In Qingyun's room.

Hancock looked at Qingyun, who was sitting on the sofa and enjoying the wine, and felt disgusted and angry, helpless, and a little scared.

Because although Qingyun hadn't spoken yet, she could already think of what Qingyun was talking about.

Hancock didn't like Qingyun at all now, and could even say that she hated Qingyun very much.

And the degree of disgust was only second to that of the Celestial Dragons.

She didn't want to accept Qingyun's baptism at all.

But she was not Qingyun's opponent at all.

She would rather die than obey.

But she couldn't watch Qingyun attack the people of Daughter Island because of this, so she could only choose to obey.

And the reason why she was afraid was because this scene made her involuntarily recall the most painful and most unwilling memories.

But those memories kept pouring out like a tide, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Seeing this scene, Qingyun could think of why.

So he didn't rush it, and directly asked Hancock if she knew the duties of a maid, and let Hancock take the initiative to accept the baptism.

Qingyun put down his wine glass, stood up, and walked slowly towards Hancock, while speaking softly:

"Hancock, you don't have to be afraid, nor do you have to feel inferior."

"I won't abuse you like the Celestial Dragons, nor will I look down on you for having been a slave."

Hearing this, Hancock was shocked and surprised.

She was sure that this was the first time she met Qingyun today, and she really couldn't understand why Qingyun knew that she had been a slave.

However, Hancock felt more fear and despair, as if she was still under the control and manipulation of the Celestial Dragons. Her body couldn't help but tremble even more, and cold sweat broke out all over her body.

Although Hancock has become very powerful now, she has never faced it directly, let alone eliminated her nightmare and sought revenge on the Celestial Dragons.

So now, whenever Hancock thinks of the days in the past that seemed like hell, she still feels despair, and she doesn't even dare to approach the Celestial Dragons' residence.

Her legs lost strength, and she couldn't help but collapse to the ground.


Qingyun quickly came to Hancock's side, hugged Hancock in time, and held her tightly in his arms.

"Don't come over here!"

""Let me go!"

Hancock was so scared that her voice was trembling. She struggled desperately and shed tears of fear.

Qingyun said nothing and did nothing. He just hugged Hancock tightly and gave her warmth.

After a long time, Hancock felt that Qingyun was really different from the Celestial Dragons. After feeling Qingyun's warmth, she stopped resisting and gradually calmed down.

Sticking to Qingyun's broad, strong, and extremely warm chest, Hancock felt unprecedented peace of mind and couldn't help but lean on Qingyun's chest.

No matter how cold Hancock is, she is still a woman and can't help but fall into a man's arms.

Just like men like beautiful women.

But except for Luffy and Fujitora.

Hancock asked nervously:

"How do you know that I...I used to be a slave of the Celestial Dragons and was abused by them?"

"I can’t tell you this."

Qingyun said softly.

"Then would you... would you look down on me who was once a slave?"

Qingyun asked in a speechless manner:

"Are you stupid?"

"What did you say?"

Hancock was a little annoyed. She raised her head, opened her beautiful eyes, and glared at Qingyun fiercely.

"If I looked down on you, I wouldn't have come all the way to Daughter Island and would not use any means to invite you on board."

Qingyun looked down at Hancock's beautiful eyes and said affirmatively.

Hearing this, Hancock was very happy, but also a little angry.

She and her two sisters were very afraid that people would know that they had been slaves of the Celestial Dragons, and they were afraid of being looked down upon.

In order to prevent people from seeing the slave marks on their backs and discovering that they were once slaves of the Celestial Dragons, they even lied to the people of the Daughter Kingdom.

She didn't expect that Qingyun, knowing this, not only did not look down on her, but also came all the way to Daughter Island and used any means to invite her on board.

However, the reason why she was a little angry was Qingyun's unscrupulous means.

Qingyun's means were really too despicable.

She believed that no matter who it was, they would resent Qingyun's

"Is what you said before true?"

"Do you really intend to overthrow the World Government and pull the Celestial Dragons off the altar?"

Hancock stared into Qingyun's eyes and asked.

She knew that the pirates in the whole world, even the famous Four Emperors, would not easily say such words, let alone dare to do such things.

She didn't believe Qingyun's words just now, and she didn't believe it now. She needed to confirm it herself.

Qingyun looked into Hancock's eyes and said with confidence:


Although Qingyun's answer was only two words, Hancock could hear that they were full of power and extremely sonorous.

And she found that his eyes were extremely firm, and he didn't look like he was lying at all.

But Hancock still felt a little unbelievable.

After all, in the whole world, apart from the Revolutionary Army, who said they would rebel against the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, and really took action, no one else dared to do so.

Seeing that Hancock still didn't quite believe it, Qingyun didn't feel strange.

After all, he hadn't encountered the Celestial Dragons yet, and hadn't taken action against them, so it was naturally difficult to convince Hancock.

"I always keep my word, just wait and see."

Qingyun said affirmatively.

But he suddenly showed a wolf-like smile, changed the subject, and continued with a smile:

"But now, let's start the baptism quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun directly picked up Hancock in a princess hug and walked towards the baptism area.

Hancock was very reluctant.

Because although she didn't hate Qingyun as much as before, she was still far from liking Qingyun.

But she knew she couldn't resist, otherwise according to Qingyun's temperament, he would definitely use the people from Daughter Island to threaten her.

"Could you please not be so impatient?"

"You have to at least make me like you first."

Hancock couldn't help but complain.

Qingyun smiled shamelessly:

"I'm doing that."


Around 7:30 in the evening.

Qingyun and Nami and the other girls were enjoying dinner together under the white moonlight.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the Neptune, which was flying in the air, was bombarded. Violent explosions continued to blast, and the entire Neptune was shaking.

Fortunately, the Neptune was very advanced and activated its own defense system in time to stop all the shells and was not damaged.

"Someone attacked."

Everyone stopped eating and walked towards the ship.

At the same time, on the ground,

Rozward was looking at the Sea King flying in the air with excitement, and then gave an order:

"Intensify the attack and make sure to take down that ship."

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