"Very good."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"So from now on, Hancock, you are the maid of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Hancock.

And Qingyun's Sweet-Sweet Fruit ability was also strengthened by 25%.

The reason why it was 5% higher than the degree of strengthening after Vivi ate the Sand-Sand Fruit was because Hancock's development of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit was shallower than Crocodile's development of the Sand-Sand Fruit.


Although she was extremely reluctant, Hancock did not dare to continue to raise objections. She gritted her teeth and answered helplessly.

Seeing this, Nami and the others couldn't help but think of their helplessness when they were forced to board the ship, and they felt the same way.

Especially Vivi, because she was also threatened by Qingyun with the country and the people at that time.

They all made up their minds to be nicer to Hancock.

That's the right thing to do!

However, Vivi, Miss Valentine and Shuangzhi were more or less happy to hear that Qingyun actually let Hancock be a maid. They couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of their mouths and look at Hancock happily.

The reason for this, of course, was that Qingyun also asked them to be maids after they agreed to board the ship.

The people of Daughter Island were very unhappy about this.

However, after seeing Qingyun's strength, they also knew that they had no way to deal with Qingyun, and could only grit their teeth and watch helplessly.

"Is your inseparable pet snake Salome male or female?"

Qingyun asked.

If it was female, Qingyun could let Hancock take Salome on board.

Just like Conis's pet, Cloud Fox Sisi, it was female, so Qingyun let Conis take it on board, and now Conis is holding it in her arms.


Hancock was stunned when she heard Qingyun's question.

The people on Daughter Island were also very confused.

They didn't know how Qingyun knew Salome, and knew that it was inseparable from Hancock, and asked Salome if she was a man or a woman.

Except for Jessica and Maya who were a little surprised, Nami and the others were not surprised by this.

Because Jessica and Maya learned from Nami and the others that when Qingyun took Conis on board, he solemnly asked whether Sisi was a man or a woman.

But this time they saw it with their own eyes.

"Salome is female.

Although he didn't understand why, Hancock answered truthfully.


"If you want to take Salome with you, take it on board."

"As for the rest of your Nine Snakes Pirates, they will all stay on Daughter Island to help you protect the Daughter Kingdom."

"I'll give you three minutes to say goodbye to them."

Qingyun said lightly, and then turned into lightning and returned to the Sea King.

Hearing this, Hancock was very helpless, but still turned back to say goodbye to everyone, and told everyone to protect the Daughter Island.

Three minutes later.

Qingyun suddenly appeared beside Hancock, with a large bag on his back.

Seeing this, everyone was a little confused for a while.

Qingyun gently put it on the ground and opened it.

Everyone looked closely and couldn't help but be shocked.

They saw that the large bag was almost all gold, worth at least 500 million Baileys.

"Could it be that Qingyun wants to give the gold to the Kingdom of Women?!"

Nami and Kalina realized Qingyun's intention and felt very painful and angry. Tears flashed in their beautiful eyes.

However, they did not stop Qingyun.

Because they knew that Qingyun was the owner of the Sea King.

"These treasures are given to you. You don't have to risk going out to look for treasures. Together with Hancock's share, you should protect Daughter Island well."

Qingyun said to Hancock's two sisters in an imperative tone.

Hearing this, Hancock and her two sisters, as well as the people of Daughter Island, were all shocked.

Hancock was a little happy.

Because the reason why she took people out of Daughter Island today was to find and plunder treasures.

She didn't expect Qingyun to be willing to give out so much treasure.

"Let's go."

Without waiting for the two to answer, Qingyun said directly to Hancock, then jumped up and jumped onto the Sea King.


Hancock took Salome and jumped onto the Sea King.

Qingyun immediately controlled the Sea King and flew towards the Water City.

""Sister/Snake Lady, please take care of yourself. We are waiting for you to come back here."

The people of Daughter Island waved and shouted at Hancock.

"You too should take care of yourselves."

Hancock no longer maintained her aloofness, and shouted to her sister and people, her beautiful eyes moistened slightly.

Under Hancock's aloof appearance, she actually had a gentle heart.

This gentleness came from her fear of the Celestial Dragons, and even more from her love for her two sisters.

Ever since she escaped from the Celestial Dragons with her two sisters with the help of Fisher Tiger and others and returned to the Kingdom of Women, she has made up her mind to become stronger, to protect her two sisters, and never let them be bullied by anyone again.

Since escaping back to the Kingdom of Women, she has never been separated from her two sisters except for being inseparable from Salome.

Now, Hancock has to separate from her two sisters, and she can't help but worry about them.

""Hello Hancock, my name is Weiwei, and I'm a maid like you, welcome aboard our ship."

Seeing that the shouts of the people on Daughter Island could no longer be heard, Weiwei immediately stepped forward and greeted Hancock with a smile.


Hancock looked at Vivi and replied calmly.

She knew that she was no longer a high and mighty queen or captain, but a lowly maid, so she responded to Vivi.

"My name is Nami……"

Nami and the others introduced themselves to Hancock.

Seeing that everyone was smiling, Hancock responded one by one.


Hancock had just finished responding to the last one when Qingyun suddenly���The master hugged Hancock and caught her off guard, causing her to scream. Hancock was very angry and immediately began to resist, saying sternly:

"What do you want to do?"

"Let me go quickly!"

Hancock was indeed very strong.

But Qingyun was stronger than her, and was not afraid of her petrification ability at all. No matter how hard she tried, she could not break free from Qingyun's arms.


Salome, who was beside Hancock, saw this and immediately opened his fangs and mouth towards Qingyun, shouting, asking Qingyun to let go of Hancock.

Qingyun turned around and glared at him.

Salome curled up like a deflated ball and shivered on the spot.


Hancock was a little worried when he saw this.

"Don't worry, I'm just warning it to let it know who is the owner of this ship."

Qingyun said calmly.

He looked at Nami and the others and smiled slightly:

"OK, now that I've said hello, it's time for me to take Hancock to be baptized."

"I will give you the reward after I baptize Hancock."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun turned into lightning and disappeared with Hancock.

Hearing this, Nami and the others couldn't help but feel excited.

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