzled and emphasized immediately.

Lakos and the others also looked at Qingyun in confusion.

It seems that Qingyun intends to use Saka to threaten Maya!

Nami and the others who have already had a deep understanding of Qingyun, and Aisha who has also had a deep understanding of Qingyun, but also knows Qingyun, already know what Qingyun wants to do.

"As a swordsman, it's ridiculous that I can be controlled by a sword."

"Saka doesn't deserve your love."

Qingyun sneered.

Everyone thought Qingyun was right.

Especially Tashigi, a swordsman.

Although Maya was a little angry, she couldn't refute and spoke for Saka.

"If you have the ability, you can take down the Seven Star Sword and not be controlled by it."

But Maya still said angrily

"I will."

Qingyun said confidently.

Seeing this, Maya panicked and hurriedly advised Qingyun:

"I'm just kidding"

"The Seven Star Sword has absorbed the hatred and blood of countless people. It is a cursed demon sword. Anyone who holds it will bring countless killings and destruction."

"And once it is fully resurrected, no one will be able to stop it."

"You'd better not take the Seven Star Sword."

Qingyun just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Maya was very helpless and didn't know what to do.

Nami and the others were a little nervous, but they all chose to believe Qingyun.

Soon, the group rushed to the Marine Dojo.

The marines controlled by the Seven Star Sword were in front, and Saka controlled by the Seven Star Sword was behind, standing opposite Qingyun and his group.

"A pirate with a bounty of 320 million?"

"Let me see if you are qualified to be my sacrifice for resurrection."

Saka held the Seven Star Sword in his hand, looked at Qingyun who was leading the group, and said with a slight smile.

"The bounty is 320 million!"

"You are the great pirate from the East China Sea who kills without blinking an eye, Qingyun!"

Hearing this, Maya and Lakos finally recognized Qingyun and were shocked and puzzled.

"The holy sword of the past, the demon sword of today?"

"Let me see if you are qualified to be my sword."

Qingyun looked at the Seven Star Sword in Saka's hand and smiled.


As soon as the words fell, Qingyun directly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu.


Then, Qingyun directly used the shave, and instantly came in front of Saka, waving the Sandai Kitetsu, and slashed at Saka fiercely.

Saka, or it should be said that the Seven Star Sword noticed Qingyun's actions, and immediately controlled Saka to swing it, and then slashed at Qingyun.


The swords collided, and the two sides fought evenly, and no one could repel the other.

Of course, this is because Qingyun released the sea.

In the movie version, the Seven Star Sword was finally resurrected, but was defeated by Zoro, who had not yet mastered Haki, which shows how rubbish it is.

The reason why Qingyun wanted Want to play with the Seven Star Sword, is it to see if the Seven Star Sword is really that weak.

Or is it actually very strong, and the reason why Zoro can win is because of the halo of the protagonist group.

Now Qingyun feels that it is both.


Seeing that Qingyun has already attacked, Tashigi also pulled out her Shigure, and immediately rushed into the controlled marine formation, and fought fiercely with the marines.

Crack! Crack! -

Nami turned into lightning;

Nojiko used the power of the Explosion Fruit...

The girls went up to help Tashigi and knocked out the marines controlled by the Seven Star Sword.

In addition to Kaya who is a doctor, there are Makino and Carmen who are chefs, and Jessica

"So strong!"

Maya, Jessica, and Lakos were shocked to see Nami and the others unilaterally suppressing the navy.

Although Jessica had just heard that Nami and the others had taken the devil fruit given by Qingyun, she did not expect them to be so strong.

Maya did not expect that Nami and the others were all devil fruit users, and they were so strong.

"Is this the extent of a pirate with a bounty of 320 million?"

"I am so disappointed."

Saka said while using the Seven Star Sword to fight against Qingyun's Third Generation Kitetsu, staring into Qingyun's eyes.


At this moment, the Third Generation Kitetsu burst out with a terrifying momentum, directly repelling Saka who was controlled by the Seven Star Sword.

"What a powerful sword!"

Saka said in surprise after stabilizing himself.

"Are you saying that the Seven Star Sword only knows how to kill and destroy, and is not worthy of fighting alongside us?"

"Well, let's destroy it."

Qingyun looked at the Sandai Kitetsu and smiled.

When Hawkeye was teaching Zoro, he once said that using armed color domineering to strengthen the sword can make it tougher.

And emphasized that all swords can be turned into black swords.

Onimaru also said that the secret of making a black sword is to go through countless battles.

It can be seen that in the world of pirates, the users of swords can constantly temper them in battle, so that they can be promoted and eventually become powerful black swords.

And the master's domineering will always remain in the famous sword and merge with the blade, so the black sword will be extremely strong and indestructible.

Ordinary demon swords, such as the Sandai Kitetsu, are not cursed swords.

It's because they all have personality and will set various tests for swordsmen.

Swordsmen can only get their recognition if they tame them.

Qingyun knew this, so after taming the Sandai Kitetsu, even if he got the gift from the knife shop owner, Even though Xuezou was a better good sword, he still chose to use the Sandai Kitetsu.

When Nami and the others got the better good sword from Mr. 11 in the capital of Alabasta, Hanasu showed it to him, but Qingyun still chose to use the Sandai Kitetsu.

However, he did not throw away Xuezou and the Sandai Kitetsu, but gave them to Tashigi for her to keep.

After his use and training during this period of time, the Sandai Kitetsu has been promoted to the rank of good sword, and is only one step away from the great sword.

Qingyun knew that in the One Piece movie, the cursed holy sword was not written by the original author, so the Seven Star Sword was not included in the ranks of swords, good swords, great swords and supreme great swords.

Through the fight just now, he felt that the Seven Star Sword was about the same level as the current Sandai Kitetsu.

However, the Seven Star Sword has an additional ability to control others than the Sandai Kitetsu.

But it is a sword that only knows how to kill and destroy, like a monster, without the heart of a strong man.


"If you can do it, come and give it a try."

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Upon hearing this, the Seven Star Sword directly controlled Saka to continuously swing and slash at himself, forming several powerful sword auras, which attacked Qingyun one after another.


Qingyun used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu, and then swung the Sandaike Kitetsu fiercely at Saka. A powerful sword aura was formed, and it attacked Saka at a rapid speed with a devastating force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sword auras of the Seven Star Sword were all chopped and exploded by the sword aura of the Sandaike Kitetsu.



Even the Seven Star Sword itself was cut into two pieces and directly destroyed.

Saka's chest was also broken by the battle, and blood was flowing continuously.

Although the level of the Seven Star Sword is similar to that of the Sandaike Kitetsu, the users are at a completely different level, and the sword auras they slash out are naturally not of the same level.


Seeing Saka's chest was broken, Maya felt very distressed and immediately ran towards Saka.

At this time, Nami and the others had already knocked down the navy controlled by the Seven Star Sword, and Maya had a smooth journey.

"What a powerful sword!"

"Thank you... Thank you."

Saka looked at Qingyun and said sincerely.

He looked at Maya again, and forced a smile while enduring the pain:

"Maya, I'm sorry."

"Although... although it was not my intention, I still committed a heinous crime and even hurt... hurt you"

"Only death can atone my sins……"

Before he could finish his words, Saka fell to the ground helplessly and died.

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